Experience of Physical Activity in Breast Cancer Survivors Case Study Assessment
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Introduction (100 150 words)
- Background information about critical appraisal
- Introduce the article and checklist with in-text citation
- Concluding sentient to highlight the aim of this essay
Body of discussion can use the item in checklist as subheadings
Research methodology
- Blue opening sentence (optional)
- Red what identification of study information from the article
- Green why justification how is it appropriate?
Methodology is an important part of research study because it assists researchers to discuss ways the study was conducted, from the beginning to completion (Rebar, 2015).
In this paper, the researchers utilised a narrative approach to carefully investigate and sqacing The authors clearly specified the method including the research design, sampling techniques, data collection and the three stages of analysis (Parahoo, 2014) Theunderstand experiences of mental health nurses related to supervision (Gerrish, 2013).
The narrative approach under the umbrella of qualitative was used to carry out the study (Parahoo, 2014). This is appropriate, as it helps researchers to examine the human experiences and understands their stories in a systematic way (Munhall, 2012). The what method? semi-structured interview method allows them to answer the original clinical question asked by exploring individual experiences of mental health nurses in relation to supervision. In this context his particular research method was appropriate.
Data analysis method
Assessing the data analysis method is essential in research to assess research finding rigour Regarding the case study, researchers used a combination of theoretical, socio Hinguistic perspective and topic centred analysis method This method is called .The study triangulation method" which means an analysis method combining several research combines methods to assess one phenomenon (Halcomb &Andrew, 2005). This technique can research increase reliability, minimise bias and gather richelerang data (Halcomb & Andrew interview 2005). Furthermore, the researchers used audio data analysis, which means that the analysis used audio data through rhythm, rate and speech tone which can illuminate feelings and emotions (Maybury, 2012). This was an appropriate approach to assess understanding. feeling rules and the emotions of the participants. In data analysis.