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CHCCCS015 Provide individualised support Assessment

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Added on: 2023-03-20 05:40:12
Order Code: :487453
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Part A

  1. What should be done by an organisation and its workers to ensure that the person and their family are able to confirm details of a plan? Give three examples of how this could be ensured.
  1. What would you do if you were asked to follow a plan that contained instructions to use a piece of equipment that you have never used before, and that looks complicated to use?
  1. Who would you talk to about the details of the plan if you were supporting a person for the first time?
  1. Can you talk to a family member about a person’s needs if the person themselves does not want you to do so? Give a reason for your answer.
  1. What steps should you take to plan activities that promote participation and independence for a person?
  1. What professional could be called on by your service if a person you supported had dementia and had medical concerns related to their high blood pressure?

Part B

Read the case study, then answer the questions that follow.

Case study

Rachael has an intellectual disability. Rachael has an individualised plan that includes the following goals.

Rachael will be able to make her own breakfast every day within the next two months.

Rachael will be able to go out in public without hugging or kissing any strangers by the end of the year.

At times Rachael can be over-affectionate to strangers in public, going up to people and putting her arms around them, or striking up conversations with people in queues. The staff at her service do not feel they have the resources to manage this behaviour. They feel embarrassed by her in public, and have had complaints from people at the local café where they like to take some of the other service users with disabilities once a week. Each week they set Rachael up with her favourite computer game just before they leave for the café as a way to convince her to stay at home instead. At times she asks if she can go, but they often tell her that they will download an extra game on the laptop if she stays quietly at home. She is able to be left alone and is starting to become used to being at home all week, This way the staff feel everyone is happy, and Rachael does not complain. Her goal of being able to be out in public without being too affectionate does not seem to be necessary anymore, and the staff are considering updating this goal to something more relevant to her needs, such as being able to reach a higher level on her computer games. However, Rachael’s sister Prue has recently made a compliant to the support worker, Thomas, because she feels that Rachael should be able to go to the café with the others.

  1. Do you think Rachael’s human rights have been limited here? Explain.
  1. Do you think this is a case of discrimination? Explain why or why not, using your understanding of this term.
  1. How should Thomas respond to Prue’s complaint? Explain what he should say and do next.
  1. What three options does Prue have to pursue the complaint further if she is unhappy with the outcome of her compliant to the disability service?
  1. The organisation has a policy that all plans must be prepared in consultation with the person and their family, and that they should be happy and motivated to progress towards the goals in the plan. Do you think the staff can get around this policy by simply reviewing Rachael’s community goal and changing it to another? Why or why not?
  1. How could they work with Rachael to support her independence and decision making with these two goals?
  1. Do you think Rachael has been adequately made aware of her rights here? Explain.


Learning checkpoint 2
Provide support services


This learning checkpoint allows you to review your skills and knowledge in providing support services.

Part A

In this task you will work through the process of establishing and maintaining a relationship with a person in a setting of your choice.

If you are currently employed, you may be able to base this on a person new to your service or on a person with whom you are familiar. Preferably it will be someone from a different culture.

If you are not currently employed, you may be able to base your response on an older person or person with a disability whom you know well. Alternatively, you could seek the assistance of your trainer in identifying a suitable scenario.

  1. Briefly describe the person you are working with (making sure not to give any specific details that could identify them).
  1. How do you introduce yourself to the person? Give a brief outline of the steps you would take.
  1. How do you demonstrate courtesy? Give a brief outline of the steps you would take.
  1. How do you maintain appropriate privacy and confidentiality? Give a brief outline of the steps you would take.
  1. What do you do to ensure you respect any cultural sensitivities or needs? Give a brief outline of the steps you would take.
  1. How do you support the person’s preferences? Give a brief outline of the steps you would take.
  1. Choose a task that could be taught to the person, and explain how each of the following could be used in teaching the skill:
  • Reinforcement
  • Task analysis
  • Prompts, cues and fading
  • Shaping or shadowing
  1. Name three individual factors that would affect the way that you support the person.

Part B

Read the case study, then answer the questions that follow.

Case study

Ellen is a 45-year-old woman who lives with her husband Lawrence. A workplace accident left her with physical disabilities and an acquired brain injury.

Your role today is to assist Ellen to get ready to attend a doctor’s appointment and then to go to lunch with a friend. Lawrence tells you he would like to help.

Ellen is able to transfer from bed to chair and into her wheelchair using grab rails and bars. She uses a wheelchair when she goes out of the house, as she has little strength in her legs and cannot walk without leaning very heavily on supports. Her acquired brain injury has left her with some speech difficulties and word-finding difficulties. She also has difficulty in taking in large chunks of information all at once.

Ellen loves drawing and keeps a little sketch pad beside her at all times, sometimes using this to communicate. She refuses help from either you or her husband in her transfer from bed to wheelchair to shower chair, even though you feel she could use the help. She tells you that she understands that she might fall but that she is prepared to take the chance as she needs to feel more independent. Her husband supports her in this. While she showers independently, you are to prepare her chair and towels. Once she has completed showering, you are to assist her to dry herself, choose appropriate clothing, get dressed and groomed and, finally, assist her to prepare her breakfast. She tells you that she has been having difficulties with her diabetes, and that she has been feeling unwell in the mornings before breakfast.

