diff_months: 22

Develop a marketing plan for introducing a new or improved tangible product into the marketplace.

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Added on: 2023-04-13 07:18:54
Order Code: 488695
Question Task Id: 0

Assessment 2. Major Group Project (20%):Due date: 11th April 2023: Tuesday of Week 8 (the first week after the break): Time:Submit softcopy only.

The purpose of the group project is to apply your understanding of the marketing concepts that you will be exposed to in lectures. You will be asked to create your own groups in the first tutorial. Your group will consist of maximum four members, no more than four. Do take note of all possible contacts of your group members. You are to manage your own groups. Should certain group members not cooperate, delay, miss out on meetings, the majority in that group can ask that group member to look for another group.

Alsothere must be adeclaration page(see moodle - attached to hardcopy project) after the cover page stating that all members contributed equally. Indicate if members contributed less than their share. Excuses of group members disappearing and not contributing will not be entertained for delayed submission.

Your group will develop a marketing plan for introducing a new(not in the market currently) or improved tangible product (similar products available but yours is better in some way)into the marketplace. Select any product relevant to a country like Fiji or your home country. This product must be targeted at students and/or local residents, or group(s) with similar characteristics. As a group, you will be required to carry out a survey on 4Ps product, price, place and promotion (interview 10-15 people) and use the results of the survey to develop your marketing plan.

Group Project Format:

  • Cover Page(Course Code; MG206FF, Assessment 2: Marketing Plan; Surnames/First Names and ID Numbers of all group members)
  • PlagiarismDeclaration page see moodle(Signed by all members)

Declare that the group assignment is your own piece of work and that all sources have been duly acknowledged as follows: We verify that this group project is primarily or solely our own work. If we have used other sources, we have used them appropriately and provided clear attribution and complete citations to the resources. We have not borrowed anyone else's work, words, phrases, or ideas without giving clear credit to that person. We do understand the penalty for plagiarism as specified in the University Calendar, 2023. This is to verify that we have checked our work, and it contains no plagiarism.

  • Group Member Contribution information: include the following details on declaration page:

Group Member ID, Full Names, Percentage contributed, Section allocation. All members must sign off.

  • Marketing Plan(see moodle for additional notes and sample):

Part 1.Productdetails (the product name, product description, raw materials/ingredients used for producing the product, positioning, uniqueness, benefits, shelf-life or expiry dates, packaging and labels), [5 marks]

Part 2.Pricingdetails (approach/strategy used, include clear calculations and explain fully how the selling price was determined, state how your price compares with competitor products and justify), [5 marks]

Part 3.Placedetails (where will your product be sold and why, are you selling directly to customers or using distributors and retailers and why, if using distributors and retailers, why engaging them and who the distributors or retailers are) [4 marks] and

Part 4.Promotiondetails (discuss how the public will be made aware of your product [advertisement types, media types] and the ways in which they will be persuaded to buy your product [sales promotion techniques] be very specific). [5 marks]

  • Bibliography. Follow proper bibliography style and be consistent with it. [1 mark].

See moodle for more details and a sample of such a project. Your marketing plan shouldnot exceed 15 pages, excluding appendices.

Well-above and below length guideline will lead to lower marks.Students are reminded that the group project should address all of the elements as reflected above.Marks will be deducted if project is poorly written and not up to 200 level standard/quality. Marks deducted will depend on the level of poor standard and can range from -2 to -5.

  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : April 13th, 2023
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 484

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