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BIO1011Task Analysis Assignment

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Added on: 2023-05-11 09:29:42
Order Code: clt316778
Question Task Id: 0


This is an individual assignment prepared by you. The use of generative AI systems is PROHIBITED for this assessment task. Any submitted work (in part or whole) that violates the Monash University policies on plagiarism or inappropriate use of generative AI will be subject to strict penalty. Markers will report all instances where they suspect a breach of these policies. Please be aware that the content contained in this document was not written by you, inclusion of any ideas presented here must be appropriately referenced.

Learning Objectives

  • To apply fundamental biological concepts to a practical scenario.
  • To address the limitations of life on Earth as they apply to an alien planet.
  • To coordinate the inter-relatedness of cellular functions to achieve the desired outcome.


Biological life is incredibly adaptable as demonstrated by the vast diversity of life on Earth. Humans have always been intrigued at the potential of humans colonising alien planets, with the first step being whether simple, unicellular, Earth-based lifeforms could colonise an alien planet.

In this scenario, you will take on the role of a research scientist tasked with designing a cell that can colonise a hypothetical alien planet, called Kepler-28d. The fundamental goal of your research is to demonstrate the potential of life existing/surviving on this alien planet. You will be conducting a theoretical or conceptual-experiment, where no actual experimental work will be conducted. Instead, you will examine the various limitations that Kepler-28d presents and design a hypothetical cell that addresses each of the Kepler-28d conditions (as described in the Assessment instructions) and reflects the possibility that life forms may survive on this alien planet.

Assessment instructions

Working individually, without the assistance of any form of generative artificial intelligence, you are required to complete a worksheet composed of a number of questions. In each question, you will be required to decide which organelle(s) or cellular process(es) are required to address one or more of the harsh conditions on Kepler-28d. The conditions that must be addressed are listed below.

Kepler-28d conditions that must be addressed:

The environment on Kepler-28d is very different to that on Earth, but still presents the opportunity to support life. You are required to design a carbon-based, eukaryotic, unicellular organism that contains membrane-bound organelles that match those on Earth and, theoretically, is capable of withstanding the following environmental conditions. Key conditions on Kepler 28d include:

  • An atmosphere that contains levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide sufficient to support life.
  • Kepler-28ds surface receives approximately the same amount of sunlight per day as that on Earth.
  • Temperatures on Kepler-28d are much lower than that on Earth (around -75?).
  • Water is available on the Kepler-28d surface, maintained as a liquid despite the low temperature (due to the high pressure of Kepler-28d atmosphere).
  • There is no source of bio available glucose or carbohydrates on Kepler-28d.
  • All essential metals, non-metals and transition metals are biologically available on Kepler-28d.
  • The essential amino acids methionine, histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan and valine are biologically available.
  • There is no limit to the number of founding cells introduced to the planet. However, there is no possibility to introduce additional individuals to the planet after the founding cells.

With the above conditions in mind, you will be required to complete a worksheet (the template is available on Moodle under MA3: Analysis Task Worksheet). You must prepare your answers in-line with the various questions presented in the worksheet template and submit the completed document using the designated submission box on Moodle. Refer to the MA3: Analysis Task Moodle page for submission links, assessment instructions, marking rubric and submission deadlines.

When formulating your responses, it is important to consider the inter-relatedness (or inter-dependency) of the various cellular functions. For example, cellular export using vesicles cannot occur without membranes capable of fusing with the plasma membrane. Your assessor will be looking to ensure that the solutions that you offer are consistent with previous statements to verify your understanding.

Use of tables and / or figures

You are not permitted to use figures or tables in your responses.

Any tables or figures will be ignored and not assessed.

  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : May 11th, 2023
  • Downloads : 1
  • Views : 360

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