diff_months: 21

User-Centered Design Software System Assessment

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Added on: 2023-05-09 09:54:47
Order Code: 489782
Question Task Id: 0

User-centered design is not only limited to software systems. It can be applicable to your everydays products.

In this assessment, you need to identify four everyday products/software with bad design. A well-designed product should take into consideration the theories that we have covered so far (Principle of proximity, visibility visual feedback, visual performance, visual hierarchy, progressive disclosure, consistency, affordance, etc.). On the other hand, the badly designed product does not take humans into consideration which made it a bad design. Once identified the products, explain the problems with the products and what could be the possible solutions.

Assessment Details
For this assignment, you need to write a report with a minimum of 1,000 and a maximum of 1,500 words (excluding references, attached article pages, and title pages) to answer the below questions:
1. Overview of the four selected products. (5 marks)
2. Identify the bad designs of the products and justify based on the theories covered in this unit.
(10 marks)
3. Propose your solutions for each product and justify your solutions based on the theories covered in
this unit. (10 marks)
4. Write a half-page of your conclusion on the investigation process. (5 marks)

  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : May 09th, 2023
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 486

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