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BSc (Honors) Top-Up Programme

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BSc (Honors) Top-Up Programme

Cohort 13 and 14


Logistics and Operations Management



Semester 2

Level HE 6


TOC h u z t "Heading 1,1,Heading 2,2,Heading 3,3,"1. Key Information22. Module Communications23. Module Description24. Learning and Teaching: Campus Plus25. Graduate Attributes36. Learning Outcomes and Assessments47. Assessment Deadlines48. Assessment Feedback49. Module Calendar510. Formative Assessment611. Indicative Reading612. Guidelines for the Preparation and Submission of Written Assessments613. Procedures for Other Assessments714. Academic Misconduct815. Assessments916. General Assessment Criteria for Written Assessments14

1. Key Information

Module Tutor Inoka Gunarathne

Module Tutor Email Inoka@wincedu.uk

Availability and Contact Method(s) Sundays 10 am to 12 noon UK time (class timing).

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 840 8520 1743

Passcode: 040620

Sundays 12 noon to 1 pm UK time(tutorial timing).

Weblink to Moodle Class https://moodle.bolton.ac.uk/course/view.php?id=31478

Weblink to Module Specification http://modules.bolton.ac.uk/BMP6028

2. Module Communications

The Module Tutors contact details are provided above. You must check your University of Bolton email address and the Moodle area dedicated to this module regularly as many module communications are channelled through these media.

Your Module Tutor will normally aim to respond to your email messages within 2 full working days of receipt. However, responses will be longer in holiday periods.

3. Module Description

In this module students will critically examine the strategic importance of effective logistics and operations management in securing competitive advantage in global business contexts. The module provides a concise treatment of the principles of modern logistics and operations management that underpin the timely delivery of materials and goods to the right places in the right quantities and in a cost-effective manner. Conceptual development will be supported by and made concrete through extensive use of examples and case studies drawn from a range of industries. This module will incorporate the following GAME Attributes: Problem Solver and Collaborative.

4. Learning and Teaching: Campus Plus

This module is delivered over 12 weeks using online learning approach with scheduled online learning.

Scheduled sessions will comprise 12 sessions. If you are unable to attend a scheduled session due to factors outside your control, you are expected to inform your tutor and engage in any activities set before the next session. To support your learning, online sessions may be recorded and made available on Moodle (for up to one year).

Note: Sessions recorded on the cloud will be deleted after a year unless settings allow otherwise.

Tutorials will take place in each week which will provide you with the opportunity to discuss your progress on the module and receive feedback on assessments.

To complete the module successfully you must allocate a substantial amount of independent study time, which will involve undertaking directed study and assessment activities. Directed study activities will include preparation for in class activities, background reading, research activities etc NB These are called GILTs in Off-Campus.

5. Graduate Attributes

Graduate attributes are the personal qualities and skills which the University of Bolton community values, and which a student is expected to develop during their time at the University. Graduate attributes act as a point of reference for a students personal development and support the articulation of employability and transferable skills.

Undergraduate programmes

In total there are 10 graduate attributes (GAME). This module seeks to support the development of: problem solving and collaboration.

This module seeks to develop and assess LO1,2 and 3 and LO4 through portfolio and an Essay.

6. Learning Outcomes and Assessments

Module Learning Outcomes

Assessment No.

and Type

LO 1 - Demonstrate a systematic and critical understanding of the theory and practice of modern logistics and operations management in global business contexts. Assessment 1:


LO 2 - Design or redesign logistics and operations systems for effective order fulfilment to meet a specific pattern of demand for products, including facility location, warehousing and distribution and transportation modes. Assessment 1:


LO 3 - Appraise current and emerging practice(s) in logistics and operations management in the context of sustainable supply chains. Assessment 1:


LO 4 - Evaluate digital technologies and information systems and select the most appropriate to efficient and effective logistics management within specific business contexts. Assessment 2:


7. Assessment Deadlines

Assessment item

Due Date Weight


Portfolio - Portfolio containing; logistics implementation project, critical analysis of problem solving tools and critical reflection against the learning outcomes 12/4/2024 70%


Essay - 1500 word essay 23/4/2024 30%

8. Assessment Feedback

Feedback on items of assessment can be formal (such as on a signed feedback form) or informal (such as advice from a tutor in a tutorial). Feedback is therefore not just your grade or the comments written on your feedback form, it is advice you get from your tutor and sometimes your peers about how your work is progressing, how well you have done, what further actions you might take.

