Systems and Signals Assignment
- Country :
- Write a script to compute the z-transform of given signal and show its output in the command window. (Marks=1)
X[n] = 0.5" n<=0 - Sketch the following signals in one figure (including axis labels, title, legends)(Marks=3)
x1(t)= sin(pl) t=-3:0.001:3
x2(t)= 0.25 cos(*) t-3:0.001:3 - Find the convolution of the above-mentioned signals. (Marks=1)
- Write a 3x3 matrix.
- Insert a 4th row and 4th column in this matrix
- Access a 2nd column and replace it with [100 200 300 400]
- Design a model in Simulink and show its output (Marks=2)