Elderly people should not care for their grandchildren. Agree or disagree?
Complete the following template for an argumentative essay. Write in full sentences.
I strongly agree that the elderly should not take care of their grandchildren. it is due to several factors including health factors.
However, there are also differences of opinion among some individuals who have a career hoping that the elderly will be able to take care of their grandchildren due to their work.
Remain in my opinion, the elderly should not take care of their grandchildren due to their health factors that have become helpless. This is because taking care of a growing child is not like taking care of an adult. growing children are very active and do not listen to instructions if doing something dangerous. Therefore, the elderly who suffer from health problems should not take care of their grandchildren so that they can calm down and take good care of their health.
In addition, we also need to think that elderly citizens also want to spend the rest of their lives performing worship without any hindrance. It is because they are aware that in their youth they were so busy with work that they could not perform the sunnah rituals. The sunnah worship that they want to do is like joining a class to read the Quran, listening to lectures in the mosque, and so on.
Lastly, the elderly should not take care of grandchildren anymore because they can relax and do beneficial activities. Beneficial activities can fill their free time and calm themselves from the stresses of life. for example, planting flowers, gardening, and cleaning the home environment.
In conclusion, elderly citizens should not take care of their grandchildren anymore due to several factors such as health problems and so on.