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BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability

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Question Task Id: 496775

BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability

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Completing your assessment

Please read all the information given to you including the Student Handbook and other Help Documents before you start any Assessment.

Refer to your training plan for the assessment due date and correct order to complete this unit.

When completing your Assessment please ensure ALL work is your own. If a piece of evidence is partially created by another person, please make a note of this next to the relevant task number. Include a sentence stating where the evidence originated and a link to the original source if appropriate.

If you need to talk with a trainer about your Assessments or to request an extension call 1800 998 500 to book an appointment.

Submitting your assessment

Upload your assessment into the Assessment submission area with any additional evidence required. Ensure you press send for marking to submit your work. Ensure that you write a minimum of 6 - 8 sentences when a written answer is required.

When you have been notified that your assessment is marked go to the Recent Results tab for your unit on the Student Home Page. If you need to make any changes to your assessment, please do so and resubmit under the Assessment toggle.

If you need help with any of the above, view your help documents on the home page of your Online Student Area or call 1800 998 500.

Assessment Requirements

Complete ALL assessment tasks, projects and questions to a Satisfactory standard, ensuring that you provide enough evidence for your Assessor to prove that you are competent in the unit.

Complete this Assessment which involves research and other activities that will make sure you have the skills and knowledge required to demonstrate that you are competent in this unit.

Each assessment task is designed to assess your understanding and skills of the unit.

Sometimes activities may be available that will help you understand the whys and the hows - the theories and techniques - and to enrich your skills so that they are transferable to other situations.

If you do NOT complete some sections of a task or provide enough details etc., your evidence will be deemed Not Satisfactory, meaning that more evidence is required.

Your Assessor will then ask you to provide More Evidence, so that you can resubmit your assessment or ask you some further questions. You are allowed to resubmit your assessment evidence up to 3 times before you are deemed Not Yet Competent for the unit. Please refer to Global Training Institute Handbook, found on our website, for more details.


Tasks in this Assessment include:

Task 931 - Prepare workplace sustainability policies

Task 932 Implement workplace sustainability policies

Task 933 Review implementation of workplace sustainability policies

Task 934 Written questions

Task 935 - Application to you and your organisation


This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to develop and implement workplace sustainability policies and to modify the policy to suit changed circumstances.

The unit applies to individuals with managerial responsibilities who undertake work developing approaches to create, monitor and improve strategies and policies within workplaces. These individuals also engage with a range of relevant stakeholders and specialists.

'Sustainability' in this unit refers to a broad approach that focuses on the minimisation of an organisations social, economic and environmental impact, as well as proactive value creation in these areas.

Task 931 - Prepare workplace sustainability policies

You have been given the task of establishing the scope and objectives of workplace sustainability policies for your organisation or a case study, as discussed with your trainer,

T931.1 What are the 3 elements of your business that you should consider when writing the scope and objectives?

T931.2 Give an explanation of these 3 elements that you should consider.

3 Elements Considered Explanation

T931.3 Give examples of internal and external sources of information that you can gather when developing your sustainability policies.

You can refer to Australian and International sources to consider environmental and sustainability legislation, regulations and codes of practice that may be applicable to your organisation.

Internal Information Sources External Information Sources

Operational Plan National regulator website e.g. Safe Work Australia

T931.4 Give some examples of relevant people that you can consult to provide input relating to the sustainability policy.

T931.5 Give some reasons for consulting these relevant people.

Relevant People Reason for Consultation

Suppliers Suppliers know your organisation and have observed your organisation and most likely have some great input that they can provide.

T931.6 With the information that you have gathered in previous questions, outline the sustainability polices for your organisation with the Objective/Purpose, Scope of Elements and Desired Outcomes.

Workplace Sustainability Policy for (your business name)


Scope of Elements:

Desired Outcomes:

T931.7 As an extension to this document, develop target dates of implementation.

T931.8 List the resources required for implementation.

T931.9 List the staff responsible for the implementation of each.

T931.10 List the ways that each implementation will be communicated to the relevant parties.

T931.11 List the dates that you plan to review the implementations to provide continuous improvement to the Workplace Sustainability Policy.

