QUESTION1(30 marks)
Theplateissubjectedtotwoforcesat A and B asshown inFigure1.
- If Q(theta)=60, determine the magnitude of the resultant of these two forces and its direction measured clockwise from the horizontal. (15 marks)
- Determine the angle Q(theta)so that the resultant of these two forces is directed horizontally to the right. Also, what is the magnitude of the resultant force? (15 marks)
- Take a photo or make a screenshot of a real life truss structure within UTS. Indicate the location ofstructure. If this is a screenshot, also cite the source of the photo in the report. Roof-supporttrussesand truss bridgesareexamples shownin Figures2(a) to 2(d). (5 marks)
- Identifythemembers ofthe truss,types ofsupports and joints.(5 marks)
- Providethedrawingswiththedimensionsandscalebasedonmeasurementorestimation.(5marks)
- Specify the possible loads (magnitude and direction) acting on the structure (e.g. windloading, vehicle loading, self-weight etc.). Justify your decision with references. Note it isacceptable to consider the simplified 2D problem (plane truss) if we are only interested in in-planeloads. Assumetheloads are applied at thejoints.(5 marks)
- Draw Free Body Diagrams and determine the forces in all truss members. Please indicatethemagnitudeofforceineachmemberandwhetherthemembersareintensionorcompression.(15marks)
- Take a photo or make a screenshot of a real life beamstructure. Indicate thelocationofstructure.Ifthisisascreenshot,alsocitethesourceofthephotointhereport. Some examples areshown in Figure3. (5 marks)
- Identifythemembersoftheselectedstructure,typesofsupportsandconnections.(5marks)
- Providethedrawingswiththedimensionsandscalebasedonmeasurementorestimation.(5marks)
- Specify the possible loads acting on the structure and justify your decision with references.(5marks)
- DrawFreeBody Diagrams and determinetheforcesin all frame members.(15 marks)