SOC202A Introduction to Social Research Methods Assessment
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Assessment Task:
For this assessment, you will be provided with a journal article about a current social issue. You will need to critique the methods used in the study. To do this, you should first briefly describe the paper, including:
- the topic being investigated
- the stated rationale and background for the study
- the aims and objectives of the study
- an overview of the research methods used, including the techniques for sampling, data collection and data analysis.
Next, conduct a critical assessment of the methods used. This should include a critical discussion of the following areas:
- the overall research design
- the way key concepts were defined and measured
- the sampling process
- the data collection methods
- the way the data was analysed
- the approach to interpretation of results
- ethical issues
In your assessment, discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the methodological approach showing what could have been done differently and why. Issues of validity and reliability should also be mentioned.