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COS10026 Computing Technology Inquiry Project

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Added on: 2023-04-01 07:50:30
Order Code: 488159
Question Task Id: 0

Develop a Simple Static Web Site

mportant: All work must be done by your group. Submissions are automatically checked for similarities. Unexplained/acknowledge similarities may constitute plagiarism. Carefully read the section on plagiarism in the Unit Outline before you proceed (including the section forbidding sharing your work with others).


This assignment will familiarise you with the techniques and skills involved in designing and creating static webpages utilising validated HTML and CSS created with a standard text editor. You will deploy these Web pages on a Unix / Apache server. This should be done in a way that keeps HTML content and CSS presentation separate, as discussed in the lectures.

No JavaScript is to be used in this part of the assignment.

 Essential Requirements


An IT company wants to develop a website that will enable it to advertise vacant positions. These have a ‘position description’ that sets out the qualifications, skills and knowledge required. Potential applicants for the position will be able to submit an online form to apply for a position.


In this assignment you will develop a prototype of this website. The website you develop will consist of the following Web pages, accessible from a common menu on each page:

  • Home pagewith details of the company (index.html)
  • Apage of job descriptions (jobs.html)
  • Ajob application page (apply.html)
  • Apage with your group details (about.html)
  • A page which lists any enhancementsyou have made (enhancements.html)

You will also include

  • ACSS file that styles your website (style.css).

You must call these files exactly by these names, otherwise the marking program will not know they exist!

The essential requirements for this assignment are listed in the marking guide. In general the web pages must:

  • haverelevant content
  • mustinclude the HTML markup specified in the marking guide
  • mustvalidate to HTML5 without errors
  • mustbe styled by a validated CSS3 file
  • mustbe linked to each other via a menu
  • mustbe deployed on 

All web pages in your website should have a consistent layout and navigation. Where “in-house” templates have been defined in this unit (e.g. for meta-data; tables; etc.) these should be followed. These include accessibility alternatives.

The HTML in your Web pages must validate against the W3C HTML5 validator (http://validator.w3.org/nu) .

Pages should not contain any deprecated elements/attributes (e.g. , ). Do not use iframe elements in your assignment.

Note: Generic structural elements like div or span should only be used where there is no more meaningful HTML5 element (e.g. section) that is appropriate.

  1. Homepage (index.html)

This page should contain appropriate title, a description and graphic related to the company. It is up to you to make up the details of the company that is advertising the jobs. It should contain a menu that links to the other pages on your Web site. This same menu should be in every page of your website with an email link to your student email.

  1. PositionDescriptions page (jobs.html)

You need to write a web page with at least 2 position descriptions. For one of these your tutor will allocate you a job title from the IT industry. For the second position, the choice of IT job type is entirely up to you. Why not write a position for the ideal job you would like to do? Be as imaginative as you like.

The HTML on this page must contain:

  • Hierarchicallystructured headings of at least 2 levels
  • More thanone 
  • An
  • Atleast one ordered list
  • Atleast one unordered list
  • Thepage should also have an appropriate 

Your job descriptions should be concise but as a minimum include :

  • Company’sposition description reference number (5 alphanumeric characters)
  • Positiontitle
  • Briefdescription of the position
  • Salaryrange
  • Thetitle of the position to whom the successful applicant will report
  • Key A list of the specific tasks that are to be performed
  • Required qualifications, skills, knowledge and attributes. These should be divided into“essential” and “preferable”. These requirements should include such things as programming languages required, number-of-years of experience required, .

The content of the job description should be appropriately structured with headings, sections, subsections, lists etc. using the appropriate HTML elements.


  1. Jobapplication page (apply.html)

This page has a form that allows a potential candidate to register their interest in the advertised

position. HTML5 data validation should be used to check the user’s input.

The form will allow a potential applicant to fill in the following:


Format requirement

Job reference number

exactly 5 alphanumeric characters

First name

max 20 alpha characters

Last name

max 20 alpha characters

Date of birth



radio inputs grouped using a fieldset and legend

Street Address

max 40 characters


max 40 characters


drop down selection from



exactly 4 digits

Email address

validate format

Phone number

8 to 12 digits, or spaces

Skill list - the last item in list

should read “Other skills...”

checkbox inputs

Other skills


All inputs should have labels. All form values, except the comment textarea are ‘required’ or have a default value (e.g. select and checkbox inputs). The user should not be able to submit the form if any of these required fields are blank.


Data Submission to Server

The form should have a submit button labelled “Apply”. When this button is clicked the name- values from the associated form should be sent to the server using the post http method. The server action address is https://mercury.swin.edu.au/it000000/formtest.php. The server will then just echo back the name value pairs to the client. While nothing will be stored on the server in this part of the assignment (we will do this in Part 2) this will allow the form submission to be tested.

  1. Apage about your group (about.html)

This page will contain information on the following:


HTML element to be used

Your group name

Definition list

Your group ID

Definition list

Your tutor’s name

Definition list

Course you are doing

Definition list

Photo of your group < 100k

HTML figure element

Your timetable (assume you all have the

same timetable)

HTML table

A mailto link to your group email.


