CHCLEG001 Work Legally And Ethically Assessment
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Question 1
List six common pieces of legislation you need to understand to work effectively in community services. Include the legislation that protects the safety and welfare of workers and clients in your list.
Question 2
- List 3 pieces of legislation that relate directly to your role, as a worker, in community services.
- What legislation relates directly to your clients personal information
Question 3a
How can you protect client privacy and confidentiality?
Question 3b
When is it acceptable for personal information about a client to be disclosed?
Question 3c
Describe a situation that could result in a breach of a clients privacy?
Question 3d
How should this breach be reported and who should it be reported to?
Question 4
List 3 possible ways people can be discriminated against when accessing community services. Ethically, what should you do if you have observed that discrimination in your workplace.
Question 5
List a minimum of two key components of the following workplace policies and procedures.
- Code of conduct
- Complaints
- Professional boundaries
- Duty of care
- Industrial relations
- Records management
Question 6
Outline the difference between a legal and ethical issue
Question 7a
List five personal values and attitudes that are beneficial when working in community services.
Question 7b
Why is it essential to ensure non-judgemental practice in the workplace?
Question 8a
You have noticed on a social media platform that a colleague has posted a picture of a client. This is a serious breach of your workplace policy and code of conduct. While deciding what to do about this you check the post again and notice that it has been removed. You confront your colleague about the post and they deny having taken a picture or posting. You have a good working relationship with your colleague and dont want to create conflict, but you feel you need to inform a supervisor.
Describe the ethical dilemma here?
Question 8b
What are the principles involved in this decision?
Question 8c
What options are there to resolve this dilemma?
Question 8d
What could be the consequences of informing your supervisor? What are the consequences if you do not?
Question 8e
Explain which option you would choose and why?
Question 9
Outline two ways in which employees can contribute to reviewing and improving workplace policies and procedures.
Question 10
When working with children, what international policy underpins all state and federal legislation related to children?
What is a piece of legislation that relates to working with children in your state?
Question 11
Provide a brief description outlining your understanding of the following:
- Professional development and its benefits
- Difference between human needs and human rights
- Informed consent
- Mandatory reporting
- Dignity of risk
- Work Health and Safety Act 2011