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A3: Report on Product Development

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A3: Report on Product Development

Learning outcomes 1-6

Assessment criteria:

a description of the food product: exact name, precise category (for example: savoury starters, desserts, ready-made meals, alcoholic drinks etc.), general description, composition, the product's taste and nutritional qualities, technical specifications, manufacturing process, packaging, shelf life;description of the product's innovation and eco-innovative aspects;a summary of the marketing, sales and business plan

An example of the report structure:

Title page:

Module title /code

Title of report

Author /student number

Who it is for / attn:When was it written

[ tip copy from the front sheet of MSG and modify]

Summary page:Aims & objectives of report

Main findings

Contents page:

Layout withpage numbers

In reports each section is numbered

Use footer student no / module title

1.Introduction page

a.Aims and objectivesb.Originality, creativity & innovating aspects of the product

2.Marketing plan

a.Concept test

b.Final consumer study

c.Competition analysis

d.Evaluation of the potential market

e.Marketing mix: precision and consistence

3.Technical study: formulation process and manufacturing diagram

a.Presentation of the results of the formulation process

b.Composition details, manufacturing diagram

c.Sensory analysis and shelf life

d.Packaging technical characteristics for product conservation

e.Nutritional value and health; justification

4.Technological study: manufacturing simulation as industrial scale

a.Identification of potential suppliers for industrial manufacturing

b.Proposal of a manufacturing line

c.Risk assessment: HACCP for the production process

d.Management of potential allergens at a product level

5.Regulatory study

a.Regulations on a product level (actual regulation towards claims)

b.Rules regarding the product name

6.Sustainable development aspects

a.At ingredients/raw material level, at a manufacturing process level, at a packaging level, at distribution level, at company management level

7.Financial study: 3 years projection (limited information)

a.Business plan consistency


All texts, web sites, journals, newspapers used in report and referred too


Alphabetical order

Additional reading read but not referenced in report


Everything that supports the report, but would hinder speed reading if part of the main report

No extras

The marking criteria for A3 are the below

A2 Practical Portfolio

Written on: June 2022

Contents page

TOC o "1-3" h z u 1Contents PAGEREF _Toc73900872 h 21.Practical 1: Texture Analysis of Foods PAGEREF _Toc73900873 h 31.1Sensory analysis of crisps PAGEREF _Toc73900874 h 31.1.1Results and discussion PAGEREF _Toc73900875 h 31.1.2Results from texture analysis PAGEREF _Toc73900876 h 61.1.3Conclusion PAGEREF _Toc73900877 h 71.2Questions to answer PAGEREF _Toc73900878 h 71.3Mechanical and structural properties of gelatine gels: Effect of concentration PAGEREF _Toc73900879 h 121.3.1Texture analysis principle of the method PAGEREF _Toc73900880 h 121.3.2Results and discussion PAGEREF _Toc73900881 h 121.3.3Conclusion PAGEREF _Toc73900882 h 141.4Questions to answer PAGEREF _Toc73900883 h 141.5Texture analysis of breads PAGEREF _Toc73900884 h 161.5.1Principle of the method PAGEREF _Toc73900885 h 161.5.2Results PAGEREF _Toc73900886 h 161.5.3Conclusions PAGEREF _Toc73900887 h 171.6Questions to answer PAGEREF _Toc73900888 h 172.Practical 2: Enzymatic browning PAGEREF _Toc73900889 h 193.Practical 3: Lipid analysis PAGEREF _Toc73900890 h 24Reference List PAGEREF _Toc73900891 h 27

Practical 1: Texture Analysis of FoodsIntroduction (aims and objectives)

The aim of this practical session . (complete)

Tests were conducted by a group of 22 students who evaluated four samples of crisps- respectively Walkers 25% less salt, Walkers original, Walkers baked and Asda extra special hand cooked.

