diff_months: 21

AN 46: Support Individuals To Live At Home Assessment

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Added on: 2023-05-12 11:41:06
Order Code: clt290581
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1.1 Describe how being supported to live at home can benefit an individual.

1.2 Compare the roles of people and agencies who may be needed to support an individual to live at home.

1.3 Explain the importance of providing information about benefits, allowances and financial planning which could support individuals to live at home.

1.4 Explain how risk management contributes to supporting individuals to live at home.

2.1 Identify with an individual the strengths, skills and existing networks they have that could support them to live at home.

2.2 Identify with an individual their needs that may require additional support and their preferences for how the needs may be met.

2.3 Agree with the individual and others the risks that need to be managed in living at home and ways to address them

3.1 Support the individual and others to access and understand information about resources, services and facilities available to support the individual to live at home.

3.2 Work with the individual and others to select resources, facilities and services that will meet the individuals needs and minimise risks.

3.3 Contribute to completing paperwork to apply for required resources, facilities and services, in a way that promotes active participation.

3.4 Obtain permission to provide additional information about the individual in order to secure resources, services and facilities.

4.1 Agree roles and responsibilities for introducing additional support for an individual to live at home.

4.2 Introduce the individual to new resources, services, facilities or support groups.

4.3 Record and report on the outcomes of additional support measures in required ways.

5.1 Work with the individual and others to agree methods and timescales for ongoing review.

5.2 Identify any changes in an individuals circumstances that may indicate a need to adjust the type or level of support.

5.3 Work with the individual and others to agree revisions to the support provided.

  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : May 12th, 2023
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 271

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