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HLT54115 - Diploma of Nursing Assignment

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Added on: 2022-11-23 05:25:21
Order Code: 477658
Question Task Id: 0

Task 1: Plan and gather information on each topic

Task 2: Analyse and present findings on each topic.

Task 3: Provide a reference list of information sources, using the APA Referencing style.

Part 1: Research-based Literature reviews

To complete this assessment students must select two of the following topics that are relevant to their professional context and work practices:

  • health informatics
  • social determinants of health
  • patient/person-centred care

Topic 1

Task 1: Plan and gather information

Address each of the following criteria for the first topic. Each answer should be approximately 100 words. Ensure at least one of the information sources should be one you have found and is in addition to the list provided.

  1. Introduce the topic you have chosen and identify how researching the literature in this area may support and improve your work practices.
  2. Provide a clear statement defining the research objectives of your literature review.
  3. Describe the methods you used to systematically gather information for your literature review and provide a rationale for why these were appropriate.
  4. Describe at least three credible sources of data and information you accessed for your literature review- of which is one is a resource you have found.
  5. Explain how you determined whether the information you gathered was relevant to your chosen topic and research objectives.
  6. Describe how you organised the data and information you gathered in a way that helped you to use it in your literature review.
  7. Describe how you prioritised which sources of data and information to discuss in your literature review.

Task 2: Analyse and present findings

Use the following headings to write a literature review that analyses three or more credible sources of information, and assesses how the findings might be applied in your professional context. Each answer should be approximately 100 words. In your literature review you must address each of the criteria.

  1. Identify at least two current trends in this topic area and evaluate their relevance to your area of professional practice.
  2. Compare and contrast the different sources of literature that you have accessed and comment on their merits in terms of their:
    1. strength (the robustness of the studies)
    2. relevance to your professional context(statistical) reliability
    3. currency of the information.
  3. Assess and discuss the feasibility of incorporating the findings of the research into your professional context, and any benefits or risk associated with this.
  4. Identify areas of the research that warrant further investigation, either because of the limited scope of the research you have undertaken, or the limitations of the studies cited.
  5. Provide a summary of your findings and conclusions based on the literature that you have reviewed.
  6. Outline ways in which the information may be used, and recommend two actions based on your research findings and conclusions. These may be in relation to further research, or implementing the findings of the research, or both.
  7. Outline how you will use the information and learnings from your research to make changes in your current work practices
  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : November 23rd, 2022
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 275

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  • Journals
  • Peer-Reviewed Articles
  • Books
  • Various other Data Sources – ProQuest, Informit, Scopus, Academic Search Complete, EBSCO, Exerpta Medica Database, and more