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Mobile Network & Wireless Communication Assignment

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Added on: 2023-01-03 06:21:42
Order Code: CLT277811
Question Task Id: 0
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Part A

1. Given the bit pattern 01010111, encode this data using ASK, FSK, and PSK (i.e., draw the waveform that represents each 1 and 0). In the diagram, label amplitude values used in ASK, frequency values used in BFSK (Binary FSK because there are only 0s and 1s in data), and phase values used in BPSK (Binary PSK).

Encode the same data using QPSK.

(Hint: see slides on ASK, FSK and PSK in Lecture 5)

2. A sinusoidal wave is presented by an equation: Asin(2?ft+?). For the following two sinusoidal waves, find values of A, f, and ?. (Hint: Consult lab/tutorial in Week 3).

3. The Square Kilometer Array (SKA) is one of the biggest projects planned in Australia that has international importance. Read articles on SKA and write a report of minimum 700 words. Your report should include wireless communication features of it, such as type, size, and height of antennas, communication frequency bands, and any other technical specifications relevant to the wireless communication technology. You may also include diagrams. Your report should have references from journal/magazine articles and web resources.

Part B

Some company staff members will require after hours access to systems at the office and the Internet for research projects. The company needs to purchase broadband facilities for staff members' home offices. Your task is to perform a comparative assessment of ADSL2+ equipment versus cable modem equipment to determine which offers better capability. The intention of this exercise is to understand technical specifications of two different types of routers and know their comparative advantages and limitations. Select one ADSL2+ modem/router and one cable modem/router available in the market and perform the following comparisons in a tabular format.

Line Interface

Modulation type

Achievable modulation bit rates including distance limitations

Error control strategies if any

Is modulation sensitive to crosstalk?

What types of cables and connectors are required for line interface?

Host Interface

What host side interfaces are provided? (Hint: Ethernet, Firewire, USB2)

What bit rates do these technologies support?

How many ports are provided?

Do they have an embedded switching capability?

Is DHCP provided?

  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : January 03rd, 2023
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 581

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