We recognise the value of prompt feedback on work submitted. Other than in exceptional circumstances (such as might be caused by staff illness), you can expect your work to be marked and feedback provided not more than 15 working days from the deadline date. However, please note that such feedback will be provisional and unconfirmed until the Assessment Board has met and may therefore be subject to change.

Please take time to read or listen to your assessment feedback. This can be very useful in determining your strengths and key areas for development, and can therefore help you improve on future grades.

9. Module Calendar

Session No. Date or Week Commencing Topics Covered Planned Delivery Method*

1 4/2/2024 Operations, Logistics and Supply Chain Management Zoom

2 11/2/2024 Strategic Thinking and Performance Management Zoom

3 18/2/2024 Order Fulfilment, Inventory and Capacity Zoom

4 25/2/2024 Facilities Location Zoom

5 3/3/2024 Sourcing Strategies and Supplier Selection + Assessment 1 briefing Zoom

6 10/3/2024 Warehousing and Distribution + Feedback session 7 17/3/2024 Transportation Zoom

8 24/3/2024 Logistics and Operations Management in the Digital Age + Assessment 2 briefing Zoom

9 31/3/2024 Reverse Logistics and Sustainable Operations + Emerging Issues and Current Trends Zoom

10 7/4/2024 Feedback session Zoom

11 12/4/2024 Submission 1 - Portfolio - Logistics Implementation Project Zoom

12 23/4/2024 Submission 2 - Essay - 1500 word essay Zoom

* Subject to change in the event of any campus restrictions

10. Formative Assessment

Formative assessment is employed to support your learning on the module, allowing you to reflect on feedback on your progress from your tutors and peers. It takes a variety of forms including homework quizzes, Q and A, group work and does not contribute to the final module mark.

11. Indicative Reading

Christopher, M. (2016) Logistics & Supply Chain Management. 5th ed. Harlow: Pearson Education.

European Journal of Operational Research

Grant, D. B., Trautrims, A. and Wong, C. Y. (2022) Sustainable Logistics and Supply Chain Management: Principles and Practices for Sustainable Operations and Management. 3rd ed. London, UK: Kogan Page Limited.

International Journal of Operations & Production Management

International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management

Langley, Jr., C. J., Novack, R. A, Gibson, B. J. and Coyle, J. J. (2021) Supply Chain Management: A Logistics Perspective. 11th ed. Boston, MA: Cengage.

Logistics Research

Slack, N., Brandon-Jones, A. and Burgess, N. (2022) Operations Management. 10th ed. Harlow, UK: Pearson Education Limited.

12. Guidelines for the Preparation and Submission of Written Assessments

Written assessments should be word-processed in Arial or Calibri Light font size 12. There should be double-spacing and each page should be numbered.

There should be a title page identifying the programme name, module title, assessment title, your student number, your marking tutor and the date of submission.

You should include a word-count at the end of the assessment (excluding references, figures, tables and appendices).

Where a word limit is specified, the following penalty systems applies:

Up to 10% over the specified word length = no penalty

10 20% over the specified indicative word length = 5 marks subtracted (but if the assessment would normally gain a pass mark, then the final mark to be no lower than the pass mark for the assessment).

More than 20% over the indicative word length = if the assessment would normally gain a pass mark or more, then the final mark will capped at the pass mark for the assessment.

