CHCMHS001 Work with people with mental health issues Assignment
- Subject Code :
Question 1
Define the key issues of prejudice and discrimination and explain how they impact on people with mental health needs.
Question 2
What is the principle of recovery as it relates to the mental health sector?
Question 3
Explain the principles of empowerment and disempowerment and what they mean for a person with mental health needs.
Question 4
What are the basic rights of people with mental health needs?
Question 5
How do the principles of access and equity apply to people with mental illness who come from a variety of social, cultural and spiritual backgrounds?
Question 6
Should a person’s citizenship status affect the principles of access and equity?
Question 7
Briefly outline how attitudes to mental health and approaches to working with people with mental illness have changed in a historical context.
Question 8
Briefly outline how societal views of mental health and approaches to working with people with mental illness have changed in a social context.
Question 9
Explain how government policies and initiatives affect the mental health sector. Give an example with your answer.
Question 10
Briefly outline how the current economic situation and government funding impact the mental health sector and the subsequent impact on people.
Question 11
What are the legal and ethical rights of a person with mental illness in terms of discrimination?
Question 12
List two human rights important for a person with a mental health issue.
Question 13
Describe a situation in which mandatory reporting may be required when working with people with mental illness.
Question 14
What are the legal and ethical considerations around privacy and confidentiality? List two organisational policy and protocols help maintain a person’s privacy and confidentiality.
Question 15
What is a code of practice, and what is its role in ensuring confidentiality and privacy for people with mental health needs?
Question 16
Why is it necessary to get informed consent from a person before gathering and interpreting information from others?
Question 17
What legal and ethical considerations surround disclosure of information to others?
Question 18
Identify and give a brief overview of four of the main types of mental illness most commonly identified in the mental health sector and the community.
Question 19
Explain the strategy of recovery-oriented practice and how it supports empowerment and recovery.
Question 20
Give an example of where health information and health prevention might be used when offering strategies that support recovery.
Question 21
Explain what is meant by a holistic approach when suggesting strategies that support empowerment and recovery.
Question 22
Explain the benefits of early intervention as a principle of the mental health sector.
Question 23
Why is it important to avoid imposing your own values and attitudes when supporting a person with mental health needs?
Question 24
Identify two myths that are commonly held about mental illnesses. Provide the actual facts next to each myth.
Question 25
Outline the meaning of dignity of risk. Why is it an important ethical consideration when working with people in the sector?
Question 26
Define duty of care and explain how it influences the way you work when supporting a person with mental health needs.
Question 27
Why is it important when working towards a person’s goals, that everyone in a person’s care network incorporates the values of social justice and inclusion?
Question 28
Why is it important for the rights and responsibilities of workers, employers and individuals be considered when working with people with mental health needs?
Question 29
Briefly outline the impact of the National standards for mental health services 2010 on individual workers who work with people with mental illness. Provide two examples with your answer.
Question 30
Are there any consequences for a breach of the National standards for mental health services 2010? Explain your answer.
Question 31
Discuss why it is considered a right of all people to be in a healthy and safe environment.
Question 32
What might be an organisation’s policy on the rights of a person to allow children into the mental health service workplace?
Question 33
Why is it always important to work within the organisation’s policy frameworks when adapting a service delivery for a person’s specific requirements?
Question 34
Give an example of an organisational policy or procedure that would address the rights of a person if they were exiting a service.
Question 35
Provide examples of two types of organisational records that would be used to document interactions with and services for a person with mental illness.
Question 36
Outline two appropriate responses to a person who is demonstrating aggressive behaviour due to distress.
Question 37
What organisational documents outline your work role and the boundaries and limitations of your responsibilities?
Question 38
Make a list of at least five health professionals who may be useful as a referral contact.
Question 39
Provide an example of a circumstance where a referral is appropriate because the person you are supporting has needs that are beyond your abilities and work role.