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BSBCRT611 Apply Critical Thinking For Complex Problem Solving Assessment

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Added on: 2023-08-14 10:01:02
Order Code: CLT304470
Question Task Id: 0


Provide answers to all of the questions below:

1. Complete the table outlining reliable information relevant to workplace processes.

Organizational policies and procedures

Policies and procedures reflect the organizational vision, culture, values and needs of employees. Once the policies are prepared, it is equally important to enforce them to achieve intended results. Policies are not interchangeable even they may go hand-in-hand. Therefore, a policy outlines how the organization wants to tackle an issue. It connects vision and values in routine operations.

A procedure means to action plan to implement the policy. It informs how and when the employees can deal with a problem.

Therefore, policies and procedures present a round view of the organisation. Using policies and procedures, the employees can understand the expected behaviour, culture and achievement in the organization.

Internet search

https://xoralia.com/policies-and-procedure-in-the-workplace-the-ultimate-guide/ https://safetyculture.com/topics/policies-and-procedures/


The corporation act 2001 is a major legislation for businesses in Australia. It regulates how the business should be formed and operated, in a conjunction with the adopted constitution. It also defines the process for fundraising, takeovers and duties of the officers.

This regulation amendments to whistle-blower provisions. It increases the protection to whistle-blowers and liabilities of senior managers and board members of the business. It also handles penalties for the breaches. The provisions apply to the regulated entities such as businesses on which the commonwealth constitution is applied.

Internet search

https://www.legislation.gov.au/Details/C2019C00216 http://www5.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/cth/consol_act/ca2001172/


Stakeholders have direct and indirect impact on the business operations. Therefore, it is important to understand who are major stakeholders, how they can impact the operations, what they are expecting and how they can be influenced or engaged in the operational excellence. An effective communication with stakeholders is required to achieve their positive contribution in the operations.

2. Describe how legislation may be applicable to workplace problems (provide an example as part of your answer).

Legislations have important role to regulate organisational behaviour and avoid exploitation of the workers. It also protects the consumers for their rights. Businesses have impact of various types of the legislations on their operations. For instance, public defender system and legal service commission like public bodies draws indirect influence on the business. Consumer protection legislation enables customers to fight for their rights whereas taxation regulations defines how to taxing a business.

Cost and profits

Compliance to regulations introduce additional cost and time in businesses. For example, cost is required for safety equipment and training programs. Following are several other areas of the additional costs:

  • Testing of the products to meet minimum safety standards
  • Avail product warranty
  • Higher pay to the employees as per regulations
  • Employment of additional staff to cover the projects in time
  • Financial contribution to pension of the employees
  • Quality assurance procedures

However, these cost helps the organisation to achieve brand reputation and increased sales through it. It makes the business operations ethical and lawful and helps the business to ensure sustainability in market.

3. Describe how organisational policies and procedures may be applicable to workplace problems (provide an example as part of your answer).

Make sure that the workforce is aware of the importance of adhering to policies and procedures when organization's executives develop and implement them. Policies and procedures prevent activities from spiralling out of control. The firm can operate efficiently when everyone abides by the rules and guidelines. Teams and management structures function as intended. Additionally, errors and snags in processes may be easily found and fixed. Additionally, your company will spend time and resources more effectively if your workforce adheres to regulations and procedures. As a company, you'll be able to develop and accomplish your objectives. Finally, when staff members adhere to processes, they accurately complete jobs and offer consistent client care. This raises the calibre of the goods and services your business offers. enhancing the reputation of your business in the process. Staff should take pride at work and fulfil their roles.

4. Identify and describe two critical thinking methods that may be used to identify complex issues in the workplace using the table below (there is an example to get you started).

5. Identify and describe two critical thinking methods that may be used to generate solutions to complex issues in the workplace using the table below (there is an example to get you started).

6. Summarise the steps associated with a decision-making process. You may answer using a written paragraph or diagram.

In order to assist the business, generate effective decisions, the first step is to establish the aim. This may help us understand why we are making a certain choice and can help us choose what is most essential. By examining the problems that need to be resolved and the methods by which they will be accomplished, we may determine the decision's goal. The following stage is to obtain data for weighing your options, which may be done by asking for advice from experts or other specialists. As many resources as the issue requires must also be gathered, according to our plan. The third phase, thinking about the repercussions, calls on us to think about each repercussion and choice we have made. We may begin to make a choice by identifying the goals, gathering all the relevant data, and weighing the implications after carefully weighing the ramifications and having another think about it. The final stage after creating and implementing a decision is to analyse the outcome to confirm that it was the proper choice to make or that it failed.

7. List three advantages of addressing complex issues in the workplace.

  • Think creatively: it means to identify the opportunities and challenges and develop meaningful and deep-seated questions to understand the complex problem. It also allows to expand the vision and elaborate the connected dimensions of the issue.
  • Create adaption environment: it is important to create an environment that supports adaption so that individual can work effectively and invite divergence, display ideas and excite creative thinking.
  • Provide support for future: the employees become capable to think creatively and efficiently to address the complex issues. It allows them to develop suitable questions to facilitate understanding of the similar problems in their routine operations.

8. Complete the table outlining the different types of risk that may be associated with pursuing a complex issue in the workplace.

9. List three barriers to effective decision-making

  • Poor culture for challenging decision-making: The perspective on problems and decision-making process has significant impact of the organisational culture. Social and workplace norms have influence on the organisational culture. For example, women may be treated unequally and they may not get role in managerial roles and excluded from decision-making process.
  • Lack of knowledge: Level of knowledge defines the capability of decision-making. Higher knowledge can ensure better exploration of alternatives to problems and it can be done within the time and defined criteria for the problem.
  • Diversity of thoughts: it promotes argumentation, critical thinking, collaboration and analysis. People from different cultures may present a different view on a problem and it impacts their goals in social interactions and cognition. It impacts their behaviour and goals in decision-making and allows to make better decisions through collaboration with others.

10. Summarise the requirements for the development and presentation of a brief and feedback register.

Audiences must trust that the information from company give is accurate and trustworthy. Information that is unimportant, of poor quality, or has no supporting evidence does not help the business develop. should learn as much as you can about the viewers who will be in attendance. The demands and characteristics of the audience have an impact on how you prepare for and deliver the presentation, as well as on its length, the resources you have at your disposal, and the presenting styles you use. This calls for presenting abilities including voice tone, tempo, and language selection. How you gather data on the target audience will depend on how many people are listening and the purpose of the event. It might not be feasible or suitable for the presenter to gather information on specific participants if the gathering is large. To guarantee equitable participation and access to the venue and presentation, it is crucial for attendees to have a way to alert the facilitator or host of any special characteristics or requirements that ought to be considered. Take a positive stance toward the changes they suggest and contrast them with the objectives of the presentation. Improve the performance so that the listener can enjoy it and provide you helpful criticism on your delivery.

11. List four bodies you may be required to seek approval from to develop and implement solutions.

  • Primary bodies: These are part of commonwealth but has separate legal status.
  • Secondary statutory bodies: These are established by legislation and are intermediator for primary bodies.
  • Secondary non-statutory bodies: These are non-legislative bodies between primary bodies.
  • Other governance relationship: These are established by Commonwealth involvements such as investments and memberships.

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  • Uploaded By : Mohit
  • Posted on : August 14th, 2023
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  • Views : 89

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