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EDC494 Language and Diversity Assessment

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Added on: 2023-02-08 07:05:34
Order Code: CLT315152
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Choose one or two areas where communication can differ across cultures e.g.directness/indirectness: complimenting: commiserating: apologising: turn-taking etc.

1. in section 1 describe the area(s) briefly giving examples from at least two different cultures and explaining why these areas might be problematic in a classroom situation (note if you do not have a teaching background you can use any workplace setting).

2. in section 2 do a short review/summary of research conducted in the area of miscommunication between people from different cultures when they are using the different ways of communicating that you have identified above. Remember to give the review breadth (review many studies) and depth (describe studies in deptli) and to have a critical perspective by presenting studies which may have different findings or points of view. Also review older seminal works as well as more recent works.

3. In section 3 you should indicate how you would arlapt your teaching approach (ur managerial approach to accommodate and be inclusive of an ethnically and linguistically diverse group of students (workers) using the communication styles cuined in Section 1 und 2. You can approach this in 3 different ways:

a) Talk about what a teacher (or manager if you are doing another workplace) would need to do in order to make the students feel at ease and teach in a culturally sensitive way with regards to your area that you identified above. Discuss key areas to address and how those areas could be managed by the tear her for manager).

b) OR by Devise a senes of lessons which take into account the problematic cross cultural area that you have identified. Include a rationale and step by step procedures (if you do not have a teaching background then talk about a series of professional development workshops in a specific workulare setting)

c) OR Do both a) and b) by cutting down a) and cutting down be i.e. only une lesson is devised

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  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : February 08th, 2023
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 275

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