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CHCCCS014 Provide brief interventions Assessment

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Added on: 2023-04-18 05:47:01
Order Code: :488723
Question Task Id: 0

Part 1

  1. Using a case example of a person who is morbidly obese, Person A, who has accessed Indigo Community Services and Health Hub for assistance:
    1. Name and describe each of the four stages of change from the stages of change model
    2. Provide an example of how Person A might behave if they are at each of these stages of change.
  2. For each of the items below:
    1. Describe how the following approaches in brief intervention practice may benefit the client seeking assistance
    2. Provide an example of the approach being used in a situation with a community/health service client.

Approach to support behaviour change

a) Benefits of the approach

b) Example of the approach in action

Raising awareness



Sharing information and resources.



Exploring concerns and strategies



Helping the person express their feelings, make decisions and set goals



Highlighting the benefits of change



Giving positive feedback and encouragement



Offering time and support



Referring to other sources of assistance



  1. Brief interventions can be used in a broad range of health-related circumstances as a tool to assist in supporting and maintaining a desired change or outcome.
    In each of the four areas below, provide an example of how a brief intervention could assist a client in achieving a personal behaviour change goal.

Each answer should:

  • identify the issue to be addressed
  • list the actions
  • list the relapse risks
  • list the relapse management strategy

Area of health

 Example of application of brief intervention

a) Nutrition


b) Alcohol consumption


c) Drug use


d) Environmental health


  1. Behaviour can be influenced by a range of factors, such as culture, family situation and the community that a person lives in.
    Using the topic of alcohol use to frame your answer, provide examples of how each of these factors could influence a person’s decision to consume, use heavily, or abstain from alcohol.

Context of behaviour

Example of how each context can influence behaviour

a) Culture


b) Family


c) Community


  1. Brief interventions can be an effective mechanism to help individuals change behaviours; however, not all interventions are successful for various reasons.  
    List three challenges clients may face as they approach a behaviour change and identify how these barriers could be addressed.

Challenge or barrier for client

Option/strategy to address the barrier.








  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : April 18th, 2023
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 414

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  • Various other Data Sources – ProQuest, Informit, Scopus, Academic Search Complete, EBSCO, Exerpta Medica Database, and more