Objective (texture) analysis (complete)

Sensory analysis of crispsPrinciple of the method

To complete

soft 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 hard

soggy 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 crunchy

elastic 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 rubbery

Results and discussionTo complete

Table 1: Sensory evaluation of four brands of crisps- walkers 25% less, walkers, walkers baked and Asda. 22 participants evaluated the product dividing it into the following categories using hedonic scale respectively: from soft 1 to 9 hard, from soggy 1 to crunchy 9 and from elastic1 to rubbery 9.

Figure 1. Sensory evaluation of four brands of crisps- Extra Special, Doritos, walkers ready salted, walkers baked. 28 participants evaluated the product using hedonic scale from soft 1 to hard 9, where error bars the standard error is presented.

Figure 2. Sensory evaluation of four brands of crisps- Extra Special, Doritos, walkers ready salted, walkers baked. 28 participants evaluated the product using hedonic scale from soggy 1 to crunchy 9.

Figure 3. Sensory evaluation of four brands of crisps- Extra Special, Doritos, walkers ready salted, walkers baked. 28 participants evaluated the product using hedonic scale from elastic 1 to rubbery 9. Texture analysis using the texture analyser

Principle of the method

To complete

Results from texture analysisTable 2: The average hardness value of four commercial crisps (Extra special, Doritos, Ready Salted and Baked) and standard error of 5 observations

Sample name Hardness (gr)

Extra Special Asda 0.48 ( 0.010)

Doritos 0.54 ( 0.030)

Ready salted 0.24 ( 0.002)

Baked 0.42 ( 0.01)

Figure 4. Texture analysis of four brands of crisps- Doritos, walkers ready salted, walkers baked and extra special Asda using texture analyser. The force at fracture is an average of six repeats and the standard deviation is presented at error bars.

ConclusionQuestions to answerWhat is the difference between instrumental and sensory measurements? Why do food scientists need to do both sorts of tests?

Suggest reasons why it was important to hide the identity of the chips? If you guessed which variety of chip was, were you correct when the answer was revealed?Using your graphs, judge whether the sensory and the objective tests gave the same answer.

Why do different varieties of chip give different results? Using the ingredient label from the chip packet, can you suggest what might be causing this?



Explain the chemistry that occurs to change the texture of chip during staling stale? How does packaging keep chips fresh?

Mechanical and structural properties of gelatine gels: Effect of concentrationTexture analysis principle of the methodResults and discussionTable 3: Force, area, and standard deviation of gels, six samples were tested in each case

Sample Force at Rupture (g) (std error) Brittleness (mm) (std error)

1 170.36 ( 16.89) 8.74 ( 3.57)

1.5 661.19 ( 37.54) 14.54 (5.9)

2 713.42 ( 34.72) 18.47 ( 7.4)

4 1573.01 ( 29.95) 16.33 (6.6)

Figure 6. Texture analysis of different gelatine concentrations, using texture analyser. The force at Rupture is an average of six repeats and the standard deviation is presented at error bars.

Figure 7. Texture analysis of different gelatine concentrations, using texture analyser. The brittleness is an average of six repeats and the standard deviation is presented at error bars.

Table 4. Mechanical properties of gelatine gels

ConclusionQuestions to answerDiscuss the effect of gelatine concentration on mechanical properties, describe the gelation mechanism.

Figure 8. Schematic illustration of the growth of the aggregates, interconnecting and forming bigger clusters in chemical networks.

Figure 8.1 The gelation process upon cooling

Texture analysis of breadsPrinciple of the methodResultsTable 5. Springiness and firmness of gluten free and gluten breads

Figure 9. Texture analysis of breads using texture analyser. Force at first compression an average of four repeats and the standard deviation is presented at error bars.

Figure 10. Texture analysis of breads using texture analyser. Hardness an average of four repeats and the standard deviation is presented at error bars.

Figure 10. Texture analysis of breads using texture analyser. Firmness is an average of four repeats and the standard deviation is presented at error bars.

