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Draft Proposal Template

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Added on: 2023-08-08 06:17:50
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The aim of this template is to suggest points for consideration to enable you to capture key thoughts ready for feedback and discussion at your tutorial, in particular the proposed research topic, focus and outcomes, covering LO1.

Topic area

Need for Human Resource overhaul and Geographical equity in UN

What is the business issue?

As the global scenario is changing with rapid pace there is need to transform UN into an agile, dynamic and more efficient institution which is not only capable of bringing revolutionary change at social level but also able to manage thousands of employees working in UN offices across the globe. Five years back there was a proposal introduced in UN to overhaul existing human resource system but till 27th session members of Administrative committee failed to bring consensus on the same.

How is this of strategic relevance?

Human resource in any business is crucial aspect as its helps to achieve the operational efficiency, develop products, maintain and repair the image of the organisation, bring financial success, helps to collaborate with stakeholders, government organisations and rope in new contacts so that new decisions and initiatives can be taken and for the purpose of staying ahead in competition. The issue will allow UN to develop a new picture of itself by addressing 21st century human resource challenges and creating more job opportunities particularly at entry level positions so that new talent can be placed.

How will this add value to the organisation?

This will help the organisation to utilise the potential of 21st century talent and find innovative solutions to its on-going and upcoming projects. People with diverse backgrounds bring diverse knowledge, experiences and help the team to widen the horizon of their thinking. Similarly, through human resource overhaul and geographical equity each area in UN will be strategically represented allowing diversity to its true meaning.

What are the key themes in contemporary literature and thinking?

(Add the sources reviewed in developing this list.)

Need for Human Resource Overhaul

Demir, K. A., Döven, G., & Sezen, B. (2019). Industry 5.0 and human-robot co-working. Procedia computer science, 158, 688-695.


Importance of Geographical Equity

Karahan, F., & Rhee, S. (2019). Geographic reallocation and unemployment during the Great Recession: The role of the housing bust. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 100, 47-69.

Impact on Recruitment and selection

Lievens, F., & Chapman, D. (2019). Recruitment and selection. The SAGE handbook of human resource management, 123-150.

Maintaining human resource overhaul and geographical equity at international level by UN Chams, N., & García-Blandón, J. (2019). On the importance of sustainable human resource management for the adoption of sustainable development goals. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 141, 109-122.

Studying possible benefits which can be gained through the resolution Strohmeier, S. (2020). Digital human resource management: A conceptual clarification. German Journal of Human Resource Management, 34(3), 345-365.

What best practices have you identified which may inform thinking?

Reading about current work culture in UN

Understanding the importance of human resource overhaul

Investigating the need of geographical equity through news, reports by leading HR organisations

Current challenges faced by UN in terms of HR

Finding about vacant positions and possibility of emergence of new roles

How has your reading informed your thoughts on what needs to be explored within your workplace?

The reading has helped me to expand the existing knowledge which I hold in the context of human resource. Learning about geographical equity was new to me and it helped me in understanding the role of same in organisational perspective. Changing the role of human resource from recruiting humans as a executive function to influencing solutions is a new dimension which UN is trying to explore. It has already taken five years to reach a concrete solution and exploring the factors which are hindering the committee to bring consensus on the table demands research.

What is the overall specific purpose of your research?

The study's specific goal is to determine if the United Nations (UN) organisation needs to restructure its whole human resource system, with a focus on addressing geographic equity. The goal of the study is to evaluate the efficiency of the UN's current HR practises and policies in ensuring fair representation and career possibilities for staff from all member states. The research aims to uncover the gaps, difficulties, and potential biases that may exist in resource allocation, promotion, and recruiting by looking at the current condition of HR inside the UN. The ultimate objective is to offer concrete suggestions and tactics that can improve geographic equality within the UN's human resource management framework, encouraging a more inclusive and representative workforce that is in line with the UN's global development goals.

What questions need to be answered to achieve this?

  1. What potential benefits and challenges are associated with implementing an overhaul of the UN's human resource practices to promote geographical equity?
  2. What are the challenges and barriers to achieving geographical equity within the UN's human resource management?
  3. What are the perceptions and experiences of UN personnel from underrepresented regions regarding the current HR practices and policies?
  4. What specific actions and reforms can be recommended to enhance geographical equity within the UN's human resource management framework?

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  • Uploaded By : Mohit
  • Posted on : August 08th, 2023
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 143

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