  1. Write down three ways you could encourage a person-centred approach so that Ellen can actively participate in her support and identify her preferences where possible.
  1. Give an example of a strength-based approach that could be used to provide better communication with Ellen.
  1. Give an example of an organisational policy that might be referred to by the support worker prior to providing support.
  1. Ellen asks you whether you know of a way she can get into a car or taxi withoutgetting out of her wheelchair as she is finding this quite exhausting.
  2. Research and find a way that a person who uses a wheelchair can get into a car while staying in their chair.
  3. What are three safety factors would you need to consider before using or assembling the equipment necessary for this activity?
  1. What are three things you could do to ensure Ellen’s home environment is safe and healthy prior to undertaking this support?
  1. What are three things you could do to ensure her environment remains clean?
  1. How could you include Lawrence and ensure he feels a part of the support team? Give three examples.
  1. Identify four examples of your duty of care to Ellen.
  1. Does dignity of risk apply to this situation? Explain your response, showing how you would respond to Ellen’s request to transfer on her own.
  1. What could you do to ensure that Ellen is comfortable at the end of the transfer? Give three examples.
  1. How would you respond to Ellen’s problems with her diabetes?
  1. Who could be of help here and what could your role be in seeking this assistance?


Learning checkpoint 3
Monitor support activities


This learning checkpoint allows you to review your skills and knowledge in monitoring support activities.

Part A

Read this case study and answer the questions that follow.

Case study

Joy is 85 years old and recently had a stroke. Joy’s speech has been significantly affected by the stroke and she walks using two sticks and tires easily. She lives on her own in an independent living unit that is on the same site as a residential aged care facility. Until the stroke Joy was very independent and did not require much support from the organisation who manages her unit.

Just before her stroke, Joy’s individualised plan was reviewed and is not officially due to be reviewed again for another ten months. Her plan focuses mainly on services that she was receiving, such as home care to help with cleaning and transport to assist her to continue to participate in the community.

Everything happened quickly after the stroke; new services have been organised to assist Joy, including personal care. Joy has had the same home care worker, Jasmine, for a number of years. Jasmine is one of the few people who can understand some of Joy’s speech. Joy has indicated to Jasmine that she feels lonely and is missing going out. No-one has really thought about this, and it has been assumed that Joy is not up to going out while she is recovering. Jasmine has noticed many half-eaten meals when she has emptied the bins. There are other changes that Jasmine has observed in the last few weeks. Jasmine talks to Joy and then suggests to her coordinator that Joy’s individualised plan be reviewed.

Before the review meeting, Jasmine’s coordinator, Philip, visits Joy and works out the best way for the review to take place. They decide the meeting will be held at Joy’s home so that she does not have to travel, which may tire her. The review is set for 10 o’clock in the morning when Joy’s personal care and breakfast are finished and she has the most energy. Pen and paper will be provided so Joy can write her responses and extra time has been allocated to the review meeting to enable this.


  1. What questions would you ask to gain more information about a person’s satisfaction with support services, so that you can ensure services are meeting their needs.
  1. What parts of the plan seem to need review?
  1. How would you ensure that these aspects of the plan are followed up and reviewed?
  1. Explain the meaning of the term self-determination.
  1. How can you ensure that any discussion in the review process could be done in a way that supports self-determination?
  1. Suggest three ways that you could use to check that your own work is meeting a high standard.

Part B

Provide a definition of the following service delivery models:

  1. Active Service Model
  1. Person-centred approaches
  1. Consumer Directed Care




Learning checkpoint 4
Complete reports and documentation

This learning checkpoint allows you to review your skills and knowledge in completing reports and documentation.

Part A

  1. Assume you are coaching a new employee about the information requirements of your sector or organisation. Provide a detailed list that explains:
  • the document or form that must be completed
  • a brief description of the document
  • when and how information should be recorded
  • where the forms must be stored
  • how the forms must be filed.
  1. Explain the meaning of the term ‘mandatory reporting’, and explain how this law applies to your organisation within your state or territory.

Part B

Read the case study, then complete the tasks that follow.

Case study

Ms Harrold has slipped in her kitchen 15 minutes prior to your arrival. You have performed basic first aid and assisted Ms Harrold to her armchair to rest. She is calling out loudly and when you approach her to offer assistance she hits out at you, causing a bruise on your jaw.

Later when Ms Harrold is feeling better, you ask her if she knows what she slipped on. She tells you the fridge has been leaking water on to the floor for the last couple of months and that she usually puts a towel under the fridge to catch the water but this morning it seeped through the towel. She tells you that she cannot afford to get it fixed, but that she would like you to keep that to yourself.

  1. List the documents you need to complete.
  1. Outline the purpose of this documentation.
  1. What would you do with the documentation once you have completed it?
  1. Explain which policies and procedures you need to be aware of when responding to this situation.
  1. Discuss how you will maintain Ms Harrold’s confidentiality when making a report regarding this situation.
  1. Outline what you would document in a report to explain what you have observed. Make sure your record is factual and objective.
  1. Do you think the leaking fridge should be reported to your supervisor? Why or why not?
  1. How would you respond to the immediate problem of the leaking fridge?



  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : March 20th, 2023
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 314

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