diff_months: 27

Case Study Response on Vicarious Traumatisation

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Added on: 2022-11-05 09:37:05
Order Code: 474383.1
Question Task Id: 0

Task Summary

This task requires you to write a 1500-word response to a case study. Carefully read the case study and then design a self-care strategy, with justification, to help the professional protagonist combat the potential effects of vicarious trauma.


During this course, you have been introduced to the concept of self-care for the helping professional in relation to stress, compassion fatigue, burnout, and vicarious traumatization. Having a self-care strategy is essential if the helping professional is to retain effectiveness when working with clients, and facilitate longevity in his or her chosen career.

Identifying stress triggers and signs of emotional strain is an essential part of preparing a self-care plan. Understanding past experience is also important because it helps to focus attention on prior situations that proved to be challenging, or that were handled effectively.

The first two assessments in this course asked you to reflect on your personal experience. This case study provides you with the opportunity to view vicarious traumatization from the outside and identify requirements of self-care that will help the protagonist regain and retain his emotional, physical, psychological, and spiritual balance. By doing this, you will further develop your ability to identify self-care needs and how to address them.

Task Instructions

Step 1: Read the PDF case study in the Assessment 3 information area for SDR404.

Step 2: Using what you have observed, structure a self-care plan for the professional protagonist. Consider which elements of self-care plans may be included, that directly or indirectly address the potential effects of vicarious traumatization. How might the professional maintain his support for his client, whilst simultaneously ensuring his own emotional resources do not become depleted and that his ability to work effectively does not decline?

Step 3: You will need to justify the elements of your strategy by incorporating theoretical and other appropriate references. You are required to write around 1500 words, but you may also incorporate diagrams or images (these are not included in the word count). Please ensure all references are accurately cited using the APA 6th ed. Please refer to the rubric at the end of this document for assessment criteria.

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  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : November 05th, 2022
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 271

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