Engineering Drawing Practice Assignment
- Country :
1. The condition of a part when it contains the least amount of material is referred to as ________.
(A) Smallest
(D) Actual size
2. These units are based on inch-foot and yard measurements:
(A) International customary units
(B) U.S. metric units
(C) U.S. customary units
(D) ISO international units
3. In offset sections, offsets or bends in the cutting plane are all:
(A) 90 degrees
(B) 180 degrees
(C) Either 90 or 180 degrees
(D) 30, 60 or 90 degrees
4. In this type of auxiliary view, a break line is used to indicate the imaginary break in the views:
(A) Primary
(B) Secondary
(C) Revolved
(D) Partial
5. When designing a home for a client, one of the most important pre-design considerations that an architect needs to address is ________.
(A) How much money the client is willing to spend
(B) The site on which the house is to sit
(C) The nearest grocery store
(D) Whether or not there is a curb and gutter system
6. Placement of dimensions on a drawing is controlled by ________.
(B) The design engineer
(C) Corporate drafting standards
(D) All of the above
7. In the section view, the areas that would have been in actual contact with the cutting plane are shown with:
(A) A cutting plane line
(B) Section lining
(C) Visible lines
(D) Lines and arrows
8. This is how axonometric, oblique, and perspective sketches show objects:
(A) Orthographically
(B) Pictorially
(C) Obliquely
(D) Parallel
9. This is used to indicate that a surface is to be machined:
(A) Finish mark
(B) Machining mark
(C) Roughness indicator
(D) Coordinate mark
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