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1. System Analysis
Perform the necessary system analysis processes to gather and document the system requirements and
build the required UML models. Provide evidence for the following:
a. Functional Requirements
b. Non-Functional Requirements.
c. Functional Model (Use Case).
d. Behavioural Model (Sequence Diagram).
2. System Design
a. A design strategy
b. Design models. You must include UML Class diagram and UML package diagram.
3. System Implementation
a. Build and implement the software application that meets your analysis and design requirements
using any platform and/or programming/scripting language that you have learned from your
previous modules.
4. System Testing
a. Perform System testing procedures, with proper plan and implementation.
5. System Evaluation
a. Evaluate the system in terms of user acceptance or system correctness.
b. Analyse and present the results of the system evaluation.
6. Properly document your project. Ensure that all the phases of your project planning up to evaluation are
covered. Include screenshots of the designed interfaces while in action.
7. Minutes of Meetings:
a. Your team must conduct one (1) weekly formal meeting, at least to discuss the project tasks and
progress. Provide the minutes of each of these meetings that should include the following
i. Meeting No, Time Date, Venue
ii. Meeting agenda
iii. Attendance.
iv. Discussions and Recommendations.
v. Schedule of the next meeting.
b. Attach the minutes as an Appendix to your report.
8. Peer Evaluation
- Peer evaluation serves as a supplementary document to support the group work on PRAC1
assignment. The purpose of this report is to evaluate the participation and engagement of the
other team members while doing this group work.
- For this task, you will be using PRAC1 Group Project: Peer Evaluation Form. This will be provided
by the module leader and be made available in Moodle.
- This evaluation form must be filled out and submitted by each member of the team (individually).
- The Evaluation form should be submitted as a separate file and uploaded in the Turnitin link
made especially for this form.