STAT207 Business Data Analysis Assessment
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This assessment task requires students to attempt Microsoft Office Specialist: Excel Expert Certification test. All the questions assess competencies with Learning Outcomes 1 and 2.
Required Resources:
GMetrix online course
Who can help me?
Academic skills Unit (ASU)
Relevant campus lecturer or the national lecturer in charge.
I am having problems
Due dates will be strictly adhered to. However, in the case of exceptional circumstances, students may apply for extension in the following manner. In accordance with the ACU Assessment Procedures (para 3). You may seek extension of submission date for an assessment task prior to the due date by submitting the Application for Extension of time for an Assignment (EX) form EX Form.
SC: Application for Special Consideration - Complete this form up to five working days after the relevant due date and time if you wish to be exempted from the academic penalty because your study has been affected by unforeseen circumstances. Refer to procedure in Table 2 SC Form
Students experiencing personal circumstances which significantly hamper their participation or performance in an assessment task or examination should apply for special consideration where other processes are not applicable or are no longer possible because of the timing and/or severity of the circumstance(s).
EX: Application for extension of time for submission of an Assessment Task Complete this form prior to the due date and time if you wish to apply for an extension of time for submission of this Assessment Task. Refer to procedure in Table 2 Students requiring an extension of the due date and time for an assignment due to personal circumstances or temporary illness that significantly hamper(s) their participation or 2performance in an assessment task must apply to the Lecturer in Charge for an extension of time for submission of an assessment task. This should normally occur at least 24 hours before the due date and time. Appropriate evidence and documentation will be provided. Assessment tasks submitted after the due or extended date and time will incur, for each whole or part of a 24-hour period that the work is overdue, a 5% penalty of the maximum marks available for that assessment task up to a maximum of 15%. Assessment tasks received more than 72 hours after the due or extended date and time will not be allocated a mark.
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