Workplace Sustainability Policy for (your business name)

Dates of Implementation for each:

Resources Required:

Staff Responsible:

Communication Method for each:

Review and Improve Dates:

Task 932 - Implement workplace sustainability policies

You have documented a Workplace Sustainability Policy for your organisation or a case study, as discussed with your trainer. You have been asked to present to the key stakeholders in your organisation.

T932.1 How are you going to determine who the key stakeholders are?

Use a minimum of 6-8 sentences to write your answer below:

T932.2 Record who the key stakeholders are and the best way to present or communicate to them in the table below.

Key Stakeholders Best way to communicate to them.

Your next step to select the resources for your team to successfully implement the Workplace Sustainable Policy.

T932.3 Document the four main categories of resources needed to fulfil the sustainability strategy in the left hand column of the table below.

T932.4 Document a breakdown or list of the resources that fall under this category in the right hand column of the table below.

T932.5 Give examples of how you plan to monitor and record results for each of these resources. Some Key Performance Indicators will need to be set.

Category of Resource List of Resources in this category Monitor and Record Results

Financial Resources Money to purchase or acquire the information needed

Met budget set by Chief Financial Officer

Some staff need to be supported during the implementation of the Workplace Sustainable Policy for your organisation. It is important to get full cooperation and to ensure that employees understand their role.

T932.6 Document the four main categories of support strategies needed to fulfil the sustainability strategy in the left hand column of the table below.

T932.7 Give a list of the activities required to provide the support that you plan on implementing in the middle column of the table below.

T932.8 Put the dates of each implementation in the right column of the table below.

T932.9 Put the staff responsible for each implementation.

Category of Support Activities Required Staff Responsible Timeline

The Sustainability Policy has now been created and implemented. It is now time to evaluate the policy to consider the changes that have occurred as a result of the implementation. In the table below you are required to track and record:

T932.10 The four steps involved in the Continuous Improvement process in the left hand column of the table below.

T932.11 The breakdown of those four steps in the middle column of the table below.

T932.12 The dates that these will be implemented in the right hand column of the table below.

Four Steps of the process Breakdown of the steps Dates of implementation

Prepare for Evaluation

Identify Participants Task 933 - Review implementation of workplace sustainability policies

The Sustainability procedures have been implemented and results have been recorded.

It is now time to write a report to communicate to the key stakeholders the results that have occurred due to implementing a Sustainability Plan.

T933.1 Insert below the Executive Summary from your report outlining a summary of the positive or negative results or changes that have been observed and recorded in your organisation.

T933.2 As part of the Executive Summary from your report provide the recommendations section of your report outlining any changes or actions that need to be taken to make improvements for your Sustainability Plan. Include any sustainability issues that were experienced with the organisations systems and procedures.

T933.3 As part of the Executive Summary from your report provide the recommendations section of your report outlining barriers to implementing the policies and procedures and any changes or actions that need to be taken to make improvements for your Sustainability Plan.

T933.4 As part of the Executive Summary from your report provide the barriers of implementing the Sustainability Plan and any ways to overcome these moving forward.

Executive Summary to be written here.

Task 934 - Written questions

You have a Sustainability Plan, implemented it and recorded the results. You have designed a report suggesting any changes that need to be made. In the section below, you are required to:

T934.1 Write your updated Sustainability Plan with any changes that you have made to the plan.

Tip: Some cut and pasting may be a good idea.

Workplace Sustainability Policy for (your business name)


Scope of Elements:

Dates of Implementation for each:

Resources Required:

Staff Responsible:

Communication Method for each:

Review and Improve Dates:

Task 935 - Application to you and your organisation

Considering what you have learned in this unit,answer the following questions:

T935.1What is the number one thing you have learned from this unitAND why is it number one?

Use a minimum of 6-8 sentences to write your answer below:

T935.2How will this new knowledge benefitYouand/oryour organisation?

Use a minimum of 6-8 sentences to write your answer below:

T935.3To apply this knowledge, in your life or organisation, what is the next step you will need to take?

Use a minimum of 6-8 sentences to write your answer below:

T935.4When will this step be completed?

Add a date here

  • Uploaded By : Pooja Dhaka
  • Posted on : November 21st, 2024
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 31

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