Change Management for Digital Transformation Assignment
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Digital transformation is a necessity for many businesses. But so many of these efforts fail due to alack of change management.Companies of all types and sizes are investing heavily in the digitization of their business models. Drivenby the changing consumer expectations that B2C digital juggernauts like Uber, Netflix and Amazon havecreated, many companies are investing in reimagining their business using change managementstrategies. To achieve relevance in what is being called the Fourth Industrial Revolution theconvergence of offline and digital, mobile, artificial intelligence, social and cloud companies must bemore customer focused, agile, lean and interactive.
As organizations grow, particularly in the global space, change is inevitable. As businesses take on amore global-facing model, management must be ready to facilitate the changes that ensue. This meanscreating plans for introducing and managing change. Kotter 8-Step Change Model or Hayes model(Choose any one) that is widely used to help overcome barriers to change in organizations.
Select a problem and its solution either from your professional experience or personal experience andapply the Kotter or Hayes model as an approach to deliver and sustain the Digital Transformationsolution implemented by the organisation that you worked for or witnessed. You may share yourcontribution to plan and execute change. Provide specific details about the problem and the solution.Then guide the on how the Hayes or Kotter model might be applied to sustain the solution.Start by considering these five Ws: Why is there a need for digital transformation? What do you need in technology, processes, and management? Who is responsible for the execution of the plan? When will the changes take place, and what are the milestones? Where will these changes occur?
Remember: Digital transformation is key to the survival of many companies, yet digital transformationsare tough and frequently fail. Without successful change management, digital transformation efforts willfail to deliver results.Guidelines for AssignmentI believe that quality is more important than quantity thus focus on making a strong argument oranalysis, not on hitting a specific word count. Just in case you wish to have a number from me Isuggest you can come out with a 2000-word assignment (should be between 1800 and 2200 words i.e+/- 10 %) for the given weightage.
The word limit does not include administrative sections of the assignment: the cover or title page,table of contents, figures/exhibits, reference list, list of works cited, bibliography, or any appendices.There is no negative marking for the word count, as I wish to provide the academic and creativefreedom of thought or expression.Drawing on what you've learned in this course, please choose the above prompts and write aArticle/Report to address it. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginningthe assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.