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Added on: 2023-04-07 09:39:19
Order Code: 488488
Question Task Id: 0

QUESTION1(30 marks)

Theplateissubjectedtotwoforcesat A and B asshown inFigure1.

  1. If Q(theta)=60, determine the magnitude of the resultant of these two forces and its direction measured clockwise from the horizontal. (15 marks)
  2. Determine the angle Q(theta)so that the resultant of these two forces is directed horizontally to the right. Also, what is the magnitude of the resultant force? (15 marks)


  1. Take a photo or make a screenshot of a real life truss structure within UTS. Indicate the location ofstructure. If this is a screenshot, also cite the source of the photo in the report. Roof-supporttrussesand truss bridgesareexamples shownin Figures2(a) to 2(d). (5 marks)
  2. Identifythemembers ofthe truss,types ofsupports and joints.(5 marks)
  3. Providethedrawingswiththedimensionsandscalebasedonmeasurementorestimation.(5marks)
  4. Specify the possible loads (magnitude and direction) acting on the structure (e.g. windloading, vehicle loading, self-weight etc.). Justify your decision with references. Note it isacceptable to consider the simplified 2D problem (plane truss) if we are only interested in in-planeloads. Assumetheloads are applied at thejoints.(5 marks)
  5. Draw Free Body Diagrams and determine the forces in all truss members. Please indicatethemagnitudeofforceineachmemberandwhetherthemembersareintensionorcompression.(15marks)


  1. Take a photo or make a screenshot of a real life beamstructure. Indicate thelocationofstructure.Ifthisisascreenshot,alsocitethesourceofthephotointhereport. Some examples areshown in Figure3. (5 marks)
  2. Identifythemembersoftheselectedstructure,typesofsupportsandconnections.(5marks)
  3. Providethedrawingswiththedimensionsandscalebasedonmeasurementorestimation.(5marks)
  4. Specify the possible loads acting on the structure and justify your decision with references.(5marks)
  5. DrawFreeBody Diagrams and determinetheforcesin all frame members.(15 marks)

  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : April 07th, 2023
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 319

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