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Student Pack Assessment

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Part A - Match the columns correctly

A. L. As set out in the Fair Work Act 2009 and other workplace legislation, the key elements of our workplace relations framework are:

  • A safety net of minimum terms and conditions of employment.
  • A system of enterprise-level collective bargaining underpinned by bargaining obligations and rules governing industrial action.
  • Provision for individual flexibility arrangements as a way to allow an individual worker and an employer to make flexible work arrangements that meet their genuine needs, provided that the employee is better off overall.
  • Protections against unfair or unlawful termination of employment.
  • Protection of the freedom of both employers and employees to choose whether or not to be represented by a third party in workplace matters and the provision of rules governing the rights and responsibilities of employer and employee representatives.


  • Some examples are following all lawful employer safety and health rules and regulations and wearing or using required protective equipment while working.
  • Reporting hazardous conditions to the employer.
  • Reporting any job-related injury or illness to the employer and seeking treatment promptly.


  • Community and disability services workers regularly work with sensitive information that is communicated in confidence.
  • Confidentiality is a fundamental component of service provision.
  • It safeguards client privacy and promotes trust between clients and service providers.

D. It is a logical structure that is established to organise policy documentation into groupings and categories that make it easier for employees to find and understand the contents of various policy documents.

E. Boundaries are an integral part of the practitioner-client relationship. They represent invisible structures imposed by legal, ethical, and professional standards of care that respect the rights of practitioner and clients. 

F. Any basic right or freedom to which all human beings are entitled and in whose exercise a government may not interfere (including rights to life and liberty as well as freedom of thought and expression and equality before the law)

G. A moral or legal obligation to ensure the safety or well-being of others.

H. It refers to means respecting everyone’s autonomy and self-determination (or “dignity”) to make choices for himself or herself.

I. It is defined as a well-structured program of further education for staff in professional occupations. It is abbreviated as “CPE”.

The main aim of the CPE is ensuring staff in the industry remain up to date with current industry requirements.

J. The system by which a company deals with clients/ staff' complaints.

K. A set of conventional principles and expectations that are considered binding on any person who is a member of an organisation. This is also known as “code of behaviour”. 

L. Workplace safety and health planning should address situations where children may:

  • Be part of the work activity as customers, patients or students.
  • Be visiting or accompanying their parents; and/olive at a workplace that is also their home, eg farms and some shops.
  • Where relevant, consider also the risks to children in situations where they stray into a workplace or go there to play.

M. It set out industry standards of conduct of operating an organisation. They are guidelines for fair dealing between you and your clients, and let your clients know what your organisation agrees to do when dealing with them. ?

  • You must adopt an industry specific code (in some cases this is mandatory). Usually, these are established through consultation with industry representatives and the community. They can be mandatory or voluntary
  • Mandatory codes provide a minimum standard of protection to the consumers. They are prescribed as regulations under fair trading laws and can be enforced.
  • Voluntary codes are a form of industry self-regulation. They can be sponsored by an industry association or can be in partnership with a government agency (membership of an industry association is often a condition of the code). 
  • Voluntary industry codes are usually flexible and can be altered quickly in response to changing industry/consumer needs.

N. Unfair treatment of a person or group on the basis of prejudice

O. Permission granted in full knowledge of the possible consequences, typically that which is given by a patient to a doctor for treatment with knowledge of the possible risks and benefits.

P. It is a term used to describe the legislative requirement imposed on selected classes of people to report suspected cases of abuse and neglect to government authorities.

Q. A set of guidelines for providing high-quality care and criteria for evaluating care. Such guidelines help assure clients that they are receiving high-quality care. The standards are important if a legal dispute arises over the quality of care provided a patient. These are also called “standards for practice”

R. It is also known as records and information management, is an organisational function devoted to the management of information in an organisation throughout its life cycle, from the time of creation or inscription to its eventual disposition. This includes identifying, classifying, storing, securing, retrieving, tracking and destroying or permanently preserving records

S. ?Framework that decides where responsibilities and limitations happen as according to the work-role.

T. ?Examples of some legislation on work included:

  • Mental Health Act 1986
  • Children, Young and Families Act 2005 (Victoria)
  • Police Powers and Responsibilities Act, 2000

U. ?It requires that organisations that employ paid workers ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the physical and mental health and safety of its workers, including volunteers.

