Comparative Research Review requirements 20%
Comparative Research Review requirements 20%
You will write a comparative analysis essay based on two research articles that address a common topic.
You will choose your topic and identify two appropriate research articles. Your topic and your sources must be approved by your teacher.
Word count
1000 words (excluding the reference list)
Prepare a cover page with the essay title, your full name, student ID, class number, full names of your teachers, date of completion and word count
Use Calibri, Times New Roman or Arial font, size 12 pt, line spacing 1.5 and left justify
Include a footer (at bottom of each page) with your full name, student ID and class number and number pages
Academic sources
You can only use English language sources
You are expected to paraphrase and summarise information from your sources in your own words.
A maximum of 30 words of direct quotation is permitted
With your submission you must include complete copies of all the sources used in your essay, with all cited text highlighted
Please note: incomplete submissions will not be marked
Australian Harvard referencing must be used
The reference list should be on a separate page
Submit the Comparative Research Review Wednesday 8:00pm.
You will be assessed on:
Presentation and formatting of your assignment
Your understanding of the research articles
Your analysis and critical reflection
Citation of your sources
Language skills
Students are expected to paraphrase and summarise information from the sources in their own words.
Use of translation applications and software constitutes a breach of academic integrity.
EAP 4 Comparative Research Review Feedback
Criteria High Distinction Distinction (5 4) Credit Pass (3.5 3) Unsatisfactory (2.5 0) Score
Presentation and format Follows the required structure, satisfies presentation and format requirements; formats references correctly in Australian
Harvard style Mostly follows the required structure and satisfies presentation and format requirements; formats references in
Australian Harvard style with some errors Does not follow the required structure and/or does not satisfy presentation and format requirements; many referencing
errors /5
Content comprehension Clearly and comprehensively introduces the context and relevance of the topic; clearly states the purpose of the essay Includes information to introduce the context and relevance of the topic; includes information about the purpose of the essay Limited or unclear information to introduce the context and relevance of the topic; the purpose of the essay may be
unclear or missing /5
Identifies and explains key points from the research clearly and concisely; demonstrates a strong understanding of
the research Identifies and explains key points from the research with mixed success; demonstrates some understanding of the research Identification and explanation of key points from the research is inadequate; demonstrates limited understanding of the
research /5
Analysis and critical thinking Discussion and conclusions demonstrate a strong ability to engage with and reflect critically on the research Discussion and conclusions demonstrate some ability to engage with and reflect critically on the research Discussion and conclusions demonstrate limited ability to engage with and reflect critically on the text /5
Clearly explains limitations of the research and links to relevant ideas for further research Identifies limitations and ideas for further research with some explanation Limitations of the research and ideas for further research are unclear or missing /5
Use of sources Cites and synthesises sources clearly and effectively Cites and synthesises sources with mixed success Inadequate and/or inaccurate citation and synthesis of sources /5
Language Effective use of complex sentence structures; may include a few language errors that do not affect meaning Uses complex sentence structures with mixed success; may include some language errors that can affect meaning Insufficient or inaccurate use of complex sentence structures; may include frequent language errors that affect the meaning /5
Effective use of formal academic language and vocabulary Uses some formal academic language and vocabulary with some errors Limited and/or inaccurate use of formal academic language and vocabulary /5
Additional comments: Final score/40