Recognize And Respond Appropriately To Domestic And Family Violence Case Study
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Case Study
Cindy was born overseas with English as her second language. She worked to support herself while studying to improve her English and to advance recognition of her foreign professional qualifications. For 12 months, she was in a relationship with an Australian born man, Brandon, who had a well-paid position in marketing.
Cindy and Brandon began living together as a couple soon after the beginning of the relationship. Cindy applied for a partner visa with Brandon as her sponsor. Shortly after moving in, Brandon encouraged Cindy to leave her work and concentrate more on house work and cooking. On occasions, Cindys keys would go missing before she could drive to work, prompting her to be driven by Brandon.
Brandon began threatening her if he heard her speaking in her own language at home. While on the phone to her sister overseas, Brandon approached her with a knife and held it close to her. She concluded her call quickly and had no further telephone conversations after that day.
Brandon appeared at Cindys work functions. He would appear charming and outgoing on these occasions, with work colleagues complimenting on what a great person he was and how lucky Cindy was for being with him. He was a very different person behind closed doors. Cindy knew anything she would say against him would not be believed. Cindy felt trapped. Leaving her relationship would jeopardize her visa if she didnt have a sponsor.
Things came to a head when Cindy discovered a piece of paper at home with her signature written all over it, as though being practised for reasons she didnt know. She hadnt seen this paper before. When she asked Brandon about it, he denied any responsibility, claiming that she had placed it there. Following a heated argument, Brandon struck her. The relationship was over. Cindy fled the house without any belongings except for the clothes she was wearing. She arrived at the local police station who referred her to a child and family service the following morning.
Question 1
What are three types of abuse occurring in this scenario?
Question 2
What impact did this abuse have on Cindy?
Question 3
What aspects of Cindys life did Brandon take advantage of?
Question 4
What are two immediate needs that require addressing?
Question 5
What type of services would assist with those needs?