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CPP614 Coaching And Positive Psychology Assessment

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Added on: 2023-05-08 12:26:37
Order Code: clt178306
Question Task Id: 0


Coaching and positive psychology enable counsellors to broaden the approaches and skills available to them for deployment in a professional setting. A coach places importance on finding meaning, purpose and a sense of accomplishment rather than focusing on what is clinically wrong. Evidence in a range of coaching settings highlights the impact of positive psychology on coaching, and coaching on client results, careers, businesses and lives. Evaluation and reflection are essential coaching tools. Reflection in practice provides an opportunity for experiential learning. Authentic reflection requires that the coach reviews the clients outcomes and records them in their reflection.

This assessment task provides the opportunity for you to engage actively and mindfully to consolidate knowledge gained and learn how to adapt coaching practice through reflective journal writing.

The audio assessment and personal reflection provides you with the opportunity to demonstrate your ability to apply theory as you engage in experiential practice. It provides the opportunity to experiment with a range of approaches and to reflect and learn from what occurred.

Task Summary

To complete Assessment 3, you will need to record a 40-minute demonstration audio in which you conduct a coaching session with a person seeking help with a personal, career or business situation.

You will then choose a 10-minute section from the recording and provide a 1,000-word reflective analysis in which you will critically and accurately analyse your coaching during the session, including identifying the theoretical approaches used and opportunities for improvement for your professional coaching practice.

In writing your reflection, explore conflicting viewpoints from your counselling and coaching study, citing empirical support. Please refer to the Task Instructions for details on how to complete this task.

Task Instructions

Prior to undertaking this assessment task, students are required to seek the written consent from their client. Please download and complete the Torrens University Australia Consent Form to ensure you meet the guidelines for informed consent for your recorded audio file. Keep a copy for your records.

1. Demonstration Audio Recording

In the 40-minute demonstration audio, you must assume the role of a coach. Demonstrate the ability to identify and clarify a clients needs. Clearly and simply explain a process that may be of help in the situation. Include an example of how the process is applied, what the client is required to do, then check the clients understanding, including what to expect and the timeframe for results.

The client in the demonstration audio can be a family member, friend, neighbour, colleague or peer. You are advised to write a brief introductory script to commence the session and outline for the client how it will proceed. You will be assessed on your ability to open a counselling session:

welcoming the client, establishing a secure base for the counselling session and sustaining continuous interaction.Your recording must be in an audio format (.mp3 or .mp4) for uploading to the Blackboard portal. For guidelines on recording and submitting your audio summary, refer to the Guide to Audio Summary.

2. Reflection

A reflective journal provides the opportunity to demonstrate your ability to reflect and engage in experiential learning. You have been tasked to keep a reflective journal throughout the course of this subject. Gibbs six-step reflective cycle ((University of Cumbria, 2020) ) provides a useful template to express your reflections. If required, refer back to the learning resources on reflective practice in Module 1.

For your reflection piece, critically and accurately reflect on your ability to apply coaching techniques for your client on an issue identified during the session. Consider the following points to successfully complete this assessment task:

  • You should familiarise yourself with the key learning resources in Modules 3 to 9 and use a range of coaching skills applicable to your clients situation.
  • You need to identify the coaching approach and techniques you have utilised in this coaching session to coach on the issues identified by the client and why you chose them.
  • You need to choose a 10-minute segment from the 40-minute recorded audio and indicate the appropriate section via a time stamp (for example, from 10:35-20:35) at the start of the reflection.
  • You need to write a 1000-word reflective piece on your ability to select and apply coaching skills during the session, as well as identify opportunities for improving your coaching in the future. You will need to reference the techniques and approaches you used in your reflection, but you are not required to reference beyond this. No academic sources are required to be listed for this reflection.
  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : May 08th, 2023
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 420

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