All written work should be referenced using the standard University of Bolton referencing style see: https://libguides.bolton.ac.uk/resources/referencing/Unless otherwise notified by your Module Tutor, electronic copies of assignments should be saved as word documents and uploaded into Turnitin via the Moodle class area. If you experience problems in uploading your work, then you must send an electronic copy of your assessment to your Module Tutor via email BEFORE the due date/time.

Please note that when you submit your work to Moodle, it will automatically be checked for matches against other electronic information, as well as for hidden text characters and AI generated text. You will be able to see similarity matches but not currently flags for hidden characters and AI-generated text. The outcomes of Turnitin reports may be used as evidence in an academic misconduct investigation (see Section 14).

Late work

Late work will be subject to the following penalties:

Up to 7 calendar days late = 10 marks subtracted but if the assignment would normally gain a pass mark, then the final mark to be no lower than the pass mark for the assignment.

More than 7 calendar days late = This will be counted as non-submission and no marks will be recorded.

Late submission of assessments on refer and those which are graded Pass/Fail only, is not permitted unless an extension is approved. See below.


In the case of exceptional and unforeseen circumstances, an extension of up to 14 days after the assessment deadline may be requested using the standard University Extension Request Form. For approval there would need to be an explanation and evidence of relevant circumstances.

Longer extensions for individual assessments, projects and artefacts may be granted, at the discretion of the Programme Leader.

Requests for extensions which take a submission date past the end of the module (normally week 15) must be made using the Mitigating Circumstances procedure.

Some students with registered disabilities will be eligible for revised submission deadlines. Revised submission deadlines for disability adjustments do not require the completion extension request paperwork. However, students should request these in writing in advance.

Please note that the failure of data storage systems is not considered to be a valid reason for an extension. It is therefore important that you keep multiple copies of your work on different storage devices before submitting it.

13. Procedures for Other Assessments

Please see the assignment brief for all assessment procedures. The submission deadline date is indicated on the assessment deadline.

14. Academic Misconduct

Academic misconduct may be defined as any attempt by a student to gain an unfair advantage in any assessment. This includes plagiarism, collusion, commissioning (contract cheating) amongst other offences. In order to avoid these types of academic misconduct, you should ensure that all your work is your own and that sources are attributed using the correct referencing techniques. You can also check originality through Turnitin.

Please note that penalties apply if academic misconduct is proven. See the following link for further details:


15. Assessments

Assessment Number 1

Assessment Type (and weighting) Portfolio (70%) 3000 words

Assessment Name Portfolio - Logistics Implementation Project

Assessment Submission Date 12/4/2024

Learning Outcomes Assessed:

LO1: Demonstrate a systematic and critical understanding of the theory and practice of modern logistics and operations management in global business contexts.

LO2: Design or redesign logistics and operations systems for effective order fulfilment to meet a specific pattern of demand for products, including facility location, warehousing and distribution and transportation modes.

LO3: Appraise current and emerging practice(s) in logistics and operations management in the context of sustainable supply chains.

Assignment Task One Portfolio (70% of Total Marks) 3000 words

Assessment Brief

There are two items of assessment: The first is a portfolio in which you present a proposal for a logistics system implementation project supported through the use of project planning software. The portfolio should include critical reflection of how the project meets the learning outcomes. [COHERENCE, CHOICE and CONSOLIDATION]

Critical thinking skills will be taught in-class.

Students will be advised from Week 1 to check on LEAP Online available via: https://www.bolton.ac.uk/leaponline/My-Academic-Development/My-Writing-Techniques/Critical-Thinking.aspx

Tasks will be completed incrementally during the semester culminating in the submission of a final portfolio.

Specifically, your Portfolio should include 2 Mini Reports https://leaponline.bolton.ac.uk/My-Academic-Development/My-Writing-Techniques/Critical-Thinking.aspx (1500 words each):

Mini Report #1 (50 Marks)


For a commercial organisation approved by the module instructor, describe its industry sector, organisational structure, range of products provided, as well as the typical demographic profiles of its clients. Drawing on this information, sketch out current logistics and distribution strategy for the organisation. [COHORT]

Review current distribution strategy (in task 1) and make proposal for a Logistics System Implementation Project that you believe will be an improvement on what currently obtains.

