HLTENN012 Implement and monitor care for a person with chronic health problems Essay Assignment
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The lives of far too many people in the world are being blighted and cut short by chronicDiseases such as heart disease, stroke, cancer, chronic respiratory diseases and diabetes.This is no longer only happening in high-income countries. Four out of five chronic diseaseDeaths today are in low and middle-income countries. People in these countries tend toDevelop diseases at younger ages, suffer longer often with preventable complications and die sooner than those in high income countries. (WHO, 2005)
For this assessment, you are to write a word submission demonstrating yourKnowledge of the context for chronic disease. Sub-headings may be used.
- Introduction to topic that includes the impact of chronic disease globally and locally.
- Introduce four (4) models of care that are effective in dealing with chronic disease and introduce the challenges in the Australian health care system.
Describe the World Health Organisation and discuss the effectiveness of:
- WHO Models of Care
- Stanford Model of Chronic Health Disorders
- Flinders Model of Chronic Health Disorders
- Discuss Australian health priorities for chronic disease.
- Discuss and define the contemporary chronic health problems for the Australian population and identify the model of care used.
- Discuss and analyse the continuum of chronic disease.
- The concept of the continuum of chronic disease is defined and then analysed against the effectiveness of the models of care.
- Identify life variables that have an impact on health and well-being.
- Succinct definitions and discussion on life variables (determinants of health) and how they impact health and quality of life.
- Discuss the six (6) main impacts of chronic disease.
- Prioritise the six (6) chronic diseases most effecting the Australian population.
- Also discuss the impact of chronic disease on the Australian health care system.
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