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CHCADV001 - Facilitate the interests and rights of clients Assignment

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Added on: 2022-11-22 07:21:22
Order Code: 477633
Question Task Id: 0

Question 1: What is the Universal Declaration of Human Rights? Conduct the appropriate research and describe the main features of the declaration in 200-250 words.

Question 2: Research the Declaration of Human Rights and complete the following table by listing at least three (3) rights and a situation in which each one might be infringed.

Question 3: In some instances, you may be required to consult with colleagues and other service 

providers about your client’s circumstances. Discuss the legal and ethical frameworks of the below in 30-50 words for each

  • Privacy, Confidentiality, Disclosure

  • Informed consent


Question 4: In your work you are bound by different legislations that guide the development of the code of conduct you follow in the workplace.

Complete the table below identifying how each legislation listed would impact your role as a support worker and how you would ensure you are compliant with each legislation. (50-75 words each)

Question 5: Provide an example of discrimination based on each of the following characteristics and a potential way to address and/or avoid the discriminatory action. (15-30 words per example)

  • Gender

  • Age

  • Disability

Question 6: You are working as a case worker in an aged care setting where you have a client attend an appointment with their husband who the main care giver for the client is. The client is asking that they look at assisted living in and aged care facility and the husband is arguing against this as an option. 

  1. Describe how you might use negotiation, mediation and advocacy in this scenario. Write your response in 60-90
  2. Explain the difference between negotiation, mediation and advocacy? 

Question 7: Briefly explain empowerment and disempowerment. Give an example of both an empowering and disempowering statement to a client. Write your response in 80-120 words.

Question 8: Provide three examples of opportunities and/or strategies that you can use to obtain feedback on your work performance and to identify areas of improvement.

Question 9: Explain the difference between a human right and a human need. Identify the relationship between rights and needs. Write your response in 50 -100 words

Question 10: Suggest two (2) ways a client could make an internal complaint to the organisation working with them. Write your response

Question 11: Identify an external complaints organisation that is available to aged care clients. Write your response in 30-50 words.

Question 12: Provide a brief description of duty of care. (20-30 words)

Question 13: Identify ten (10) indicators a client is being physically abused.

Question 14: Explain the steps you would take after a client has disclosed that they are/have been abused? (30-50 words)


Question 15: When working with clients with different needs it may be apparent that the client is unable to self-advocate therefore they would have an agency or individual advocate for them.

    1. Why might an advocacy organisation need to refer clients to another organisation for advocacy services?

    2. What is a referral?

    3. What can you do to ensure an effective referral process?

    4. Identify two (2) of each: community services, networks, referral options, that are relevant to client services

Question 16: What should you do if you are aware of a potential conflict between client needs and organisational requirements? Discuss in 30-50 words.

Question 17: Identify three (3) common risks to client safety and wellbeing?

Question 18: As a worker you are guided by your organisations policies and procedures to complete your day to day tasks. There are several legal and ethical considerations that are taken into account when each organisation develops and amends these policies and procedures.

Using the table below provide an explanation of each legal and ethical consideration listed and how this consideration would impact your practice as a worker. Answer in 30-60 words for each

 Question 19: Conduct your own research and answer the following questions. Two links have been provided to assist you with your research.


  1. Explain the human rights framework (10-20 words b) Identify 3 human rights instruments (10-20 words)
  2. c) Describe the common principles of a human rights approach (50-100 words)

Question 20: You have been working with a client for some time now. You are often attending to her when her eldest daughter visits. The daughter has two young children that she brings with her, both children appear to be in the same clothes each time that are rather dirty and their skin and hair does not appear to be clean. The children are always asking your client for food saying they have not eaten. You begin to ask your client some open questions about her daughter and the children when she tells you she is worried for the children and she believes her daughter mistreats them. Whilst attempting to clarify what she means by this your client tell you that she knows her daughter does not send the children to school as she does not bath or feed the children and has been in trouble with the school previously for this.

What do you need to do in this situation? Which authority organisations should be informed of the children’s potential negligence? Write your response in 50-100 words.

  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : November 22nd, 2022
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 203

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