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ECON90015 Managerial Economics Assessment

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  • You have 3 hours for this exam and an additional half hour of reading time.
  • Please, keep track of the time and budget enough time to submit your answers in LMS.
  • This exam paper has 4 problems and 5 numbered pages (including this one).
  • Answer all questions to the best of your ability, showing your work and providing sufficient explanation. No credit may be given to an answer without an explanation. Partial credit will be given to partial or partially correct answers.
  • Start each problem on a new page and make sure your answers to all subparts of every problem are next to each other in the fifile you submit. You do not need to start every (a), (b), (c). . . subpart on a new page.
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  • The exam total is 100 marks. Each problem is worth 25 marks. The point value of each sub-problem is indicated next to it.
  • Good luck!

1.You are a manager at Sievert Devices, Inc., a manufacturer of scientific instruments. You are attending an executive meeting when Rolf, another manager at your company, announces:

  1. (4 marks) Our marketing department has estimated the own-price elasticity of demand for our Geiger counter at its current price of ?10. We are confident that the coefficient of elasticity is 0. This means that if we slightly increase our price above ?10, the quantity demanded would not change and this would increase our revenue and our profits. Evaluate Rolfs claim. Is he correct? If not, explain which parts of his statement are incorrect.
  2. (4 marks) This is nothing! Rolf adds, Why should we limit ourselves to small price changes? Clearly, if the coefficient of price elasticity of demand is zero, then increasing the price above ?10 by any amount is going to increase revenue and profits without changing the quantity demanded. Evaluate Rolfs claim as in part (a).
  3. (4 marks) But this is not all, ladies and gentlemen! Rolf continues, As you are all well aware, Sievert Devices Inc. is also the proud manufacturer of the world-famous Curie radiometer. We have also estimated the cross-price elasticity of demand for our Geiger counters with respect to the price of the Curie radiometer, and we have found that it equals 3. Naturally, this means that the two goods are complements and that if we increase the Curie radiometers price by 1%, the quantity demanded for our Geiger counter will go up by 3%. Evaluate Rolfs claim as in part (a).
  4. (4 marks) Of course, this gives me another idea about how to increase profifits, concludes Rolf, If we increase the price of the Curie radiometers, we will see an increase in demand for our Geiger counters and higher profifits from the sale of Curie radiometers. Overall, this would guarantee an increase in the profifits of the fifirm as a whole. Evaluate Rolfs claim as in part (a).
  5. (4 marks) Consider a good with demand represented by the inverse demand function P = 10?0.5Qd. Using the point elasticity method, fifind the price elasticity of demand for this good when price equals ?3 and again when price equals ?8. In each of these cases, state whether demand is elastic or inelastic.
  6. (5 marks) Consider a good with demand represented by the demand function Qd = A/P for some positive parameter A > 0. Using the arc elasticity method, fifind the price elasticity of demand for this good when price increases from ?1 to ?4. Then, using the same method, fifind the price elasticity of demand for this good when price drops from ?10 to ?5. Discuss the results you observe. What kind of demand does this good have?

2. Consider the market for DVDs of the movie Alien. Inverse demand in the market is given by P = 20 ? 2Qd, and the quantity supplied is Qs = P ? 5, where price is measured in dollars and both quantities are measured in thousands of units. The state government has grown increasingly concerned about the negative effects that viewing fictional alien xenomorphs has on the psyche of the movie-viewing public and is strongly considering an intervention into the market. You have been brought on to help with your analytical skills.

