Assessment 1 Performance Management Proposal (Weighting - 40%)
Assessment 1 Performance Management Proposal (Weighting - 40%)
Criteria 7 (High Distinction) 6 (Distinction) 5 (Credit) 4 (Pass) 3, 2, 1 (Fail)
AOL Goal: PC (2.2) Exercise independent judgement and initiative in adapting and applying knowledge and skills for effective planning, problem solving and decision making in diverse contexts.
Critical analysis of current performance management system
15 Marks
From your analysis, the reader a) develops a crystal clear understanding of the gaps in the current performance management system, and b) sees how these gaps contribute to critical performance issues in the organisation and c) is convinced that these performance issues cause problems to the business and its people. Your argument is based on relevant theories and studies. Analysis is mostly appropriate where the gaps in the current performance management system can be seen. Discussion around the performance issues and how they might cause problems to the business and its people was convincing. Use of theory and literature to support your argument. Descriptive analysis of the current performance management system and implications for the business and its people. Minimal use of theory and literature to support your argument. You provide a description of the current performance management system in the selected organisation, and made observation about performance issues and the impact on the business and its people. Poor understanding of performance management process and accompanying issues. Failure to establish the link between the issue(s) and implications for the business and its people.
AOL Goal: KS (1.1) Demonstrate and apply integrated discipline knowledge across the broad field of business with depth in one or more core business disciplines.
Explanation &
justification of
suggested performance management system
8 Marks
Sophisticated use of the 6-stage performance management process to explain and justify recommended change proposal for the chosen organisation. Arguments are supported by quality and appropriate research evidence. Appropriate use of the 6-stage performance management process to inform and justify the change proposal. Arguments are presented in an accurate and balanced manner, supported by sound research evidence. Change proposal is presented with reference to relevant academic literature. Coherent link between recommendations and research evidence, justification provided.
Use of the 6-stage performance management model to inform change proposal made. Attempt to justify findings with research evidence.
Fail to draw on the 6-stage performance management model when presenting change proposal. Little or no explanation of recommendations.
AOL Goal: HO (2.1) Investigate real world business issues and situations through the effective analysis, evaluation and synthesis of theory and practice.
Implementation plan is appropriate for the issues identified and for the organisation
7 Marks Present an elegant case as to how the new performance management system will be implemented. Demonstrates in-depth ability to consider the organisations business strategy and culture. Justifications are supported by relevant and appropriate evidence. Constructs a coherent, convincing argument about how the recommended performance management system can be implemented to assist organisation in achieving its strategical goals. Reference to academic literature where relevant and appropriate. Implementation plan is broadly made in line with the organisations strategy and culture, and is reasonable. Justification provided. Implementation plan attempts to explain how the new performance management system can be implemented, and take into account the organisations strategy and culture. Dont provide an implementation plan or implementation plan is poorly justified and inappropriate for the performance management system suggested and/or the organisation.
AOL goal: PC (3.1) Use information literacy skills, and communicate effectively and professionally in written forms using media appropriate for diverse purposes and contexts.
Presentation &
Academic Skills.
10 Marks Professionally presented with substantial attention to detail.
Well-structured, clearly articulated argument that flows well, using a highly polished, professional writing style. The report is free of spelling, punctuation and grammatical errors. Accurate referencing throughout. Carefully and logically organised. Well-structured, clearly communicates arguments, although there are some minor problems with the argument flow. Well-written, easy to read report. The report is free of spelling, punctuation and grammatical errors.
Accurate referencing, only minor errors. Shows organisation and coherence. Report is clearly structured, although at times there are some problems with the argument flow. There are some errors and inconsistencies in writing style. The report is generally free of spelling, punctuation and grammatical errors. Accurate referencing with a few errors. Attempt to organise paper. Adequate writing style but a little difficult to read and understand the arguments put forward. Lack of attention to spelling, punctuation, grammar and references so that the paper lacks authority and credibility. Lacks coherence and organisation. Poor writing style that does not meet acceptable academic standards.