Select and critically apply an analytical tool to solve anticipated problems for your chosen organisation for logistics implementation in terms of facility location and fleet composition and sizing.

Mini Report #2 (50 Marks)

Preamble 1:

New outsourcing models have helped spark significant changes in the field of logistics and physical distribution. The role of third-party logistics providers (3PLs) has expanded into areas such as reverse logistics.

3PLs now have growing involvement in end-to-end customer service and managing the flow of goods both upstream and downstream. The growing recognition of the benefits of outsourcing has even facilitated the rise of a new type of logistics service provider, fourth-party logistics providers (4PLs) who manage relationships with 3PLs on behalf of client firms.


Critically analyse how innovative outsourcing models are helping traditional logistics companies to offer their business customers additional value-added services. Argue, with specific reference to your assigned organisation, how the provision of such value-added services positively impacts the relationships between logistics companies and their business customers. [CONTEMPORARY]

Preamble 2:

Companies use RFID technologies for logistics and distribution in a number of areas. Unique characteristics of RFID technologies make them suitable for addressing a wide range of logistics and distribution issues. These characteristics include the amount of data an RFID chip can store, their resistance to damage and their ability to be read without establishing a line of sight.


Generate a critical analysis of the applicability of RFID technology for solving an anticipated problem or issue related to logistics and distribution of a product from your assigned organisation. Suggest specifically how RFID could be used to counteract or resolve the specific issue or problem you identified above.

Preamble 3:

Logistics is often cited as being particularly bad for the environment. Moving goods from one place to another uses fuel and pollutes the air. As a result, logistics organisations seek ways to reduce their environmental footprint. How they reduce that footprint varies in approach and success rate.


Review with the reference to your assigned organisation, an evaluation of what you believe is the best approach to reducing the environmental footprint of logistics.

Reflect critically on effectiveness of Logistics Implementation Project above. [CHALLENGE]

Minimum Secondary Research Source Requirements:

Level HE6 - It is expected that the Reference List will contain between fifteen to twenty sources. As a MINIMUM the Reference List should include three refereed academic journals and five academic books.

Specific Assessment Criteria:

(Please note that the General Assessment Criteria will also apply. Please see section 16 of Module Handbook)

First class (70% and above):

Mini Report #1 The candidate has provided a comprehensive view of selected organisation followed by an extensively detailed sketch of distribution strategy. Strong recommendations are made, based on excellent conceptual understanding. A much practical and clear anticipation of logistic and distribution related issue followed by a solid critical analysis has been witnessed for chosen organisation. Analysis is based on in-depth understanding of relevant theoretical concept. Strong and feasible suggestions to resolve the problem using specified technology have been made.

Mini Report #2 An excellent critical analysis of innovative outsourcing models for value-addition services within the context of chosen organisation. Analysis is based on in-depth understanding of relevant theoretical models. Strong arguments highlight positive impacts along with fair discussion on potential challenges. A much well-balanced evaluation and excellent reflection exhibited.

Extensive research demonstrating use of a wide range of current secondary research sources is evident. Referencing is clear, relevant, consistently accurate and aligned with in-text citations following Harvard style. Academic writing style is excellent with clarity of expression, consistently accurate use of grammar and spelling, with fluent professional/academic writing.

Second class (50-69%):

Mini Report #1 The candidate has provided a good view of selected organisation followed by a reasonably detailed sketch of distribution strategy. Good recommendations are made, based on fairly good conceptual understanding.

A clear anticipation of logistic and distribution related issue followed by a critical analysis has been witnessed for chosen organisation. Analysis is based on fair understanding of relevant theoretical concept. Reasonably good suggestions to resolve the problem using specified technology have been made.