ConclusionsQuestions to answerWhat are the differences between the two breads tested? Discuss the role of gluten and give suggestions of ingredients that could replace the functionality.

Practical 2: Enzymatic browningPrinciple of the Method

Results and discussion

Figure 1:


Comment on the effect of pH on catechol oxidase activity.

Why do you think a cook immediately places freshly peeled potatoes into a pan of water?

Figure 2: The role of oxygen in enzymatic browning

Why do people squeeze a few drops of lemon juice on to a freshly cut avocado?

Mushrooms contain high levels of polyphenol oxidases, so how do you think pre-sliced packaged ones can be prevented from going brown?

TLC (Chromatography)


Results and discussion

Present a photo from your own plate. How did the values you obtained compare with these values?

Distance travelled by solvent: 5,2 cm

Distance travelled by pigment Rf Value




Enterprise Project

Assignment 2

Aquatic Buds Presentation



Slide 1

Concerns 1&2

Ladies and gentlemen, Good morning, my name is Antonios Koliadis, please get on board with me and lets get troubled with a few things:

Do you like fish?

Do you see in the most of the restaurants and groceries many sales options except the popular salmon, cod or haddock? As an island nation we fish a broad variety of delicious fish which is not as popular and valued at they should be, fishes like red mullet, sardines, gurnard and John Dory can cherish our tables and health while leaving other species to survive extinction.

On the other side, we all hear about pollution and climate change killing our oceans life, but do we all know what is really happening? Is there a way we can prevent this and contribute towards a saving plan?

Slide 2

Concern 3

My business partner and I grew up in a Greek island where seafood is a stable diet and we cook and eat every single fish will come out of the boat, grabbing the most seasonal combinations. The sea provides us nutritional and wellbeing treasures. From our days out, we observed that choices around were either the traditional fish and chips with pricing matching our quick meal budget or a seafood restaurant with prices starting for one fish dish i.e. grilled tuna at approximate price of 25.

Could you consider that between those two edge-offers you can position a meal like oven baked tilapia cutlets with asparagus or grilled red mullet on spiced chickpeas and wilted spinach, or large calamari rings served with house made black garlic sauce on fluffy spring greens at a price under 10 quid?

Slide 3

Company Introduction People- Start-up costs

Ladies and Gentlemen, I introduce you Aquatic Buds.

The Aquatic Buds is an energetic and imaginative mobile food truck company.

Aim of the company is to put on the table a rich variety of undervalued fishes available from the British Isles while campaigning and donating 3% of its profits to marine life charities. Clean oceans and healthy fish stocks will have a key role in our menu design and marketing strategy. The food specialty of Aquatic Buds will be sustainable, seasonal and affordable fish and shellfish of many variations served with excellent manner to the customers. A vegan option using seaweeds will be always on the menu.

Myself a hospitality management graduate, law graduate, personal licenses holder, with food, allergens & health safety training and experienced chef will takeover responsibilities such as supplier chain, cooking and offline marketing while my business partner and sister in law, Kyriakoula Sarika-Koliadis, a retail professional with great success in operations budgeting and campaigns will take over finances, online marketing, as well as cooking.

We will both remain in our jobs roles and keep savings to support the business the first three years of its launch.

Our start-up cost is calculated at 28,659 of which 14,000 will be contributed by two partners, 10,000 will be secured by loan and 4,659 is hoped to be raised through a crowdfunding campaign.

Slide 4

Location, Price, Process, Product details

The goal of the company is to serve and offer gourmet seafood dishes and artisan beverages at the Broadway Saturdays and Brick Lane Sundays, food markets, each day 10 am to 5pm at Hackney Borough, East London.

Customers can visit the truck and buy a meal there or order online through our website or mobile application. Deliveroo, Just Eats & Uber eats are incorporated in our sales process.

There will be always a selection of 3 meals, one of them vegan, at average price of 9 while artisanal low alcoholic and botanical drinks will be priced at 3. Reviewing other food trucks prices and competition and costumer intension to spend up to 10 for a high standard street food meal, we consider our prices competitive.

