Library Management System Assignment: Designing User Interface Screens Assignment
Task:The Proposal assessment covers the following topics: information system development, system development approaches, user and system interfaces, and system testing, deployment and maintenance.
Proposal: Design for Library website in your local area
Your locals Library has hired you to design two online data entry screens. Visit various library websites and based on what you know and gather about the operation of a library services, submit
your proposal while including the following questions:
Design a monthly operations summary report that will comprise overall data on student ID, loans, late charges, requests and anything else you think a library staff might want to review. Be sure to include numeric activity and dollar totals.
Design a data entry screen for entering Personal Details.
Design a book loan input screen. In addition to the book data, the book loan form must include the following fields: Student Number, Name, and Date.
Plan the suitable testing and deployment activities.