Mini Report #2 A fairly good critical analysis of innovative outsourcing models for value-addition services within the context of chosen organisation. Analysis is based on reasonable understanding of relevant theoretical models. Good arguments highlight positive impacts along with some discussion on potential challenges. A quite balanced evaluation and good reflection exhibited.

Good research demonstrating use of a fair range of current secondary research sources is evident. Referencing is clear, relevant and quite accurate and aligned with in-text citations following Harvard style. Academic writing style is good with clarity of expression, appropriate accurate use of grammar and spelling, with good professional/academic writing.

Third class (40-49%):

Mini Report #1 The candidate has provided an acceptable/ marginally acceptable view of selected organisation followed by a sketch of distribution strategy. Reasonable recommendations are made, based on appropriate conceptual understanding.

An anticipation of logistic and distribution related issue followed by some critical analysis has been witnessed for chosen organisation. Analysis is based on adequate understanding of relevant theoretical concept. Reasonable suggestions to resolve the problem using specified technology have been made.

Mini Report #2 An adequate analysis of innovative outsourcing models for value-addition services within the context of chosen organisation. Analysis is based on acceptable understanding of relevant theoretical models. Strong arguments highlight positive impacts along with little / no discussion on potential challenges. A fair / acceptable evaluation and satisfactory reflection exhibited.

Adequate research demonstrating use of a range of secondary research sources is evident. Referencing is acceptable, relevant and aligned with in-text citations following Harvard style. There are relatively minor inconsistencies and inaccuracies in referencing. Academic writing style is satisfactory with appropriate accurate use of grammar and spelling,

Fail (39% and below):

Mini Report #1 The candidate has failed to provide an acceptable view of selected organisation followed by a sketch of distribution strategy. Recommendations are poor / not appropriately made, based on weak / poor conceptual understanding.

A poor / no appropriate anticipation of logistic and distribution related issue followed by an analysis has been witnessed for chosen organisation. Analysis is missing / irrelevant / lack understanding of relevant theoretical concept. Poor / Irrelevant / No suggestions to resolve the problem using specified technology have been made.

Mini Report #2 A poor analysis of innovative outsourcing models for value-addition services within / without the context of chosen organisation. Analysis lacks sufficient understanding of relevant theoretical models. Weak / Poor arguments which barely cover positive impacts with no discussion on potential challenges. A poor / weak / No evaluation and reflection exhibited.

Poor / No research demonstrating use of secondary research sources. Referencing is much weaker / insufficient, irrelevant and does not match with in-text citations. Referencing barely / does not follow Harvard style. There are relatively minor inconsistencies and inaccuracies in referencing. Academic writing style is weak / poor. The work is often ambiguous, with poor grammar and spelling.

Students who do not meet the requirements of a third-class grade will not successfully complete the assessment activity.

Assessment Number 2

Assessment Type (and weighting) Essay (30%) 1500 words

Assessment Name Warehousing and Distribution Issues

Assessment Submission Date 23/4/2024

Learning Outcomes Assessed:

LO4: Evaluate digital technologies and information systems and select the most appropriate to efficient and effective logistics management within specific business contexts.

Assignment Task Two Essay (30% of Total Marks) 1500 words

Assessment Brief

The second assessed item is a written piece in which you evaluate and apply appropriate tools in order to formulate warehousing and distribution solutions.

This assignment requires you to write an appropriately structured essay dealing with warehousing and distribution planning aspects of the supply chain strategy for a company approved by your tutor.

Evaluate at least three analytical tools that could be used for this purpose.

You will evaluate the appropriateness of all three giving their advantages and disadvantages.

Choose one tool to apply to your chosen organisation.

Give a concise summary of your findings including why you believe that your selected tool was the correct choice while discounting others and why.

Minimum Secondary Research Source Requirements:

Level HE6 - It is expected that the Reference List will contain between fifteen to twenty sources. As a MINIMUM the Reference List should include three refereed academic journals and five academic books.

