diff_months: 23

Education Support System Assessment

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Added on: 2022-12-07 05:27:38
Order Code: 479823
Question Task Id: 0
  1. U2T3 Provide two examples of times you encouraged, acknowledged and acted upon constructive feedback from your supervising teacher. In your response, include the feedback that you received from your supervising teacher, how you received the feedback, and any action you took from that feedback.
  2. U2T4 1) Describe at least two instances where you collaborated effectively with your supervising teacher, or another appropriate member of personnel, regarding the special requirements     2) For each instance you provided in question 1, list all written and verbal directions you were given to assist you in identifying the oral language, reading and writing tasks required to support a child required to develop both their literacy and oral language skills.of students you supported in developing their literacy and oral language skills.
  3. U2T9 1) Describe the recording system you used to record a child’s literacy abilities.  2) Describe the information that you would include when you recorded two individual children’s literacy abilities.                                         3)  Describe how you received these confidential records and how they were stored.
  4. U2T11 Describe at least two instances when you collaborated effectively with your supervising teacher, or another appropriate member of personnel, regarding the special requirements of the students that you supported.      
  5. U2T12 Provide two examples of how you varied your communication style while supporting children who needed support while completing their mathematical activities. In your response explain how you recognise the children needed additional support. Include examples of: How you identified the children need support, The clear instruction you gave the students to help them, Non-verbal communication techniques you used to communicate with each person, How you used active listening techniques to clarify the children understood your instructions.
  6. U2T15 1) Explain how you located the school’s policies and procedures for using digital technology.                                                                                                                                             2)Name the school’s intranet and provide three examples of information on it.
  7. U2T16 Provide two examples of a time you were asked to research information using digital technology. In your response, please include: An example of both internal and external sources of online information, For each example, describe how the request was communicated to you.
  8. U2T17 1)Describe how you located information requested by the teacher from one internal and one external source. For each example, please include: The information requested, The search engine you used to locate the information, The search words you used to retrieve the information, Describe how you determined the information you found was correct, Describe how you presented the information you researched to your teacher.  2) Provide an example of how you used your numeracy skills to logically solve problems when searching information online.
  9. U3T1 Provide two examples of school policies and procedures that you read and followed while on work placement. In your response, please include: The name of the policy/procedure, How it related to your role, The legislation that related to policy/procedure.
  10. U3T2 Provide an example of a time you needed to clarify a school policy/procedure with the teacher. In your response, name the policy/procedure and explain what you needed clarification on.
  11. U3T4 1) How did you learn how to use the resources and equipment correctly and according to manufacturer's instructions?                                                                                            2) Provide an example of a time a student was not using the supplied equipment correctly. In your response, include the instructions you gave to the child to help them use the equipment correctly, and whether you gave verbal instructions or demonstrated how to use the equipment.                                                                                                                                                3)  Provide an example of a classroom program you prepared, including the equipment you used. List the clean-up duties you were required to complete at the end of the session.
  12. U3T5 How did you determine the timeframes required to prepare and clean up at the end of each session?
  13. U3T6 Describe at least two instances where a misunderstanding could have possibly occurred between you and either a colleague or child in the workplace. Explain how you used effective communication strategies to prevent misunderstanding, either with your colleague or with the children you were supporting.
  14. U3T7 Provide an example of a time you sought feedback on your preparation and clean up responsibilities in the classroom.
  15. U3T8 Explain how you ensured that you modeled good behaviour and inclusiveness when working with children with disabilities.
  16. U3T9 Describe an instance where you demonstrated value and respect for diversity and inclusiveness in your workplace.
  17. U3T10 1) Give at least three examples of non-verbal communication and cues that you have used when interacting with the students you have supported, and with your colleagues. At least two of these instances should involve interaction with students, and one with your colleagues.                    2)Describe an instance when a language barrier existed while you were interacting with your colleagues, students, or their parents/carers. Identify at least two communication strategies that you used to communicate with them effectively.
  18. U3T11 Describe at least two instances where a misunderstanding could have possibly occurred while you were in the workplace, either with a colleague or with the students you were supporting. Explain how you used effective communication to prevent the misunderstanding.
  19. U3T12 1) Describe the Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural safety program within the school.                                                                              2)List the individuals responsible for implementing and monitoring the Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural safety program at the school.
  20. U3T13 Describe how you modeled and promoted the school’s Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural safety program.
  21. U3T14 Review the schools Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural safety program. Provide two examples from the program of what you believe has worked well and what areas need improvement.
  22. U5T1 Describe a time when you demonstrated a commitment to access and equity principles when working with children with disability. In your response, please include the principles that you have followed, in accordance with the school’s policies.
  23. U5T4 1)Identify at least two verbal directions from students with disabilities and/or special needs that you interpreted. Describe how you interpreted this information.      2) Describe at least two instances where you evaluated risk situations for students with disabilities and/or special needs. Outline the steps you took to complete this task.                    3) Identify at least two problems you encountered while working with students with disabilities and/or special needs. Specify the solutions you selected to effectively resolve the problems.                                                                                                                                                3)Identify at least two examples of written information from students with disabilities and/or special needs that you interpreted. Describe how you interpreted the information.
  24. U5T6 2)List the relevant workplace procedures, guidelines and protocols related to providing support to children with additional needs at your work placement.
  25. U5T7 Provide examples of individual education programs for two children who required additional support. In your response, detail your responsibilities in supporting each of these children
  26. U5T8 How did you determine the language, equipment, materials and strategies required to support the individual needs of at least two students? In your response, list the equipment, materials and strategies you used to support each student and explain how you adapted your language to suit the needs of each child.
  27. U5T11 Provide three examples of how you used behavioural management strategies and techniques to support children with additional needs.
  28. U5T12 Provide examples of how you encouraged students who needed additional support with feedback in a way which promoted their positive self-concept and self-esteem.
  29. U5T13 Describe the school’s procedures regarding maintaining student confidentiality.
  30. U5T14 Provide an example of how you implemented and developed strategies to ensure a child with a disability felt included.
  31. U5T15 Provide an example of how you collaborated with the teacher and others to ensure a child with disability had the support they needed.
  32. U5T16 Describe at least two instances of when you developed and adjusted your own approach to facilitate the empowerment of students with disability. In your response, please: Include at least two examples of the different approaches you used to maintain positive and respectful relationships with each child with disability Describe the appropriate non-verbal communication strategies and oral communication skills you used to do this.
  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : December 07th, 2022
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 230

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