Compare and assess the virtues of different perspectives and demonstrate your knowledge of counterarguments.
- Country :
You will need to construct an argument with more than a single stream of thought; that is, compare and assess the virtues of different perspectives and demonstrate your knowledge of counterarguments. Whatever you do, do NOT simply describe you must critique and analyse ideas, and demonstrate an awareness of points of view other than your own. As you know, the essay question is open within the theme of: The subversive and/or playful power of ironic humour. You choose the ironic form you want to focus on, eg satire, parody, carnivalesque etc. You will need to think of a question to answer within the set theme. As discussed in lectures and seminars: I strongly advise you to limit the scope of your essay to a field that enables you to go into analytical depth - don't choose a topic that's too broad. For example, if you were addressing this question: Is satire [choose a strategy within that form - eg, cartoons, memes, stand-up comedy] an effective way to effect political change in attitudes towards [choose a focus] in [choose country].