diff_months: 29

Volunteering and Professional Development (CPJ522)

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Added on: 2022-08-20 00:00:00
Order Code: 432066
Question Task Id: 0

Report and LinkedIn page

Tasks 1

You are required to write a report of 3000 words, demonstrating preparatory background research & development, and description and analysis in relation to your workplace study. This should include the following:

  1. Assessment of the case for volunteering in the context of social action, with good practice examples in an industry of your choosing;
  2. Why did you choose your volunteer placement and how does it relates to the academic study of CPSJ;
  3. The structure of your chosen organization, its industry context, and the services/goods it provides and to whom (brief stakeholder description);
  4. A critical analysis of the organization's governance and CSR, and its culture and working practices in relation to the volunteer experience;
  5. Applying Reflective Practice, describe what you have learned from your role (online or in person) within the organization; analyze the knowledge and skills gained during the placement (including employability skills), and how you will develop both personally and professionally in the future (the latter could be written in the form of a PDP template).

Whilst there is no set word count for each section, the bulk of your report should address parts 1, 4, and 5. The report should be written in a formal structure and may include diagrams, tables, an executive summary, an introduction, recommendations or conclusions, and a reference list (Harvard Referencing Standard). Any academic sources should be correctly cited within the main body of the essay in accordance with the Harvard Referencing Style. Diagrams, images, tables, PDP templates, appendices, references/citations, and the executive summary will not form part of the word count.

Task 2

Develop and present your LinkedIn profile

As this module is about your professional development, it is essential that you are ready to go out in the professional market following completion. Due to this you are required to develop and present your completed LinkedIn page to your lecturer and peers. Ensure you have the following:

The five most important things to include in your LinkedIn:

  • Professional photo.
  • Compelling summary.
  • Summary of industry experience, expertise, and education.
  • List of skills for endorsements.
  • Strong headline.
  • Uploaded By : Albert
  • Posted on : July 29th, 2022
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 279

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  • Various other Data Sources – ProQuest, Informit, Scopus, Academic Search Complete, EBSCO, Exerpta Medica Database, and more