It could also include group profile, such as programming skills, working experiences, interests, or information that is related to your group. This extra information gives you an opportunity to extend the techniques you apply in your assignment, and could include:

  • Demographicinformation about all of you
  • Descriptionof your hometown
  • Alist of your group members’ favourite books, music, films 
  1. CSSRequirements

No style markup should be included in your HTML file.

The pages in your website must be styled with CSS and have a consistent ‘look and feel’, particularly common elements such as menus, headers and footers. While the emphasis is this assignment is on the appropriate application of techniques rather than graphic design, your pages should follow basic usability / accessibility principles, e.g. distinguishable foreground and background colours, and font readability, etc.

Create your own design and implement it using one single external stylesheet that applies to all

your Web pages. This file should be named style.css and placed in a styles folder on the server.

The stylesheet should style the common elements on all your web pages, and address the following specific style requirements.

  1. Comments: The CSS should include comments at the beginning of the CSS file to identifyauthor and purpose. Individual line comments should be used as necessary to explain particular styles and explain where they are 
  2. Selectors: All the following CSS Selectors should be used appropriately at some point in thisassignment:
    • element,#id, .class, grouping, contextual
    • pseudoclass, pseudo element
  3. Menu:The menu should have its own set of styles applied. Use a background 
  4. IndexPage: Demonstrated the following specific CSS rules on the html page:
    • displaya background 
  5. PositionDescriptions Page: Demonstrated the following specific CSS rules on the html


  • elements should have their font variant, size and family etc. set using theshort-hand font

  • The
  • The
  • The footer should cover the full width of the page the footer text should be in asmall font and centred in the .
  1. AboutPage: Demonstrated the following specific CSS rules on the html page:
    • Style the definition list so that each
      is on the left and the
      on the right in asingle  Set the dt to have a common width.
    • The photo should be styled with a single border using the short-hand border-property, and the figure should be floated to the right of the definition list
    • should be centred within the section, headings in bold, table cells with abackground colour specified in hexadecimal format
    • Theemail should be style similarly to the definition 
    • Allpages: should have a fluid layout (the page should “Reflow” on page resize).
    • Other CSS selectors and properties can be used as necessary and appropriate for the presentation

      Do not include any proprietary CSS mark-up, such as –moz- or –webkit etc.




      Note: Make sure you get all the basics working first before you attempt any enhancements. See the marking Guide below.


      The technologies for developing Web applications are rapidly changing. One of the key skills you will need is finding out about these new techniques and applying them. When researching, look at the reliable websites such as the External Links provided on Blackboard. This assessment gives you an opportunity to demonstrate your ability to implement features/techniques that go beyond the specified requirements above. It also provides you with an opportunity to demonstrate your ability to discover techniques from a range of sources and apply them in a standards compliant manner.


      These enhancements need to be implemented within the required web pages (index.html, product.html, enquire.html, about.html). The extra feature needs to enhance your web site in a meaningful and relevant way.

      List and describe each enhancement implemented on the separate enhancements.html page, and describe how you have significantly extended the basic HTML and CSS beyond the lecture and tutorials. Hyperlink from this list to where the feature is implemented in your Web site.

      If it is a CSS feature, hyperlink to an example of the html that is selected by the CSS rule. For each enhancement feature briefly explain:

      ? how it goes beyond the basic requirements of the assignment

      ? what code is needed to implement the feature

      ? the references to any third party sources for the technique, (e.g. URL) must be cited.

      ? a hyperlink to where you have applied that extension in your Web site

      (this is needed so the tutor can quickly assess your enhancements during the demonstration).

      ? All enhancements must be able to run on Firefox. Make sure you check this.

      A maximum of 2 enhancements will be assessed (up to 10 marks each). Examples of HTML/CSS enhancements you might make that will contribute a high distinction mark include:

      • Effective,appropriate and innovative use of a number of distinct HTML elements not covered in tutorials (e.g. Image maps, Canvas, etc) used in a way that improves the user experience of the website.
      • A number of additional CSS properties or selectors (e.g. support for interactivity, animation)not covered in the tutorials. For example the use of a range CSS3 pseudo-elements and classes, child or siblings combinators, attribute selectors, etc. (e.g. use the CSS3 :target selector to help us see where you have applied your enhancements.)
      • Implement Responsive Design with additional CSS that presents your website specifically formobile phone / tablet sized 

      Discuss your proposed enhancements with you tutor before you implement them.

      The number of marks you receive for an enhancement will be at the sole discretion of your tutor/marker. As a guide if the enhancement has only taken a couple of lines of code it is likely to be trivial.

      • Berelevant to / enhance the content of the website
      • Bewell described (as explained above)
      • Benon-trivial.
      • Besignificantly different from other features you have implemented.

      Note: Do not include JavaScript in this part of the assignment.

