CHCLEG001 Work Legally And Ethically: Case Study
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Case Study 1
You work in employment services. Ben is one of your colleagues you have worked with for over ten years, and you would consider him a close friend. Recently you have noticed Ben has been nominating his personal friends for high-profile jobs and ignored other applicants. Should you speak to your manager, jeopardise your working relationship with Ben or stay quiet and protect your colleague?
Question 1
Do you think what Ben is doing is against the law, or is it more of an ethical matter?Or is it neither? Which workplace documents could you reference to decide this?
Question 2
Has Ben worked within the organizational policies and guidelines as an employment consultant? Explain your response.
Question 3
What could you do to contribute to the development or review of policies in this area?
Question 4
What can you do within the scope of your role to address this situation? Whom should you talk to?
Case Study 2
A potential employer has asked for some personal information about a client. They have insisted on receiving this information before the client commences work. You have access to that information. Providing that information to the employer goes far beyond what is required for the job role. It includes the clients religious beliefs and sexual orientation.
Question 5a
Is the employer asking you to breach the law in this situation? If so, which one?
Question 5b
What workplace policies would be breached in this situation?
Question 6
Who should this breach be reported to?
Question 7a
What legal responsibilities do you have in this situation?
Question 7b
What ethical decision do you have to make in this situation?
Question 8
What process should you follow if you want to complain about the employer?