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UFCF7H-15-3 Mobile Applications Assignment

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Added on: 2023-05-10 12:23:08
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Section 1:

Overview of Assessment

The assessment contributes to the following Module objectives.

  1. Interpret user expectations and apply these in the context of mobile applications
  2. Design, develop, test and document a working application for a mobile device.

There is no better feeling than seeing people use and enjoy something you have created. In light of current circumstances and the limitations they bring, this assessment will require you to record a video that demonstrates a mobile application of your creation. This recording should showcase the functionality and features of your app design.

It is expected that you use the mobile application you created for component B in this module, although you are also able to use any application you have personally designed and created. Evidence will be required if you choose to use an application you have created outside of this modules component B assessment.

If you have access to individuals that can test your app, this is a great opportunity to gather any feedback on your application in a live recorded demonstration.


Section 2:

Task Specification

You will need to organise opportunities for others to test your application, although some suggested dates will be provided. It is likely that you will not have the final version of the application until near the end of the development phase, but you should aim to have working versions of your idea ready to gather the required feedback.

Whilst observing testers interactions with your application you need to give thought to what methods are best suited to gather your feedback and how you will evaluate any comments and experiences they have with your design. This feedback may advise you how the final app can be improved, but also it will provide the necessary content for your own written reflection in a post-mortem of your app project. Here you need to evidence what changes were or could be made or discounted following the user testing. All tester details will need to remain anonymous for this assessment and a consent form needs to be used which has been provided.

This is a fantastic opportunity to receive constructive and critical feedback on your application but also to enjoy the opportunity to test other app projects.


Common practice at the end of any development project is to complete a post-mortem to determine what elements were successful or unsuccessful of the project. To support this, you will need to organise multiple opportunities for others to test your application to gather feedback, to provide you with the necessary data to inform your written post mortem.


You are required to conduct at least three testing opportunities to gather your feedback for this submission, however, you can conduct additional testing throughout your development process, and you can choose to do them over multiple sessions. Tester's feedback can help with the final app implementation and suggested periods of testing will be included in the modules schedule.

Whether you work as small groups to test each others apps (recommended) or conduct your own testing, you will be required to capture any image evidence of the testing that takes place. This is not bug/error finding exercise. Instead, you should aim to gather feedback on the design and user experience of your app. You are required to produce the following requirements for this component:


Your submission should include a structured file containing all the evidence of the feedback you have collected. This should include screenshots, photos, transcripts, and any other structured methodologies you have used to gather feedback on your applications design. You are not assessed on the quality of any evidence provided, but it should be clear what is being communicated in each piece and what methodologies were used to gather it. You can consider observations, structured questions, or other methods for gathering feedback, and it should be planned. Video evidence of testing, if used, needs to be submitted as an accessible URL link (or multiple links), so it can be referred to in your post-mortem using timestamps.


Here you are required to analyse all the information you have collected from the user testing of your application, drawing directly from the evidence in the supporting files detailed above. Using evidence from any recordings, screen captures, transcripts or other, you must write up your findings as a post-mortem report.

This is a professional reflection, so first-person is NOT an acceptable writing style. You should discuss researched approaches to enhance the projects future development and/or discuss how the app fits in the wider context of app development whilst also offering fixes or solutions to identified issues. You may receive positive or negative feedback, and you may have conducted these user feedback opportunities throughout the development of your application, so you should discuss how any changes or suggestions have or will make their way into the final application.

Your post-mortem submission should be between 2,000 to 2,500 words and must include annotated screenshots, and add 10 references to your evidence to support any discussions.

Section 3:


A single file is required for this submission containing the following:

  • All captured evidence of user testing and feedback
  • Typed post-mortem (2,000 to 2,500 words) saved as a .doc or docx
  • At least x3 completed consent forms from testers (using the template provided)
  • Add at least 10 references as per RTN GCET policy.
  • Provide screen shot as evidence in the appendix
  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : May 10th, 2023
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 306

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