Specific Assessment Criteria:

(Please note that the General Assessment Criteria will also apply. Please see section 15 of Module Handbook)

First class (70% and above):

The learner identifies suitable analytic frameworks followed by strong and balanced evaluation of each. The information requirements are explicitly outlined. Application of chosen model has been extensively discussed with focused justification of choice among three tools.

Exceptionally exhibited application of concepts in real life operations of selected organisation. Extensive research demonstrating use of a wide range of excellent current secondary research sources is evident. Academic style and referencing are excellent. Paragraph construction is excellent with logical and coherent flow of ideas.

Second class (50-69%):

The learner identifies appropriate analytic frameworks followed by good evaluation of each. The information requirements are reasonably outlined. Application of chosen model has been discussed with justification of choice among three tools. Fair application of concepts in real life operations of selected organisation.

Reasonably exhibited application of concepts in real life operations of selected organisation. Research demonstrating use of a wide range of current secondary research sources will be evident. Academic style and referencing are good. Paragraph construction is good with some logical and coherent flow of ideas.

Third class (40-49%):

The learner identifies analytic frameworks followed by marginally acceptable evaluation of each. The information requirements are outlined. Some application of chosen model has been discussed with justification of choice among three tools. Acceptable application of concepts in real life operations of selected organisation.

Partially exhibited application of concepts in real life operations of selected organisation. Research demonstrating use of secondary research sources are evident. Academic style and referencing are acceptable. Paragraph construction is acceptable with semantic flow of ideas.

Fail (39% and below):

The learner fails to identify / identifies incorrect analytic frameworks. Evaluation is too weak / missing / inappropriate. The information requirements are missing / not sufficiently outlined. No / poor / limited application of chosen model has been discussed with no / weak justification of choice among three tools.

Limited / no application of concepts in real life operations of selected organisation. Research demonstrating no / limited use of secondary research sources. Academic writing style is weak / poor. The work is often ambiguous, with poor grammar and spelling. Paragraph construction is poor without any logical and coherent flow of ideas.

Students who do not meet the requirements of a third-class grade will not successfully complete the assessment activity.

Important and helpful information

Please refer to the Module Specification/Guide for information regarding indicative reading, guidelines for the preparation and submission of assignments (formative and/or summative), and the assessment criteria.

Submission (for both tasks) via Turnitin (Moodle)

Soft copies of the documents generated for each formative task should be submitted electronically, using the Turnitin system (via Moodle), by the assignment due date. Please ensure that you follow the Turnitin submission instructions provided by your module tutor and from relevant Research & Study Skills module sessions.

Submission of assessments may be done on or before the published submission date. Assignments not available at this time will be considered as late unless an extension has been previously agreed, with the Programme Leader for your programme.

Where assessments are graded Pass/Fail only they will not be accepted beyond the deadline date for submission and will be recorded as a Fail. Students may request an extension to the original published deadline date as described in Section 12.

Please note that it is your responsibility to ensure that the assignment is submitted in the format/s specified in the Module Guide or on the Assessment Brief.


In the case of exceptional and unforeseen circumstances, an extension of up to 14 days after the assessment deadline may be granted. This must be agreed by your Programme Leader, following a discussion with the Module Tutor. You should complete an Extension Request Form available from your Tutor and attach documentary evidence of your circumstances, prior to the published submission deadline.

16. General Assessment Criteria for Written Assessments



Learning outcomes must be met for an overall pass Knowledge and Understanding Analysis, Creativity and Problem-Solving Self-awareness and Reflection Research/

Referencing Written English Presentation and Structure

Class I(Exceptional Quality)

85% - 100% Work is directly relevant and expertly addresses the requirements of the brief.

Learning outcomes are met. Demonstrates an exceptional breadth and depth of knowledge and understanding of theory and practice beyond the threshold expectation for the level.

Demonstrates mastery in conceptual understanding of a range of specialised areas. Presents an exceptional synthesis and critical evaluation of findings from a broad range of relevant sources in order to draw clear, systematic, justified and insightful conclusions.