For the choice of the location we took in consideration the high volume of local and international visitors who flow in both markets every weekend as foodie and shopping destinations with great media coverage. Our clear goal is to establish a high recognisable brand in the first 3 years of the operation.

Slide 5

Existing Market Market Growth

Why I chose this path? Why on the wheels?

As Emily Austen, a chief executive of Emerge, a London communications agency, said Customers long for the human interaction of an honest transaction. The visually transparent nature of watching your food being made from scratch and served straight away creates a bond of trust and a willingness to try

(Triple click on Youtube video to watch London Street Food market. Broadway market poses in the first 10 seconds as the hippest market in the East side of the city).

The Food Trucks industry has expanded over the ten years to 2019 with an estimated total value of 1.3bn in 2019, increasing by 9.1% from 2018 and is one of the highest-performing segments in the broader food service sector with 2.8% growth forecast. Street food is the most popular option within the 25 to 34-year-olds while over 50s they still make up one in three visits at street food stalls.

Slide 6

Target Market- Hackney Demographics- UK diet trends -Marketing Persona

Let me befriend you with Jessy Walton, a banker officer in her 30s, a big fun of Aquatic Buds, our marketing persona!

She is one of the 281,740 residents living within the 19,06 square kilometers area that Hackney Borough spreads. The various segments in this population which are based on income, diet and lifestyle along with the Hackney visitors are our target customer base. You can see statistics for the Hackney demographic on the screen but what really drives our business is the populations new diet habits.

Overall, you can see that there is a strong movement towards Veganism and Flexiterianism with 12 million turning by end of 2020, while Pescatarianism itself is expected to grow by 80% in the same year. Aquatic Buds has created an offer which responds to these changes and integrates the new diet trends in its model.

Slide 7

Promotional Mix- Digital Marketing

So, how do I reach my customers then? How will I make them know Aquatic Buds and the offered value to them? Which fish net should I use?

Kyriakoula and I are going to utilize every single potential channel that will increase footfall in our venture, from sampling fish-shellfish sandwiches-nibbles till Press releases, Food festivals and Sponsorships. But having in consideration the new era of commerce where customers interact with businesses and search for the desired goods online, we are going to customise our marketing strategy. Digital marketing allows the company with the least costs to reach a vast customer base. 57% of customers order their food from a website as well as 85% of people search for local businesses online.

As you can see on the screen there is a diverse mix of promotional methods we are going to engage ourselves since day one, but our major interest will lay in the ones in Bold Red Letters such as Social Media, our Webpage and Mobile Application, SEO, SMS Geofencing and Crowdfunding campaign.

Slide 8

Sales Forecast /Profit Margins

Financial wise, with a modest prediction of 50 customers per weekend in January 2021 we are expecting 1st month sales at 1,920 as you can see the detailed calculation on the screen. In total, by the end of 2021 revenue is estimated to reach 28,608 and then an average 8% growth year by year till 2023.

Our cost of sales is about 25% of selling price taking into account current whole fish prices such as seabream (size 10-15cm) is sold for 1 per piece or same tilapia is between 0,35 to 0,56 pence. Of course, we have added on the fish s cost the rest of the ingredients costs but all together wont exceed the 25% hat. Profit margins will fluctuate around 33% before tax and interests which leaves a healthy profit for our startup.

Great news! With this humble plan, we succeed to repay our 10.000 loan with deposits starting July 2022 and ending December 2023.

Slide 9

Companys Growth

How do we see Aquatic Buds growing? Which direction we choose to go?

Having built a hard rock brand by 2023 the founders will capitalise on this and contribute equity and new investment funds towards a brick and mortar operation which will allow further market penetration and product diversification. Except enriching our meals variety for our take away customers we are going to introduce Aquatic Buds fish meals kits for grocery stores as well as our signature searcuterie.

