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Assessment task 3: Research Paper Proposal (Non-graded pass)

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Added on: 2024-11-14 11:00:23
Order Code: LD501709
Question Task Id: 501709

Assessment task 3: Research Paper Proposal (Non-graded pass)

  • Due 22 Febby17:00
  • Points0
  • Submitting on paper

Assignment tasks 3 and 4 involve research for a major assignment, whichis aresearch paper/essay. Students will choose one of two scenarios providedfor thisassignment and then present their proposal during the workshop, receiving feedback from the teaching team. Presentations will be 10+5 minutes, and handouts are welcome, although PowerPoints are not required. A template will be provided to assist in developing the proposal.Assignment 3 is a non-graded pass (NGP).

The final assignment (Assignment 4) carries 60% of the marks and is expected to be submitted six weeks after the workshop. The word limit for the final assignment is under 2500 words. Assignments exceeding this word limit will incur a penalty.

The marking rubric is available in Canvas.

Scenario 1

Dr Stanislav Petrov is an International Medical Graduate working under conditional registration in a rural New South Wales community health clinic based in Armidale. Dr. Petrov completed his medical degree at the Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry and has five years experience working in a busy urban hospital in Moscow prior to immigrating to Australia in 2020. He has been assigned to work under the supervision of Dr. Michelle Tan, an experienced GP and community health practitioner who has practiced in rural NSW for over a decade. Dr. Tan has recently reduced her work commitments to the community clinic (0.5 FTE). Dr. Petrov is eager to contribute to the practice and community. However, he struggles with the differences in medical practices between his Russian training and Australian standards, as well with learning English.

In March 2023, Mr Brant, a miner who had been injured in a workplace accident at a nearby coal mine after a boom struck him in the shoulder, visited the community clinic. Dr. Tan was busy treating another patient who had arrived experiencing stroke symptoms and asked other general practitioners at the clinic to care for Brant. Dr. Petrov took the initiative to care for Brant and offered some local pain relief. However, because of Dr. Petrovs limited English and Brants thick accent he did not fully understand the symptoms Brant was experiencing. Following Dr Petrovs treatment, Brant returned to work and continued to work until October 2023, when he ceased working following severe pain in his right shoulder. Brant was referred by his regular GP to Dr. Song, an orthopaedic surgeon in Sydney. Dr. Song diagnosed Brant with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome and suggested that in the initial accident, Brant fractured his shoulder. A more comprehensive examination of Brants symptoms might have revealed this injury.

You are required to analyse the ethical and legal dimensions of Dr. Tan and Dr. Petrov's actions, considering the principles of negligence, regulatory compliance, liability, and informed consent. It is expected you will also weigh the challenges posed by cultural differences and communication barriers in the context of emergency care and explore issues both from the perspective of individuals involved (Dr. Petrov & Dr. Tan) as well as facility (community health clinic).

Scenario 2

Ava is a 55 year old women who has visited her physician Dr Singh after discovering a lump on her left breast. Dr Singh refers Ava for a biopsy on the lump to determine whether it is benign or malign. The biopsy sample is then sent to be evaluated by Dr Chan, a pathologist at the South Adelaide Hospital (SAH). Prior to referring Ava for a biopsy, Dr Singh explains to Ava Dr Chans technique for identifying cancer cells.

Dr Chan prepares the sample and then generates several high-resolution images of the sample. Dr Chan then uses an AI program at the hospital to scan the images. The AI program employs a neural network algorithm. This algorithm is trained using thousands of deidentified images just like that Dr Chan prepared from Avas biopsy results. Dr Chan scans for potentially cancerous cells, as well as cells which have metastasised and are now spreading.

According to studies Dr Chan reviewed at a conference, neural networks are more accurate than humans in identifying cancer lesions. Dr Chan hopes that by using this software, it will be possible for hospital staff to identify patients more accurately with breast cancer.

However, the SAH Board is also concerned about Dr Chans use of the algorithm. They are concerned about the potential for the program to generate false positive or false negative outputs. The Board is debating whether to introduce a policy forbidding AI tools from being used to diagnose patients. The Board is also considering whether to mandate that all results from the AI tool should be checked by another pathologist first.

Ava is also worried, not only about her lump but also about the AI used to diagnose her biopsy. She wants to know what will happen to her data once the diagnosis is completed and whether her data will be kept secure.

Analyse the ethical and legal implications of both issues. You will need to consider the principles of negligence, informed consent and privacy in your answer.

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  • Uploaded By : Charles
  • Posted on : November 14th, 2024
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 54

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