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SHBBCCS005 Advice On Beauty Products And Services Assignment

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Added on: 2023-08-16 07:25:05
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  1. When giving advice on beauty services, naine three (3) different cosmetic sections tuu may h? discussed.
  2. Name the types of services/treatments you might provide if you were to advise clients on beauty services
  3. What considerations might a client have when deciding to purchase a product or service from a particular salon
  4. What other general client services may influence clients to purchase a product or service from a particular salon Name four (4)
  5. Why is it important able to demonstrate a good knowledge of your competitor service/treatment range
  6. What are the reasons for establishing the needs of each particular client? When discussing beauty requirements with client, explain a technique to give the impression that you have time to help them
  7. What is it advised to complete a full client consultation?
  8. What are three (3) reasons it is important to conduct client consultations?
  9. Describe the difference between the Features and Benefits of a product.
  10. Name three (items) that need to be checked in the service area to ensure it is ready for treatment
  11. Why is it important to have an understanding of specific legal requirements when demonstrating the features and benefits of products/services to clients at you workplace?
  12. Give three (3) ways in which you can increase your knowledge of the products and services offered in your salon.
  13. Name four (4) treatments which you could promote when doing a facial and manicure.
  14. Describe the steps you would take to protect client clothing when preparing to perform a manicure.
  15. What do you do with client's jewellery in the case that it neods to be removed prior treatment?
  16. What can be used to clean the hands or feet when preparing for a manicure or pedicure?
  17. How can you work out what the benefits of a particular product are?
  18. Name a typical product you might find in a salon and list four (4) possible features and benefits of that product.
  19. What is the best way to prepare for responding to client enquiries?
  20. Give two (2) questions you might ask a client to ensure they have understood your instructions on the use of a product
  21. When might you need to refer a client to a different therapist or salon?
  22. What does the acronym FIFO represent? Explain this principle in regard to restocking a service area.
  23. What are he requirements for clinical/biohazard waste disposal?

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  • Uploaded By : Mohit
  • Posted on : August 16th, 2023
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 339

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