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Application of Strategic Planning vs Emergent Strategy Assessment

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Added on: 2023-04-11 04:15:44
Order Code: 488634
Question Task Id: 0

Individual Coursework Assignment – 80%

The individual coursework assignment is a report focused on the application of Strategic Planning vs Emergent Strategy, as applied in an established well-known enterprise of the student’s choosing.  

Purpose of Assignment: The assignment is aimed at enhancing your ability to apply the material learned on this course to a particular case and its context.

Assignment brief: Each student will select a well-known enterprise and develop a report no longer than 3000 words (excluding Executive Summary of no more than one page and references). The report should critically appraise the application of Strategic Planning vs Emergent Strategy within the enterprise, drawing upon the wider theory introduced through the module and using extensive research and critical analysis of the chosen case.

It is worth spending time researching potential companies, as your report must have access to relevant examples, market data and information. Along with the focus of Strategic Planning vs Emergent Strategy the report should demonstrate how this has contributed to existing innovations within the company, and opportunities presented for future innovation. 

You must relate content to the relevant theories, focusing upon strategic planning and emergent strategy, and more importantly apply them to the chosen company justifying your narrative. The emphasis should not be on the explanation of the relevant theories (keep this brief) as it is more important to read widely; apply the appropriate strategic management frameworks and tools; and provide sufficient evidence to show that an appropriate depth of research and analysis has been undertaken.  Marks will be given for embedding suitable arguments and undertaking analysis.

The report should have four sections

  • Company Context (presented drawing upon relevant strategic analysis tools)
  • Strategic planning vs. Emergent Strategy
  • Innovation: Existing examples and opportunities
  • Discussion and Recommendations  

Suggested Outline Plan

Cover sheet / declaration form

  1. Executive summary (1 page)

This summarises what you found out from each section.

Do not summarise generically what each section covers. This section gives the key findings and can only be written at the end.

Contents Page (include the page numbers for the sections)

  1. Introduction

Set the scope of the case – brief background and what your report will cover. So for example UK? Or a particular sector (SBU) within the company?

Apply strategic tools to establish the context (use diagrams, charts, and tables to succinctly convey this information). Use PESTEL, Porters five forces, SWOT and Bowmans clock. This needs to done with the use of pictures, tables, graphs, annotated diagrams etc. This will help set the context of your strategic analysis. Use evidence.

  1. Critically evaluate Strategic Planning – brief explanation and link to the case– drawing on the advantages /disadvantages in relation to the case. Use evidence / examples. Link to the theorists.
  1. Critically evaluate Emergent Strategy – brief explanation and link to the case -  drawing on the advantages /disadvantages in relation to the case. Use evidence / examples. Link to the theorists.
  1. Drawing on your analysis in section one critically evaluate innovation existing and future with the use of examples. To what extent is this planned or emergent – discuss – are there benefits / drawbacks? What are the competition doing? What are the expected trends – Mintel can help with this. What is happening in the macro environment that impacts the business and what next and why?

In light of COVID-19 you may wish to discuss the implications of deliberate versus emergent strategy on the business and how the organisation might innovate.

  1. Conclusion – link back to the question set and bring together the key ideas. To what extent has the case used strategic planning versus emergent strategy – justify if there is a best way
  1. Recommendations – what should your case / company do next in relation to strategic planning / emergent strategy and  future innovation

NB: you can use examples from the past but the emphasis needs to be on up to date analysis. You can draw on the topics that you have learned over the course of the module to consider the type of strategy being used.

Reference List

Top Tips for Effective Report Writing

  1. It is important that you read widely and use academic sources to justify your work. APA 7thstyle references.
  2. Report writing is succinct and concise – only 3000 words – do not repeat points.
  3. In a report use plenty of headings / sub headings – plenty of white space. It should be easy to read – bullet points can be used as well as diagrams / charts / tables
  4. Start a new page for each new section
  5. Use third person
  6. Avoid “Now where days” and “so on.” The plural of research is research.
  7. Proof read carefully
  8. Ensure all tables, charts show the source (citations). If your using diagrams such as Bowman’s clock then make sure you tailor it to the case and the competition. There is no need to simply copy material – apply it!
  9. If your work looks more like an essay – apply all of the above!

Marking Criteria

Key Marking criteria will include (please see the marking guide appendix 2 in the module guide ):

  • Initiative: originality, innovativeness of answer
  • Assignment Structure: clarity of aims, objective, structure and presentation
  • Quality of Writing: Readability and ability to convey key message(s) concisely
  • Quality/Scope of Literature Review: Understanding of established knowledge
  • Suitability of Literature: Use of suitable sources, focused to answer key research aims
  • Literature Analysis: Quality/level of analytical skill demonstrated
  • Insightfulness of Analysis: Interest and usefulness of findings, conclusions drawn.
  • Understanding: Assignment demonstrates students have understood key topics
  • Overall Quality of Assignment
  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : April 11th, 2023
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 206

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