  1. (7 marks) I think we should impose a strict limit on how many DVDs manufacturers can produce, says state premier Andrew Danielson. I propose we make it illegal to produce more than 6,000 units of this dreadful DVD across the entire market. What is the proposed policy called and will it have any effffect on the mar ket outcome? Analyse this policy: draw the resulting supply and demand graphs, calculate the equilibrium price, quantity traded, and fifind the exact numerical values for deadweight loss, consumer surplus, and producer surplus under this policy.
  2. (7 marks) Wait, no, continues Mr Danielson, 6,000 is not good enough. That would be enough to give a DVD to every denizen of Collingwood and have some left over. That cannot stand, this movie is just too scary. Lets limit production to 4,000 instead of 6,000. Analyse the proposed policy as in part (a).
  3. (7 marks) Now I hear that my approval rating with small-business owners is very low. Lets consider something else instead. I think 4,000 is a good number, not too scary. But instead of making it illegal to produce and sell more than 4,000 units, lets make it illegal to buy more than 4,000 units across the entire market. We can even issue rationing cards to make sure the policy is enforced. Analyse the proposed policy as in part (a). What do you think this policy should be called?
  4. (4 marks) Using the concepts introduced in the subject this semester, discuss whether it is possible for a government intervention in a market to lower or eliminate inefficiency rather that increase it. If so, give an example.

3. Computation Interactive (CI)s business model is to rent out computing time on its super computers. CI has two types of potential customers of equal number: 10 academic and 10 business clients. CI charges each customer a monthly subscription fee F in exchange for the right to purchase any amount of computing time at a usage fee of P cents per second of computing time. Each academic customer has the demand function QA = 8 ? PA, where PA is the usage fee that academic institutions are charged; each business customer has the demand QB = 10?PB, where PB is the usage fee that business institutions are charged. The quantities QA and QB are measured in millions of seconds per month. The marginal cost to CI of additional computing time is constant at 2 cents per second, and CI has no fixed cost.

  1. (5 marks) First, suppose that CI can distinguish between academic and business customers and can successfully charge them different usage fees PA and PB but the subscription fees for both types are fifixed to zero (i.e. FA = FB = 0). What usage fees PA and PB would maximise CIs profits? What would its profits be in this case?
  2. (6 marks) Now consider the same situation as in part (a) but without the assumption that the subscription fees FA and FB have to be zero. So now CI can set different, potentially positive subscription fees for each customer type. What subscription fees FA and FB and what usage fees PA and PB should CI charge each group to maximise its profifits? What would its profifits be in this case?
  3. (7 marks) For this part and the next, suppose instead that CI cannot distinguish between the two types of consumers and cannot successfully price discriminate: i.e. CI has to charge the same subscription fee F and usage fee P to both types of customers. What usage fee P would maximise CIs profifits if F = 0? What would its profifits be in this case?
  4. (7 marks) Now consider the same situation as in part (c) but without the assumption that the subscription fee F has to be zero. If P = 2, what subscription fee F should CI charge to maximise its profifits? What would its profifits be in this case?

4. The market for gizmos have two fifirms operating in it. The demand curve in the market is Q = 10 ? 0.2P, where Q = Q1 + Q2. The fifirms cost functions are C1(Q1) = 20 + 10Q1 and C2(Q2) = 20 + 12Q2.

  1. (2 mark) What are the fifirms marginal-cost functions?
  2. (7 marks) First, assume that the two gizmo producers are behaving noncooperatively. Using the Cournot model, fifind how much each fifirm would produce and what its profits would be? Draw the fifirms reaction curves and show the equilibrium.
  3. (6 marks) Now assume that fifirm 1 announces its output decision publicly before firm 2 decides on its output level. Find the rollback equilibrium of the game that represents this strategic situation. How much would each firm produce and what would its profits be?
  4. (3 marks) Discuss how the profits of each of the two firms change between parts (a) and (b). Explain why you are seeing these differences. What is this an example of?
  5. (7 marks) Finally, assume that the two gizmo producers are colluding instead of competing. They can freely share their profits so they are attempting to maximize their joint profit (i.e. their total combined profit). Given the firms cost functions, would both firms produce positive quantities? Why or why not? What is the jointprofit-maximizing level of output? How much would each firm produce and what would its profits be?
  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : May 19th, 2023
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 238

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