Identify any data repository (-ies) that are, or will be, entrusted with storing, curating and/or sharing data from your study, where they exist for particular disciplinary domains or data types.
5.1 Suitability for sharing
Is the data you propose to collect (or existing data you propose to use) in the study suitable for sharing? If yes, briefly state why it is suitable.
If No, indicate why the data will not be suitable for sharing and then go to Section 6.
5.2 Discovery by potential users of the research/innovation data
Indicate how potential new users (outside of your organisation) can find out about your data and identify whether it could be suitable for their research/innovation purposes, e.g. through summary information (metadata) being readily available on the study website or in databases or catalogues. How widely accessible is this depository?
Indicate whether your policy or approach to data sharing is (or will be) published on your study website (or by other means).
5.3 Governance of access
Identify who makes or will make the decision on whether to supply the data to a potential new user.
Indicate whether the data will be deposited in and available from an identified community database, repository, archive or other infrastructure established to curate and share data.
5.4 The study team’s exclusive use of the data
Scientific advancement is aided by timely data sharing, although a limited, defined period of exclusive use of data for primary research/innovation may be reasonable according to the nature and value of the data, and that this restriction on sharing should be based on simple, clear principles. What are the timescale/dependencies for when data will be accessible to others outside of your team? Summarize the principles of your current/intended policy.
5.5 Restrictions or delays to sharing, with planned actions to limit such restrictions
Restriction to data sharing may be due to participant confidentiality, consent agreements or intellectual property rights. Strategies to limit restrictions may include data being anonymised or aggregated; gaining participant consent for data sharing; gaining copyright permissions. For prospective studies, consent procedures should include provision for data sharing to maximise the value of the data for wider research/innovation use, while providing adequate safeguards for participants. As part of the consent process, proposed procedures for data sharing should be set out clearly and current and potential future risks associated with this explained to participants.
5.6 Regulation of responsibilities of users
Indicate whether external users are (will be) bound by data sharing agreements, setting out their main responsibilities.