7100NRS:Reflection on learning Assessment
Forthis task youwill need toselectoneofthefollowing options:
- Reflect on your learning and professional development on advanced health assessment in your clinical practice context and in the course throughout the trimester. Write a 2000-word reflectivereport evaluating your progress and learning regarding the knowledge and skills you havedevelopedand its impacton yourpracticeand patient care,OR
- Reflect on your learning and how you have contributed to others professional development in advancedhealth assessment in your clinical practice context and in the course throughout the Write a 2000-word reflective report evaluating your contribution and its impact on yourownand otherspractice,OR
- Negotiate with your course convenor an alternative reflection practice activity relevant to the learning outcomes of this course (please ensure that you negotiate this with your course convenor bytheend ofweek 10).
- Choose an appropriate reflective framework to guide your reflection.For example, you may like touseBass,Fenwick & Sidebotham(2016)and/orGibbs (1988)reflective frameworks.
- Provide a briefoverviewofyourchosen reflectionframeworkfollowingyourintroductory
- Use the elements ofthechosenframework/s tostructureyour
- Always refer to theHealth WritingandReferencing Guide(link inthe coursesite).
- Ensure that you use scholarly literature1(digitized readings, research articles, relevant Governmentreportsand textbooks) that has been published withinthelast five
- Provide a clear introductionand conclusiontoyour writing
- You are able towriteinthe firstpersonforyourreflection onlearning if
- Refer to the marking guidelines when writing your assignment.This will assist you in calculatingtheweightings of thesections foryour
- State yourword count (excludingyour referencelist) ontheAssignment Cover