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BSBSMB412 Introduce cloud computing into business operations Assessment

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Added on: 2023-02-20 07:42:37
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1. Project definition

1.1 Background and objectives

  • Provide a brief background to the project and how it came about (summarise the situation and explain why you are preparing a business case)
  • Include in here a summary of the current IT situation (including mission critical systems) and issues you have identified based on Gaming Galore’s email response (which will be provided after you have drafted your ICT survey – Appendix A of this document)
  • Issues identified should include any legal, ethical or organisational (day-to-day operations) issues caused by the current IT system
  • Summarise your objectives / goals for your project – what are you hoping to improve? Project objectives should be SMART, i.e. specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound.
  • So in summary: current use of IT, identification of IT needs, brief discussion of gaps noticed between the two and statement of your goals.

2. Outline Project Business Case

2.1 Relationship to Gaming Galore strategies and objectives

  • Continuing on from 1.1, you should theorise as to Gaming Galore’s objectives as a legal entity running as a ‘for profit’ business, and identify how your goals will assist Gaming Galore in meeting their objectives.
  • Explain how the project will support the achievement of Gaming Galore strategies, plans and programs.
  • Given that this is a case study and not a real business, you are not expected to invent strategies and objectives. Assume that Gaming Galore shares objectives typical of “for profit” organisations (e.g. to meet legal obligations, maximise revenue and reduce expenses, make timely & valid decisions).

2.2 Business options

  • What different options could satisfy the goal of the project? There are three basic business options concerning any investment – do nothing/do the minimum/do something more substantial.
  • You are required to address a minimum of “Do nothing” and “implement one cloud solution”, but you may like to add more if you think more than one cloud offering will produce a better result
  • A suggested approach is to consider a cloud accounting system (such as Xero or MYOB Essentials) and/or a cloud file storage system (e.g. Dropbox or Google Drive)

2.3 Benefits

  • State here the expected outcomes of the project in terms of benefits it will provide to the organisation. This statement forms the heart of the business case and needs to be carefully presented and phrased in outcomes, not outputs. Benefits can be financial or non-financial.

2.4 Risks

2.4.1 Risks if the project does proceed per your plan

  • In a dot point list, identify risks of implementing your project
  • Underneath each risk, briefly state your planned risk mitigation strategy for managing the identified risk
  • Business/Benefit risks include such areas as:
    • the validity and viability of the Project Business Case
    • whether the project continues to support agency/program strategies and objectives
    • the consequences to the organisation of failure or limited project success
    • the stability of the business areas involved
    • program requirements
    • legislative changes
    • political factors including public opinion
    • environmental issues
    • impact on the customer of the results of the project
    • the risks of the end-result meeting the stated requirements, but not fulfilling expectations
    • stability of related processes or policies.
    • privacy issues

2.4.2 Risks if the project does not proceed

State the risks to Gaming Galore if this project does not proceed. Mitigation strategies are not required for this section.

2.5 Costs

A best estimate of the costs entailed in the project should be made. Any unknowns or uncertainties should be clearly stated, as should the approach to resolving these uncertainties. Detail on the costing assumptions should be outlined in the costing model table below.
The following table provides indicative costs for delivery of the project and likely on-going operational, maintenance and support needs for the project’s deliverables.
The expected life of the project’s deliverables (benefits provided) is years.
(Costs from Idea definition to project close and default 3 years worth of recurrent costs.
Refer to your textbook for a definition of “total cost of ownership” and for an example costing table to gather ideas. Your answer must factor in training for your staff.

2.6 Sources of advice

  • Given the cloud solution you have recommended, identify a minimum of 3 sources of advice the business could approach if they have issues with their IT system. For example, MYOB has a help website.
  • Provide an example situation where it would be advisable to contact each source of advice.

3. Project approach

3.1 Options analysis

Before any planning of the project can be done, decisions must be made regarding how the work of the project is going to be approached. For example, will the solution be developed in-house or contracted to third parties? Will the solution be a modification to an existing product, or built from scratch? Will the solution be based on a commercial off-the-shelf product or something that is custom-designed? The selected project approach will affect the timescale and costs of the project, plus possibly its scope and quality.
Analyse available delivery solutions and recommend the most appropriate option after considering alignment with agency/program/industry standards, operations and maintenance implications and training needs etc. Add further options, as required.
Completing this section correctly will make AT3 (the implementation plan) much easier.

3.1.1 Option 1 – Do nothing to current IT implementation

Provide a description of the option. This would be a summary of their current IT implementation and identification of workarounds to the identified risks.

3.1.2 Option 2 – <title>

Provide a detailed description of your proposed cloud solution.

3.2 Comparison of options

There are several methods of comparing options against each other in terms of how they best meet the combination of key requirements. The table in this section of the template displays a simple comparison matrix. The aim of this section is to provide a straight-forward analysis that presents sufficient insight to judge the validity of the recommended approach.

3.3 Recommended approach

Identify which of the options in the previous analysis is the recommended approach. If there is not a clear ‘best option’, then it should be substantiated why the preferred option was selected.
The project approach most appropriate to delivering the project product and achieving the outline Project Business Case is .

4. Timeframes

The table below outlines an indicative timeframe for the delivery of this project:

Start date
What is the required start date for this project? Make this up, but ensure it is a reasonable estimate.
End date
What is the required/anticipated end date for this project? Make this up, but ensure it is a reasonable estimate.


Identify key milestones. A milestone should be a key point in your project that, when completed, indicates a clear step towards the project conclusion.
For example: installation of new computers would be a sensible first step if the old hardware is out of date.
Identify the expected timeframes (ensure timeframe falls within the project start/end date)

Stakeholders, users and any other known interested parties

Outline the stakeholders who have a specific interest in this project. This interest may be from a project delivery perspective; use of the products produced in the project; or their business may be impacted by the outcomes of this project.

  • Identify all teams/people that will be involved in the project (including any external help you want to hire if that is planned/budgeted for). This includes those you are reporting project status to, those you are training, and those with a more hands on role in the project implementation.
  • For each identified stakeholder, identify their role in the project.

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  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : February 20th, 2023
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 157

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