Organisation Leadership Management Assignment
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do not share your answers with other students. Questions Provide answers to all of the questions below:
1. Explain four events or trends that may impact whether or not organisational objectives are achieved.
2. List at least five existing practices that may be used to guide organisational change.
3. Describe the process to conduct a cost-benefit analysis. In your answer, explain which methods are relevant and useful to complete the particular process step.
4. Explain how effective change management strategies can assist with embedding change in an organisation. Give an example of an effective change management strategy in your answer. Outline one approach (or process) that can be used in the workplace to communicate and embed change. Explain the risk management process. You may answer using a labelled diagram or in words (or both) and must include: a definition of risk management.
a list or illustration of the steps in a risk management process..
a description of what each step involves (including methods).
5. Explain four options that an organisation may use to take to mitigate or control risks. Complete the table below to identify and describe two organisational policies that may relate to change management and guide organisational change. Policy Description
6 Explain three ways the benefits for organisational change can be promoted in a communication and education plan.
7. What is meant by "organisational behaviour" and how does it impact change strategies?
8. How does the external environment impact the change strategies used in an organisation? Provide an example to illustrate your answer.
9. List at least four components that should be included in a change management plan.