Provides a sophisticated critical insight and expertly interprets complex matters and ideas.

Demonstrates exceptional creative flair and a high level of originality.

Demonstrates exceptional problem- solving skills and initiative. Provides insightful reflection and critical self-awareness in relation to the outcomes of own work and personal responsibility. An extensive range of contemporary and relevant reference sources selected and drawn upon.

Sources cited accurately in both the body of text and in the Reference List/ Bibliography. Writing style is clear, succinct and appropriate to the requirements of the assessment. An exceptionally well written answer with competent spelling, grammar and punctuation. For example, paragraphs are well structured and include linking and signposting. Sentences are complete and different types are used. A wide range of appropriate vocabulary is used. The presentational style and layout are correct for the type of assignment.

Evidence of planning and logically structured.

Where relevant, there is effective inclusion of, and reference to, figures, tables and images.

Class I(Excellent Quality)

70% - 84% Work is relevant and comprehensively addresses the requirements of the brief.

Learning outcomes are met. Demonstrates an excellent breadth and depth of knowledge and understanding of theory and practice for this level.

Demonstrates an in-depth conceptual understanding of a range of specialised areas. Presents an excellent synthesis and critical evaluation of findings from a broad range of relevant sources in order to draw clear, systematic, justified and perceptive conclusions.

Provides a critical insight and clearly interprets complex

matters and ideas.Demonstrates creative flair and a high level of originality.

Demonstrates excellent problem- solving skills and initiative. Provides excellent reflection and critical self-awareness in relation to the outcomes of own work and personal responsibility. A wide range of contemporary and relevant reference sources selected and drawn upon.

Sources cited accurately in both the body of text and in the Reference List/ Bibliography. Writing style is clear, succinct and appropriate to the requirements of the assessment. An excellently well written answer with competent, spelling, grammar and punctuation. For example, paragraphs are well structured and include linking and signposting. Sentences are complete and different types are used. A wide range of appropriate vocabulary is used. The presentational style and layout are correct for the type of assignment.

Evidence of planning and logically structured

Where relevant, there is effective inclusion of, and reference to, figures, tables and images.

Class II/i(Very Good Quality)

60% - 69% Work is relevant and addresses most of the requirements of the brief well.

Learning outcomes are met. Demonstrates a thorough breadth and depth of knowledge and understanding of theory and practice for this level.

Demonstrates a sophisticated conceptual understanding of a range of specialised areas. Presents a perceptive synthesis and critical evaluation of findings from a range of relevant sources in order to draw clear, justified and thoughtful conclusions.

Interprets complex matters and ideas well.Demonstrates a good level of creativity and originality.

Demonstrates strong problem- solving skills. Provides very good reflection and critical self-awareness in relation to the outcomes of own work and personal responsibility, as required by the assessment. A wide range of relevant reference sources selected and drawn upon.

Sources cited accurately in the main in both the body of text and in the Reference List/ Bibliography. Writing style is clear, succinct and appropriate to the requirements of the assessment. A very well written answer with competent spelling, grammar and punctuation. For example, paragraphs are well structured and include linking and signposting. Sentences are complete and different types are used. A range of appropriate vocabulary is used. The presentational style and layout are correct for the type of assignment.

Evidence of planning and logically structured in the main.

Where relevant, there is effective inclusion of, and reference to, figures, tables and images.


Learning outcomes must be met for an overall pass Knowledge and Understanding Analysis, Creativity and Problem-Solving Self-awareness and Reflection Research/

Referencing Written English Presentation and Structure

Class II/ii(Good Quality)

50% - 59% Work addresses key requirements of the brief. Some irrelevant content.

Learning outcomes are met. Demonstrates a sound breadth and depth of knowledge and understanding of theory and practice for this level.

Demonstrates a sound conceptual understanding of specialised areas. Presents a logical evaluation of findings from a range of relevant sources in order to draw clear and justified conclusions.

Interprets some complex matters and ideas.Demonstrates some creativity.