Part B- Written questions


1.1 What are the six (6) key principles known as the "practices of collaboration"?

When collaborating, there are six key principles known as the “practices of collaboration”. 

  1. Recognise the need for support and accept it
  2. Develop an understanding and realise the purpose
  3. Have commitment and ownership
  4. Create and maintain trust
  5. Develop strong partnerships
  6. Monitor your networks, maintain your collaboration and learn from them 


  • Physical health for the entire well-being Physical health is the most commonly noticed aspect of health. Most health issues that are easily detected are those in the physical body. 
  • Mental Health Most of the disorders that affect your health depend on your mental health state.
  • Spiritual wellbeing
  • Financial wellbeing 
  • Social wellbeing


1. Discuss holistic practice using 20-40 words.

Putting people who experience mental health issues first and at the centre of practice and service delivery; viewing a person’s life situation holistically

A holistic approach incorporates and addresses more than the mental health needs of a particular individual, and therefore covers the entire individual.  The approach is focussed on supporting the individual by recognising their physical, emotional, psychological, social, economic, environmental and spiritual needs and requirements.    

Every individual will have unique experiences of mental health issues and a journey to recovery that is affected by their age, gender, culture, ethnicity, language, religion, sexual orientation and gender orientation, relationship status, life experience and belief systems.

You need to understand that how you are viewing situations should vary from how the individual you are helping is doing so. Paying attention, communicating and questioning are the skills to deliver a holistic service to clients. A holistic approach focuses on taking a comprehensive view that considers wellbeing as an integral aspect of the health care system

2. What are the five (5) aspects of physical wellbeing? 


2.Eating well

3.Physical activity



3. What is cognitive well-being, and how does it differ from other types of well-being?

Q2: Answer the following questions related to the impact of a lack of social and emotional wellbeing (SEWB) on mental health 

  1. What are the three (3) negative impacts of a lack of social and emotional well-being (SEWB) on one's psychological well-being?
  2. What factors can have an impact on social and emotional well-being (SEWB)? 

Q3: Answer the following questions related to evidence-based practice in relation to support for the individual domains

1. What are the four (4) domains of wellbeing?? ??

2. In 30-60 words, explain the strengths and strategies of evidence-based practice supporting various individual domains. 

Q4: Answer the following questions to the iatrogenic effects of mental illness diagnosis and treatment on an individual’s wellbeing 

?1. What are iatrogenic effects of mental illness? Answer using 40-80 words. 

2. What are the treatment strategies to manage iatrogenic effects? Identify two (2) treatments.

Q5. Answer the following questions related to the requirements for physical wellbeing, including:

  • nutrition
  • exercise
  • food security/insecurity
  • self-care style opportunities and information
  • oral health
  • comprehensive health checks
  • access to health services, and natural supports and resources
  • sexual health strategies including contraception, sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and strategies for sexual expression

5.1. How does each of the following assist or affect the management of physical wellbeing? Answer using 40-100 words. 

  1. nutrition
  2. exercise
  3. food security/insecurity
  4. self-care style opportunities and information
  5. oral health
  6. comprehensive health checks
  7. access to health services, and natural supports and resources
  8. sexual health strategies including contraception, sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and strategies for sexual expression  

5.2. What are the five (5) requirements to being physically healthy? 

Q6: Answer the following questions related to the aspects of social wellbeing and types of social activity of that contribute to wellbeing, including:

  • education
  • employment
  • community
  • volunteering
  • hobbies
  • personal interests

6.1. How does each of the following assists or affect the management of social wellbeing? Answer using 30-80 words. 

  1. education
  2. employment
  3. community
  4. volunteering
  5. hobbies
  6. personal interests

6.2. What are the five (5) areas of wellbeing? 

Q7. Answer the following questions related to aspects of emotional wellbeing, including:

  • ability to self-care
  • quality of support systems
  • healthy relationships

7.1.  Why is ability to self-care important for maintaining emotional health and wellbeing? Answer using 40-80 words.  

7.2.  What are the eight (8) areas of self care? 

7.3.  What is the significance of having a support system for supporting mental health and well-being? Answer in between 40 and 80 words.