Significant errors in spelling, punctuation, grammar and formatting. Many errors in referencing.
MGB232 Performance & Reward
Task Instructions Assessment 1
Performance management proposal
Learning Outcomes Unit Objectives: 1 and 4. AOL goals: KS (1.1), HO (2.1; 2.2) PC (3.1)
Length: 2000 words (strict upper limit) report excluding title page and references
Weighting 40%
Assessment Type Individual
Due date Week 6, Tuesday, 30th August, by 23:59 pm
How to submit Blackboard
Description of the task
The purpose of this assignment is to develop your competencies in the applying theory to address real world performance management issues. The six-stage performance management model will be your guiding theoretical framework. You will choose a real-world organisation from the media (newspaper article, magazine), or from your own workplace (or your last recent job).
First, you will critically review the current performance management practice by comparing and contrasting the current practice with the six-stage model. Explain how the current system results in various performance issues.
Then, you will come up with a change proposal to outline 2-3 new practices/interventions to strengthen performance management process at your chosen organisation. Describe how these new practices maps onto elements of the six-stage model and address the performance issues described above. You will also need to include an implementation plan.
Target Audience
The audience for your report will be the senior management team in the organisation.
Proposed structure
Cover Page
Title of assessment
Tutors name
Word count
An introduction
Review of current performance management system: how performance management is done at this organisation?
Building a case for change: What are the main performance issues identified as a result of poor performance management? What are its implications?
Change proposal: describe the new practices/interventions, how they complement existing practice to address the performance issues. Describe and explain how the system will be implemented in the organisation.
Use headings and subheadings
Number all pages
Ensure that the in-text references and the references list at the end of the report use the QUT APA Referencing Style
Choice of organisation
In week 3s tutorial, I have provided 3 articles that you can use as a starting point if you are struggling to think of an organisation. Please note that I would recommend that you undertake additional research on PM within the organisation as the articles can be excessively focused on performance issues. You need to demonstrate knowledge of the 6-stage model and understanding of the organisations entire PM system in order to appropriately analyse the system to identify the performance issues and discuss the implications.
You can also choose your own organisation (where you are working in now, where you have worked before, an organisation you are familiar with). You may use a pseudonym if you are uncomfortable using the name of the organisation. Additionally, if you are basing the description of the PM system off your memory or knowledge, you do not need to use references here. The expectation of references will mainly be in the justification or explanation of implications and your suggested interventions.
Word count
The strict 2000-word limit includes headers and in-text referencing.
I cant advice on how should you breakup the word count across the various requirements but I myself would use the mark distribution as a gauge of what to focus on.
Citing the 6-stage model
To cite the 6-stage model, you can use the textbook published in 2013 by Herman Aguinis titled Performance Management. Please note that you do not have to explain the 6-stage model and the individual components just go straight into the key points you want to cover.
You would use the 6-stage model to review the current performance management system and to explain how your suggestions/recommendations would fit within the system and how they complement the existing practices.
Number of performance issues needed
There isnt a specific number required as you can see in the task instruction but I would probably not to go above 2-3 as it might take away from the depth of your analysis. I would advise that if you have more than 1 performance issue, they would be somewhat related. Additionally, you might not be able to appropriate elaborate on your interventions and the implementation plan if you are trying to solve multiple issues.
Organisation does not have a good performance management system/organisation has a well-rounded system on paper but its not being implemented well
This is fine to choose an organisation as such. You can specify that they organisation does not have a PM system or that on paper they have these components but in practice, there are only a few processes that are implemented.
Focusing on a specific department/business of a large organisation
Its ok to focus on a specific department/business of an organisation provided they have a specific PM system in place that you want to address.
Building a case for change
You would be building a case for change based on your review the current PM system and how it leads to performance issues and the implications. Please do not introduce new or surprising information here.