Demonstrates effective problem-solving skills and initiative. Provides good reflection and critical self-awareness in relation to the outcomes of own work and personal responsibility, as required by the assessment. A range of relevant reference sources selected and drawn upon.

Most sources accurately cited both the body of text and in the Reference List/Bibliography. Writing style is mostly appropriate to the requirements of the assessment. Grammar, spelling and punctuation are generally competent and minor lapses do not pose difficulty for the reader. Paragraphs are structured and include some linking and signposting. Sentences are complete.

A range of appropriate vocabulary is used. The presentational style and layout are correct for the type of assignment.

Logically structured in the most part.

Inclusion of figures, tables and images but not all relevant or referred to.

Class III(Satisfactory Quality)

40% - 49% Work addresses the requirements of the brief, although superficially in places. Some irrelevant content.

Learning outcomes are met. Demonstrates a sufficient breadth and depth of knowledge and understanding of theory and practice for this level.

Demonstrates a conceptual understanding of some specialised areas. Presents an evaluation of findings from a range of sources in order to draw some valid conclusions.

Interprets some complex matters and ideas but with descriptive passages evident which lack clear purpose.

Demonstrates creativity in places.

Demonstrates sufficient problem- solving skills and initiative.

Provides some reflection and critical self-awareness in relation to the outcomes of own work and personal responsibility, as required by the assessment. Some relevant reference sources selected and drawn upon.

Some weaknesses in referencing technique. Writing style is occasionally not appropriate for the assessment.

Grammar, spelling and punctuation are generally competent, but may pose minor difficulties for the reader. Some paragraphs may lack structure, and there is limited linking and signposting. Some appropriate vocabulary is used The presentational style and layout are largely correct for the type of assignment.

Adequately structured.

Inclusion of some figures, tables and images but not all clear, relevant and/or referred to.


Fail35% - 39% Work addresses some of the requirements of the brief. Irrelevant and superficial content.

One or more learning outcomes have not been met. Demonstrates a lack of knowledge and understanding of theory and practice for this level. Demonstrates Insufficient conceptual understanding of specialised areas. Presents a limited evaluation of findings from set sources.

Descriptive or narrative passages evident which lack clear purpose.

Demonstrates little creativity.

Demonstrates insufficient problem- solving skills and initiative.

Provides limited reflection and critical self-awareness in relation to the outcomes of own work and personal responsibility, when required. Sources selected are limited and lack validity/relevance.

Poor referencing technique employed. Writing style is unclear and does not match the requirements of the assessment. Deficiencies in spelling, grammar and punctuation makes reading difficult and arguments unclear in places. Paragraphs are poorly structured. For the type of assignment the presentational style, layout and/or structure are lacking.

Inclusion of figures, tables and images but not clear, relevant and/or referred to.


<34% Work does not address the requirements of the brief. Irrelevant and superficial content.

One or more learning outcomes have not been met. Demonstrates inadequate knowledge and understanding of theory and practice for this level.

Demonstrates Insufficient conceptual understanding of relevant areas. Analysis is weak and poorly constructed with inadequate sources drawn upon.

Demonstrates little or no creativity.

Demonstrates a lack of problem- solving skills and initiative.

Provides inadequate reflection and self-awareness in relation to the outcomes of own work and personal responsibility, when required. An absence of relevant sources selected and drawn upon.

Poor referencing technique employed. Writing style is unclear and does not match the requirements of the assessment in question.

Deficiencies in spelling, grammar and punctuation makes reading difficult and arguments unclear. Unstructured paragraphs. For the type of assignment the presentational style, layout and/or structure are lacking.

Inclusion of figures, tables and images but not clear, relevant and/or referred to.

  • Uploaded By : Pooja Dhaka
  • Posted on : November 13th, 2024
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 93

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  • Various other Data Sources – ProQuest, Informit, Scopus, Academic Search Complete, EBSCO, Exerpta Medica Database, and more