7.4.  What are some of the ways that healthy relationships can benefit mental health? Answer in between 40 and 80 words. 

Q8. Answer the following questions related to aspects of cultural/spiritual wellbeing, including:

  • involvement in cultural activities and networks
  • ability to practise own culture
  • good links within own culture

8.1. How can having strong cultural networks and being involved in cultural events, as well as being able to Practise one's own culture, contribute to one's overall cultural and spiritual well-being? Answer using 30-60 words.  

8.2. What are the two (2) main ways you work to promote and foster cultural and spiritual well-being in your society? 

Q9: Answer the following questions related to cognitive aspects that affect wellbeing, including:

  • ability to practise coping strategies
  • mindfulness
  • relaxation

9.1. What factors have an impact on cognitive well-being? Answer using 40-80 words.  

9.2. What role do coping strategies play in one's overall well-being? Answer using 40-80 words.

9.3. What are the four (4) effective coping strategies? 

9.4. What is the relationship between mindfulness and well-being? Answer using 40-80 words. 

9.5. What role does relaxation have in one's overall well-being? Answer using 40-80 words.

Q10: Answer the following questions related to models of change, including stages of change model

10.1. What are the models of change in mental health? Answer using 50-100 words. 

10.2. What are the five (5) stages of change model? 

Q11. Answer the following questions related to awareness of social exclusion/inclusion, disadvantage, systemic oppression and power dynamics

11.1. What is the difference between social exclusion and inclusion? Answer using 40-80 words. 

11.2. What strategies do you use to enhance social inclusion in mental health for those who are disadvantaged? Answer using 40-80 words. 

11.3. What is systemic oppression, and how does it influence the mental health of those who are subjected to it? Answer using 40-80 words. 

11.4. What exactly is power dynamics in the field of mental health? Answer using 40-80 words.

Q12: Answer the following questions related to approaches to practice, including:

  • motivational interviewing
  • solution focused approaches
  • strength based approaches
  • cognitive behavioural approaches
  • narrative approaches
  • acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT)

12.1. What are the fundamental principles of motivational interviewing? Idnetify four (4) principles. 

12.2. What actually are solution-focused approaches and how do they work? Answer using 40-80 words.

12.3. What is intended by a strengths-based approach, and how does it work? Answer using 40-80 words.

12.4. What is the cognitive behavioural approach to problem solving? Answer using 40-80 words.

12.5. What are narrative approaches? Answer using 40-80 words.

12.6. What is the goal of acceptance and commitment therapy? Answer using 40-80 words. 

???Part C- True or False Statements

1. Mental health care professionals must be aware of and adhere to all legal and ethical concerns (international, national, state/territory, and local) that establish their practice guidelines. 

?2. The six Principles of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy are 

  • Cognitive defusion.
  • Expansion and acceptance.
  • Contact and connection with the present moment.
  • The Observing Self.
  • Values clarification.
  • Committed action

3. The stress of not being able to meet basic necessities raises the value of social connections and reduces the risk of mental illness and problematic substance use.

4. Programs should be offered for maintaining self-esteem, self-confidence, eliminating fears and anxieties 

5. For social inclusion, people must be able to "find work; access resources; interact with family and friends; pursue personal interests; and have their opinions heard." 

6. Mental health refers to an individual's or group's social and emotional well-being. 

7. Well-being is essential to an individual's overall health, allowing them to overcome obstacles and achieve their life goals.  

8. Local and international best-practice frameworks are not taken into account for preparation, evaluation, implementation planning, and analysis.  

9. The self-advocacy should be established, promoted and encouraged by the mental health worker at all times. 

10. People with mental illness face do not face isolation and discrimination just for having an illness. 

11. Assertive communication can help maintain an effective and constructive environment, while preserving meaningful relationships. 

12. Existing services provided by a service may include health and care systems, providing education and training and access to organisational policy framework and protocols. 

13. Individuals must possess the information and health literacy essential to comprehend and differentiate between effective and ineffective self-care approaches in order to conduct self-care effectively.

14. A referral to a psychiatrist for treatment should be provided to all people with mental health care needs. 

15. In assertive communication, you communicate your thoughts and feelings truthfully and genuinely in an appropriate manner. 

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  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : February 17th, 2023
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  • Views : 362

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