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ITECH2000 Mobile Development Fundamentals :Hangman App

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Added on: 2022-10-18 09:31:16
Order Code: 471212(1)
Question Task Id: 0

1. Application Description

Your assignment is to develop a Hangman game application, using MIT AppInventor. In this game, the app will select a random word and the player must try to guess the word within a certain number of guesses by suggesting letters.

The application may contain one or more screens to fulfill the requirements described below. You are free to design the interface(s) of your app as you like, but your solution should also fulfil the requirements in a logical way.

Specifically, the logic requirements that must be supported in the app are as follows:

  • When the application is first opened, a menu should be displayed that provides the user with two options: Play and Time Trial. These two options, when clicked, will start the game as follows:
    • Play: The player has unlimited time and guesses with which to solve the
    • Time Trial: The player must guess the hidden word correctly within 30 seconds, else it is game
  • There should be a separate screen in which the game is played, opened from the
  • When the game is started, a random word should be selected (from a candidate list of words), and it should be displayed on the screen in some way (e.g., a set of dashes, one for each letter of the word). For example, if the word to guess is CAT, it could be initially displayed as _ _ _. You can find a list of words to use in your app here: https://www.hangmanwords.com/words
  • Also on the game screen, the image of the hangman should be visible. You have been provided with a series of images that you can use. When the game starts, the first image should be displayed (e.g., png from the provided images).
  • The user should have some way of inputting a guess in the form of a single
    • If the word to guess contains that letter, then all instances of that letter in the word should be revealed to the user. For example, if the word to guess is BOOT, and the user guesses the letter O, then the word should be displayed as _ O O _.
    • If the word to guess does not contain that letter, then the user hangman image should be updated to display the next image in the sequence, e.g., after the first incorrect guess is inputted, png will display from the provided images.
  • It should be clear to the user somehow which letters they have already guessed (both correctly and incorrectly), such that the user cannot guess the same letter twice in a single
  • The user wins the game if they correctly select all the letters to form the complete word within the total allowed number of guesses. A message should be displayed to alert the user that they have won the
  • If the user makes too many incorrect guesses (i.e., 6 guesses in this game before the final hangman image is displayed), then they will lose the game and are allowed no further A message should be displayed to alert the user that they have lost the game, and the correct answer should be revealed.
  • When the game is over (whether the user won or lost), the user should have the option to start a new game (in which case a new word is randomly selected and the game starts again) or return to the main
  • In time trial mode, the game mechanics are the same except that there is a 20 second timer that starts counting down when the game begins. If the user gets the correct answer before the time is up, they win the game. Once the timer reaches zero or the user makes too many incorrect guesses before the time is up, the game stops and a Game Over notification is displayed before the app prompts the user if they would like to play again or return to the main

General Requirements for Coding

While your app should meet the functionality described above, you also need to ensure that you satisfactorily demonstrate all the concepts that have been covered in ITECH2000 so far. To achieve full marks, you will need to ensure that you have correctly made use of each of the following components or constructs somewhere in your app:

  • a Notifier
  • Various user interface components, including Labels, Textboxes, Buttons, and/or Checkboxes, as well as HorizontalArrangement, VerticalArrangement or TableArrangement (or all of them).
  • a Clock and instants
  • the list construct
  • a repetition construct
  • a decision construct
  • a boolean (AND or OR) expression.
  • Procedures that you have defined using the to do or to do result

Please read through all of the requirements before you commence work on the app, so you get a full sense of what is required to be done. It is recommended that you first model any events or complex algorithms using pseudocode before commencing programming.

2. Brief Report Requirements

As well as completing the program described above in AppInventor, you are also required to submit a brief report that includes the following:

  • A title page that includes your name and student ID
  • Pseudocode describing the behaviour of three (3) events that your app will respond Ensure that you clearly label these events so that it is clear what aspect you are modelling.
  • For each of the 8 design elements/blocks listed in the previous section (General Requirements for Coding), you should describe in 2-3 sentences how you used this component in your solution and justify why. If you have used a component multiple times, please describe one
  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : October 18th, 2022
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 405

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