Currently, the most of the grocery stores they just sell packed plain fish fillets. We are going to offer a complete delicious solution! How about stuffed whole calamari or butterflied sardines, sauce and veggies in the same tray, just put in the oven and enjoy it over a glass of wine in a few minutes? As for searcuterie, it is a new food trend hitting the scene and it will dominate our palettes soon! Shellfish sausage and octopus salami are a new take on beloved classics.

Slide 10


Ladies and Gentlemen, behind every story of a business success there is a great idea as a start, but at the end it is not only the success of one. There is always a team, people who share the same ideals, beliefs and inspirations and embark on the same journey.

Hence, today I want from all of you here thumbs up in order to dish up my passion for the benefit and the welfare of all the Aquatic Buds stakeholders.

Please, I am now prepared to answer your questions.

Thank you

Slide 11

(Aquatic Buds Logo as background while I discuss with my audience)

Slide 12


1. Austria Juice (2020) The top trends 2020 on the beverage market, Austria Juice, Available at: www.austriajuice.com news-blog the-top-trends-on-...:(Accessed: 20/04/2020).

2.Finder.com (2020) UK diet trends 2020 Available at: https://www.finder.com/uk/uk-diet-trend (Accessed:15/04/2020).

3.Grant R.M. (2016), Contemporary Strategy Analysis: Text and Cases Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Chichester.

4.Hanni R. (2020) Food Market Reports 2020 - Trends, Analysis & Statistics, Report Linker ,Available at: https://www.reportlinker.com/food/reports (Accessed: 20/04/2020).

5.Hajli N. et al. (2017) Branding co-creation with members of online brand communities, Journal of Business Research, vol. 70, pp. 136144, 2017.

6. Kim, W., C., and Mauborgne, R. (2015) Blue Ocean Strategy: How to Create Uncontested Market Space and Make the Competition Irrelevant. Expanded edn. Boston: Harvard Business School Publishing Corporation.

7.Marrfish (2020) Why-popular-fish-equals-expensive-fish Marrfish - Wholesale Fish Suppliers, Available at: https://marrfish.co.uk/why-popular-fish-equals-expensive-fish/ ( Accessed: 18/04/2020).

8. Martino V. (2020) What's the outlook for smart technology in food and drink - just ...Just-Food.com, Available at: https://www.just-food.com/analysis/whats-the-outlook-for-smart-technology-in-food-and-drink-just-food-futures-volume-5_id141154.as (Accessed 15-04-2020).

9.Mintel.com (2020) Consumer Trends 2030 - Seven Core drivers of consumer behavior that will shape global markets over the next 10 years", Mintel, Available at: https://www.mintel.com/press-centre/social-and-lifestyle/mintel-2030-global-consumer-trends (Accessed: 12/04/2020).

10. Mobile Cuisine (2019) Food Truck Crowdfunding 101, Mobile Cuisine, Available at: https://mobile-cuisine.com/crowdfunding/food-truck-crowdfunding-101/ (Accessed: 10/04/2020).

11. Pickup O. (2017) Food vans: why they are so popular in the UK, Telegraph, Available at https://www.telegraph.co.uk/connect/small-business/operations-and-logistics/renault/why-are-food-vans-on-trend/ ( Accessed: 10/04/2020).

12. Robben media (2020)Robben Media Digital Direct-Response Marketing Agency, Available at: https://robbenmedia.com ( Accessed : 22/04/2020).

13.Smith M. et al (2009) Management & Business Research, 5th Edition, London, Sage.

14.Washington M. (2018) These meat and fish are worst for the environment Futurity Available at: www.futurity.org food-production-environmental-impact-1781632 (Accessed: 16/04/2020).

15. BIBLIOGRAPHY Worthington, I., Britton, C. (2015) The Business Environment. 7th edn. Harlow: Pearson Education.

  • Uploaded By : Pooja Dhaka
  • Posted on : November 25th, 2024
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  • Views : 28

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