      Web Site Folder Structure and Deployment

      The directory structure of your website is described below. You can create additional HTML files for your content (depending on what your content requires), but the following is needed:


      • HTMLfiles should only be in the base “assign1/” folder – not anywhere else.
      • Allimages used for the content should be stored in the “assign1/images/” 
      • Allimages used for the style should be stored in the “assign1/styles/images/” folder.
      • Thereshould be a “style.css” file in the “assign1/styles/” 
      • All links to your files (CSS or images) should be relative. Do not use absolute links, asthese links will be broken when files are transferred for marking. No marks will be allocated if links are 


      Project Report (Individual Task)

      The project report is an individual task. Your report must be professionally written (within 1800 words). Table 1 presents the suggested structure for the report and some sample content for each section of the report.

      Table 1. Components of Report and Requirements




      · Report title

      · Your name

      · Student ID


      · Website introduction

      · Objective of the report

      · Outline of the report’s structure

      Website Content

      · Introduce the purpose of each page and main content of each page

      · Some technical details on how you use HTML markups

      · A sitemap

      Website Style

      · Introduce the presentation of your website

      · Some technical details on how you use CSS markups

      · Screenshots to show the design/user interface

      Key Features

      · Highlight the key / innovative features of the website

      · Describe your enhancements (if you have them)

      Your Contribution

      · List and discuss your main contributions


      · Summary of the report

      · Recommendations for future improvements


      · (Optional) List of reference materials if used


      · (Optional) Information that supports but is not essential to the report

      Short Video (Team Task)

      Create a short video to introduce and demonstrate your web application.

      • Uploadyour video to youtube
      • Createa hyper link in the html page of your website, link it to your youtube video
      • Everyteam member must present in the demonstration video for a similar amount of time
      • Thetotal length of the video should be between 4 to 5 


      The marks are allocated 50% for team task and 50% for individual task in this assignment.

      • Theweb application (team task)
      • Theshort video (team task)
      • Projectreport (individual task)

      Assignment Submission (Canvas + Mercury)

      Your website should be uploaded to Mercury on or before your deadline.

      An electronic copy of your assignment should be submitted through Canvas on or before your deadline.

      • Make sure all your website files are in the correct folders and compress your root folder withall your sub-folders with HTML, CSS, and images into a zip file named “assign1.zip”. Submit this to Canvas by your team leader. When the zip file is decompressed, the entire website should be able to be run from html without needing to move any files.
      • You don’t need to submit the demonstration Youtube video. You only need to include ahyperlink in the html page pointing to your Youtube video.
      • Everystudent needs to submit their individual project report to 
      • Everystudent needs to submit their peer evaluation form to 
      • Youcan submit more than once through  Your last submission will be marked.
      • Notethat all deliverables must be submitted 

      Website Requirements Checklist



      Menu that links (consistent menu on all pages) ?

      Header with appropriate context including title ? Footer ?

      CSS: Background graphic ?

      Menu appropriately formatted with background colour ?




      Headings (at least contiguous 2 levels) ?

      Ordered list ?, Unordered list ?, 2+ Sections ?, Aside ?

      CSS: Aside 25% viewport width ?, floats right ?, coloured border ?

       font variant, size family set ? Footer full page width ?



      Text input with HTML format checking for: job ref no (=5 char) ?, names (<20 char) ?, address (<40 char ) ?, postcode (=4 digits) ?, email ?, phone number (8 to 12 digits)>

      ? Appropriate input for date ?

      Radio buttons for gender with fieldset ?

      Dropdown box for state? Skills check boxes ? Text area ?

      Labels linked with 'for' (test by 'clicking' on label) ?

      Data for all inputs returned from server correctly ?



      definitions lists ? lists single line common width ?

      photo in figure ? border as specified ? float right ?

      timetable ? timetable format as specified ? email link works ?


      CSS (general)

      Appropriate use of selectors: grouping ?, context ?, pseudo ?

      Fluid page flow (relative dimensions) ?


      Good Practice / In-house Standard

      (It will cause deductions if these good practice / in-house standards are not followed)



      Page design


      - Well designed structure


      - Appropriate contrast in colours


      - Appropriate use of fonts


      - Consist application of style across pages


      - Appropriate application of styles




      - Job descriptions have sufficient quantity (200 words +)


      - Job descriptions is sufficient quality


      - About.html content meets spec


      - Images (including portrait) present and appropriate file size




      - Meta-data follows in-house standard


      - HTML has no embedded Style markup CSS is fully separated from HTML


      - No deprecated elements/attributes used


      - No inappropriate use of HTML semantics

      (e.g. use of 


       should be used)


      - HTML follow usability standards  (e.g. alt on images)


      - Comments adequate




      - No redundant CSS or unused selectors


      - Appropriate header comments (match in-house standard)


      - Appropriate use of selectors (e.g. Class versus ID)


      - Appropriate line comments


      Web site


      - Directory Structure as defined above


      - Third party content inadequately acknowledged

      Note: Failure to acknowledge the source of third party code or content is plagiarism and may result in zero marks for this assessment or other penalties in accord with Swinburne policy.

  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : April 01st, 2023
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 279

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