Write a 1000 words report on database design and its implementation based on the scenario below Currently, there is no database being used for managi
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Write a 1000 words report on database design and its implementation based on the scenario below
Currently, there is no database being used for managing the information in the Car Rental Report Excel spreadsheet. The report should include the following:
- An answer to the following question, together with a justification for the decision: In its current form, it is a traditional database. Should you keep it that way?
- The detailed process of implementing the database using SQL, including the normalization of the table (should that be required), the identification of the attributes, the Entity Relationship Diagram, and the use of SQL commands in order to create and populate the tables with data.
- The SQL code for the following queries together with an explanation of the code:
- Find the supervisors of the branches which rented out SUVs and output the supervisor's ID and name.
- Find the supervisors of the branches which had bills higher than 500 and output the supervisor's ID and name.
- Find the supervisors of the branches which rented out cars in May 2021 and output the supervisor's ID and name.
- Find the supervisors of the branches which handed out penalties and output the supervisor's ID and name.
- Find the type of car that was rented the highest number of times output the car type and the number of times.
- A choice of 4 types of graphs suitable for analyzing the information in the database, their implementation in Python (both the code and the output graph itself should be included in the report), and an explanation of what the graphs illustrate in your own words.
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